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  1. vector

    PS2 key logger

    seriously a usb to ps/2 adapter is like 50 cents, hardware keyloggers have many benefits, for one they arent detected by any software AV/firewalls, second, most people dont look at the back of their computers to look for any hardware keyloggers, third its useful if youre not able to sniff/mitm, or any other network based spoof on your target. you basically just set it and forget it, then come pick it up later. however parsing through all the keystrokes to find useful data is sometimes tricky.
  2. you dont understand. if your bios version/motherboard does not support that boot function then it dosnt matter what type of usb device you use or how new it is, it simply wont work.
  3. dude you can totally setup something like that with the calendar. you can setup meals and supplements as appointments and set the time days frequency etc that you want the alarm to go off for each one. i would use it for my meals and supplements but im a pro i got that shit down and i dont need a clock to remind me.
  4. if you didnt buy the phone unlocked sometimes the carrier will lock out certain features such as "internet sharing mode" and "bluetooth DUN". but my suggestion to you would be to tether your phone using the usb cable and use it as a dial up modem rather than a wireless access point. you should be able to do this in linux with kppp or some other simmilar DUN app. and youll need to get the dial up id and pass for your carrier. for example i have cingular/att so my dial up number is *99***1# user id is WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM and password is CINGULAR1. youll also have to set the modem init string command, it should go something like this AT+CGDCONT=1,?IP?,?internet?,?”,0,0 then you should be able to dial up and use your nokia phone as a usb modem. this is even simpler in windows.
  5. you need to be a little more specific about what you need. first aircrack is just one application contained in the aircrack-ng suite, aircrack itself dosnt use any wireless cards for anything, now if youre talking about airodump, aireplay, etc thats another story. also your motherboards wireless card IS the RTL8187L chipset, which as of right now wont work with airodump in windows, and if it wont work in airodump then youre not gonna crack anything. youre better off getting a cheap wireless card online, if you want good compatibilty in windows i would suggest some flavor of atheros chipset preferrably 5001-5008. read the compatibility chart that dingleberries posted and buy one of those compatible cards, you can probably get a good one for under 10 bucks. you should also take some time and RTFM and actually learn how the aircrack-ng tools work and what each one does. and if youre interested in some other tools and apps for auditing your own wireless network in windows just drop me a pm or see me in irc, (it's in my sig) and i can help you out with some good stuff. in the future you might want to be specific about the OS that youre using too.
  6. vector


