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Everything posted by vector

  1. i think hes talking about how to use his belkin router in client mode.
  2. i hit the gym hard about 10-15 hours a week, and other than that im usually online.
  3. well there's the Touch Diamond and there's the Touch Pro, but there's no Diamond Pro.
  4. are you trying to share your internet connection over wireless in XP or in vista? you have two options that you can do. first and probably easiest is to setup an ad-hoc connection after you have shared your wired internet connection to your wireless card, once you complete an adhoc connection to the other device you should be getting a solid connection to the internet just fine. you may also need to check your firewall settings. tell me if youre using XP or vista then i can give you a proper walk through on getting ICS working over your wireless card.
  5. any card on any platform is capable of monitor mode if theres a driver written for it. you basically insinuated in your post that there was no way this could work in windows. its ok just admit you were mistaken and move on. if im wrong about something its cool i accept it learn from it and keep going.
  6. theres qute a few rom flashes for it. the only one ive used is the one from the htc site that unlocks the 850mhz band, i was thinking about installing android on it to mess around with droid and see what its all about.
  7. this is not correct. commview for wifi is perfectly capable of monitor mode.
  8. i like the advanced config utliity for it. you need to install the latest .net CF though but the advanced config utility lets yo uunlock all sorts of extras and totally customize the screen, startup animations, touch sensitivity, speed, accelerometer response, etc.
  9. are you serious? that phone is craptastic. id rather not have to install and OS on my phone. ill happily take a touch flo 3d phone with the latest windows mobile on it anyday. sooo many apps and so many features. i dont think that having to install your own os on a phone makes it badass in anyway. im looking for features, options, compatibility, useability etc etc. what i can do with my phone is much more important than what i have to do to my phone to get it function properly. thats one reason i love unlocked phones. all the options and features the manufacturer intended.
  10. htc touch diamond and touch pro, i have just ordered the htc touch HD and it should be here in about a week. i love anything that htc makes, no other company even comes close. if you have the money i would highly recomend at least an htc touch pro. i perfer to buy my phones unlocked, that way i dont have to deal with carriers locking out certain features and crippling the phones.
  11. ok well i listed essential nettools which will do exactly what youre talking about. you should actually look into the tools people post for you.
  12. you looking for an app that will give you a visual map of your network including device information for any devices connected to your lan? theres a couple that i like to use in windows, the first one is essential nettools, and the other is network magic pro.
  13. one of my virtual desktops on this lappy
  14. why not just use windows firewall?
  15. ok you need to back up a little. first of all you dont actually crack any hashes with a rainbow table or .rt. rainbow tables are used by certain cracking programs like rainbowcrack and others to crack hashed passwords. also yuo have to make sure the .rt youre using matches they type of hash youre trying to crack, for example, the character set, the length of the password, the case (uppercase/lowercase or both) hash types MD5, NTLM, and the list goes on. without getting all technical, i suggest you read about hash functions, cryptographic hash function, and shit like that to better understand how a cracking a password hash actually works.
  16. you dont need to know your hard drive speeds, i was just using that as an example of one of the factors that can impact file transfer rates. not to get off topic but theres many different factors that will also impact read/write performance of your hard drive. things like platter size, data density, rotational speed, raid configuration, etc etc. but i wouldnt worry about all that for now. just focus on one thing at a time. also you probably dont specifically need a crossover cable to directly connect one computer to another, most modern NIC's can automatically detect another computer connected with a straight-through cable and then automatically introduce the required crossover if needed.
  17. you need to check which type of NIC's or network interface cards you have already. if youre only using 10/100 cards in your computers then just buying cat6 cables wont do you any good, also you want to look at your router/switch and make sure its up to par, if you have upgraded all your computers with 10/100/1000 NICs but youre still hooked up to a 10/100 router on your LAN then that also will do you no good unless youre connecting computers directly to each other. you have to look at the weakest link in your setup and start there, even if you did get a nice multimode fiber setup for your home LAN it would exceed the read/write speed of your harddrives and probably even the bandwidth of whichever interface your were using. so yes the best cost/performance ratio for you would be cat6 and 10/100/1000 network cards for your setup. file transfer speeds are dependent on more than just the cable you use, you have to factor in the type of harddrive, the type of harddrive setup for example raid, the harddrive connection interface for example PATA, SATA, SATA II, 3g etc etc. you might have the ability to transfer huge amounts of data but if the rest of your setup isnt in line with that then you'll only be limited to whichever hardware is bottlenecking you.
  18. heres some of the shit i pack with me when im on the road. not shown here is a couple of wireless cards, an inverter, and i'll usually take my xps m1330 or 1530 with me as well. also a couple cell phones. htc Touch HD and my ipaq travel companion. as well as various other cables.
  19. vector

    no music

    I suppose i would just use vlc player and be done with it
  20. ok from what it looks like, youre trying to share your netgear cards internet connection to the fon right? what youre doing wrong is setting all these statics, you shouldnt need to manually set the ips or dns server addys. so when your wireless card is connected to the wrt its will have some local ip of for ex. now when you go into "my netork connections" and go to the properties of your netgear card youll see the "advanced" tab and in there is where you check the "allow other network users to connect through this connection" then you have to pick which interface you want to share your internet to. in this case it would be your local area connection or ethernet card, then right under that youll see another settings tab this is where you have to tell ICS which network features you want internet users to be able to use you need to check off DHCP DNS UPnP, etc. see when you enable ICS windows will set your ethernet connection automatically to and if you dont enable the DHCP and DNS settings for it to use then it wont properly addressany device you plug into your ethernet port. also in the "general" tab of your wireless cards properties youll see interenet protocol TCP/IP check box. highlight it and check the properties of it. it should be set to obtain IPaddress automatically, and obtain DNS servers automatically. you dont need to manually set any of these. the last thing you should check is any software firewall youre running. you may need to tell it that your computer is now a gateway server running NAT, otherwise its gonna fuck with all the arp packets trying to get through. then thats it. also dont bridge any of the connections.
  21. congratulations. i bet youre feeling trendier already.
  22. vector

    PS2 key logger

    I'm not trying to lecture. just exchanging thoughts and ideas and maybe a different perspective.
  23. vector

    PS2 key logger

    well i would think that most people that login to certain sites frequently would be using some type of password manager either the built in browser manager or one from their AV software. most people probably have all their messenger passes saved and set to auto login also so youre not likely to get anything too good if its a computer that someone uses regularly. also you have to search out a user id and pass out of thousands of different keystrokes, and even if you do find one it would be difficult to know which site its for.
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