    if youll actually notice i did give you two suggestions in my post.
  7. vector


    in my opinion crackberry devices are shit. they have far less features than devices that cost half as much. shitty 3rd party app support crappy interface and slow as shit performance. my wife has a crackberry 8820 and i would never ever ever recommend a crackberry, ive used palm devices for years and recently moved to windows mobile, my current device is an HTC touchpro and soon i will be getting the HTC touch HD both of which are a dream compared to the best blackberry device. theres nothing cool i was able to do with my wifes crackberry except for mobiscope and gpsed. but thats about it.
  8. you should be able to change these settings in whichever video player program youre using to play your video files.
  9. ok youre jumping all over the place here. ou need to understand the difference between MITM, monitor mode, promiscuous mode, arp spoofing, port mirroring, etc etc are. now you can capture wireless traffic encrypted or unencrypted even if youre not associated to the LAN, and you can capture traffic while youre associated to the lan by arp spoofing, port mirroring, in either promiscuous mode or non promiscuous mode, but you need to understand when to do which. and how one affects the other.
  10. if you have a halfway decent tv tuner card you should be able to record your screen no problem. both of mine allow me to do this.
  12. Well that setting has to be enabled through the bios, you might want to check and see that youre using the latest bios version. other than that i dont know what to tell you.
  13. yeah my post wasnt really directed towards your OP, its just that ive seen a million threads that start out with something simple like "which linux is best to start out with" and then totally spirals out of control in a huge flame/distro war. so sorry if it seemed like i was trolling your threa. that wasnt my intent. i am one of the few people ive seen that actually defend windows. so again apologies for thread hating on your topic.
  14. oh wow another windows hate thread. i guess windows bashing never gets old for people.i personally love using windows. peoples claims of slow performance and the need for "super hardware" just to even run vista are so exaggerated. all i ever see from people is "ZOMG WINDOWS R TEH SUX" "LINUXES R00LS D00D" but they really have no idea what theyre even talking about. and all this nonsense of security issues is silly. if youre able minded enough to install and configure any flavor of linux then you should be wise enough to safely use any windows OS, if not then you basically fail at computers. Windows is a wonderfully versatile OS compatible with shit tons of hardware. plug n play no bullshitting around with buggy ass drivers and patches just to get a simple video card to work halfway properly. yeah i know now someones gonna come back and say "YAH BUT THATS JUST BECAUSE M$ HAS MORE MARKET SHARE THATS WHY THEY HAVE BETTER DRIVER SUPPORT" really i dont give a shit why windows does it better than linux, as long as it does it. then im sure someone will also bring up the fact that they cant run vista on their pentium II 300mhz 32 megs of ram box. "ZOMG VISTA SUX CUZ I CANT RUN IT ON MAH ANTIQUE BOX" basically windows is easier to use nicer to look at, and because its the most widely use OS in the world I can go to my friends house, to work, to a public internet cafe etc and instantly be familiar with the layout of the operating system. can you imagine tons of companies and end users using different flavors of linux? its hard enough finding good tech support as it is, now imagine some helpdesk fag trying to troubleshoot a problem and not even knowing where to start. and as far as the answers to any nix problem staring you in the face on the first google link, heh hardly heres a good example right here just recently posted. http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=10466&hl= . basically theres nothing that i "need" linux for i can do everything i need to get done and want to get done in windows with less hastle. you see a windows user really never "needs" linux for anything but linux users almost always "need" windows for something. notice i said almost so dont start flaming me up about how you can do everything you need to in linux. basically windows bashing is played out and lame, it dosnt make you look cool or add l33t points to your profile, noone is gonna give you more "hacker" props for being a Luser. anyways thats my 2 cents. /me prepares for flame.
  15. usually theres an auto on/off setting in the bios that will tell the computer to turn on or, ya you guessed it, off at a specified time.
  16. even though the binfags over there at binary revolution pissed me the fuck off, they used to have a decent radio show, a couple of good episodes you might want to listen to are #162 and #164 with verbal. http://www.binrev.com/radio/archive.php?p=4
  17. i havent used 7zip in a while but heres some screen shots of how to do it in winrar the first thing you want to do is check the box that says "put authenticity verification" and "lock archive". the next one youll want to chose a password.
  18. winrar does support aes encryption also, but just tossing a bunch of files into a single encrypted archive could be easily cracked by something like elcomsoft advanced archive password recovery. one way you could make it nearly impossible is to give every single file within the archive a different password. but then you might just go ahead and forget all that. i suppose theres lots of things you can do to hide/protect your data. the attrib commands to hide files from even system administrators, multiple encryption methods, physical security from your data backups, etc. it just all depends on how important your data is and how hard you think someone will try to get to it. i mean if youre trying to hide some side sluts phone number from your wife or your myspace passwords, i wouldnt go too far trying to protect your data. but the bottom line is, if computers can make it, then computers can take it apart. youre never 100% secure.
  19. you can have unassociated stations and AP's but once a station associates it then becomes a client, so you cant really have an unassociated client. also i dont know that airodump is the best wardriving app. i do all of my wireless pwning in windows, and a few of my favorite apps are of course netstumbler, wifi-hopper, xirrus wifi scanner for the vista sidebar, and i have a couple for my windows mobile phone that i like, wi fi fo fum, and airscanner wireless sniffer. you also want to see which stations are wired and which are wireless, and get a nice visual map of the wireless/wired nodes on the wlan that youre connected to, as well as others around you. i like to use commview for wifi. i put a few screenshots to show how it can be broken down to see which ip/mac/alias is talking to which others.
  20. i personally dont mind helping anyone. it dosnt bother me to walk someone through something step b step. maybe sometimes its easier to understand comming from someone who has been in the same position and knows how to explain it in a way that will make sense. alot of tutorials you come accross on google dont do that. but yes i do agree that you should do some info searching on your own, but t i dont think its unreasonable to have 50% handed to you and 50% self taught. i personally wouldnt turn someone away with a question but if they keep comming back asking the same shit over and over again it gets frustrating. usually most people just want to see what other peoples experiances have been in a simmilar situation, and i think thats why topics like this get started.
  21. this can sometimes work for drives that arent spinning correctly or that have stuck heads, but i would advise you to be very careful of condensation when putting the drive back into the computer.
  22. both are just as easy to crack. why dont you try something like encrypting the files, maybe changing the file extensions also, then throwing them into a password protected zip or rar.
  23. deauthentication requests should be sent to clients on behalf of the AP not sent to AP's themselves. also certain clients may ignore broadcast deauth requests, in which case you may need to send several packets at different intervals, or pick to send to specific clients.
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