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Everything posted by vector

  1. well there goes nintendo again, putting a tiny modification in the gameboy that it shouldve already had from the begining. I love how they keep people buying millions of gameboys by making just a tiny little tweak to it that it shouldve had long ago. first was the gameboy color that didnt have a backlit screen, then they rereleased the color with a backlit screen, then they did the same shit with the gameboy advance, then they made they DS, then the DS lite, then the DS lite with wifi or whatever, then the DS super duper lite, now the DS with a camera. what a bunch of shit. before you know it you have a drawer full of fucking gameboys and youve spent more than 1000 dollars on all these fuckin things when they shouldve put everything in the first goddamn gameboy. shit like this is the reason i wont buy anything from nintendo anymore.
  2. why dont you um... look at the system requirements of the games, and then ummm... look at the specs of the machine.
  3. you live in a fuckin igloo?
  4. Yes very nice thanks for the pic. i shouldve done that
  5. suspending your components in the case with heavy duty rubber bands is a good way to cut down on noise and vibration.
  6. there goes the rabid linux fanboy weenies quick to run out and flame anyone for not using their inferior operating system. /me prepares for flame
  7. Exactly. I still dont understand these people that want to carry 50000000000000 songs and 200000000000000 movies with them everywhere on a device that has a 4 hour battery life. i cant even thing of ten thousand songs i even like, shit i cant even think of 10 thousand songs period. im cool with maybe like 500 or so. i mean really when was the last time you sat there for 3 months straight and listened to song after song after song with no break.
  8. i'm guessing it might have been an installation disk for a laptop connect card from verizon wireless or some shit like that.
  9. how is your signal level when you get dropped?
  10. ok so on my verbatim stor n go flash drives they have a little encryption app called v-safe.exe. it basically creates a hidden partition called private. so when you plug the drive in youll only have access to the public area, then you can run the v-safe app and it will prompt you for the password, after that youll be able to see the files in the private area. so you could keep some files in the pirvate partition and then you could encrypt the whole flash drive with any other encryption method.
  11. this is why theres windows. everyone bitches about windows being monopoly and forcing their OS onto people, but this is exactly the type of problem average users will run into when theres 50 different fuckin OS's. there needs to be one main standard for the majority computer users. you cant have your work using one OS your freinds using another OS, you using a different OS at your house, etc ,etc. So while all the linux weenies love to bash the shit out of Windblows, windoze, M$, and MicroShaft just think about all the other people that dont know how how to compile a kernal, patch a driver. Now i agree that, that dumbass lady shouldve just asked someone to help her and it wouldnt have been an issue, but common sense is not that common.
  12. yeah i suppose if theres heavy traffic from multiple stations a wrt54g would failsauce, but you could probably get a wrt310n pretty cheap, maybe 60-80 bucks, or a nice super G router.
  13. why dont you just get a cheapo linksys router and throw dd-wrt on there.
  14. well you bring up a very valid point there.
  15. i dont know why everyone is so gay over the fon. i mean you could totally build your own router small as a credit card and put your own atheros super pimp chipset cards in it for maximum pwnage. heres some from one of my fav online shops http://www.wlanparts.com/category/sbc/ and heres a super pimp newer one from ubiquiti http://www.ubnt.com/products/ministation.php i have a small one that i put together last year that has two XtremeRange2 ubiquiti 600mw mini pci cards.
  16. if your phone has bluetooth DUN capability then you could tether it via bluetooth.
  17. you probably dont have your ICS settings setup correctly for your adapter on your netbook. you should change the tcp/ip settings back to autoget
  18. yeah but then he wont be trendy and cool like all the other kids.
  19. Yeah it's not going to prompt you for a key until you spoof your mac addy to one that the router will accept. another easier way might be to transfer the whole wireless profile from the other computer to the one youre trying to connect with. but even with that you still may need to spoof your mac address for it to prompt you for a key
  20. NO. you don't understand. forget about ip's for a second. your computers wireless card has a MAC address, your computer is communicating with the wireless router using that wireless card. now the virtual machine is communicating with your computer using a virtual network adapter. you'll even see them under your "network connections" tab in windows. you can install as many of them as you want. but they arent real. they're VIRTUAL. its just so that a virtual machine can use your computers network connection, or to connect them to other virtual machines. VIRTUALLY. like everyone has already said, they probably filtered your wireless cards mac address. you can easily spoof this to one that the AP will accept. they may have also added other filters that will stop you from connecting, like internet access time of day and shit like that.
  21. no if mac filtering is enabled on the router it wont prompt you for a passowrd when you try to connect to the access point. this is the same in xp and vista. it will tell you "Please wait while windows connects to the "whatever network". then it will tell you that "Windows was unable to connect to the selected network the network may no longer be in range blah blah"
  22. a little more detail on what exactly is happening would be helpful. are you not able to see the routers signal from your laptop? do you still have internet access if you use the ethernet connections? what type of router is it? how far are you from the router? what type of wireless adapters are you using and how are they configured? what channels etc etc.
  23. airscanner mobile security suite, wifi fo fum, pocket putty, mochasoft vnc viewer, mochasoft telnet/ssh client, check HTC for rom updates, also you might want this http://la.gg/v/Advanced_Configuration_Tool_v3.0.zip, but you need to install .net 2.0cf first, that will help you unlock alot of shit, mobiscope, mobiola webcam3. i cant remember the others right this second, i'll post the rest later. if you need any help with those apps lemmie know.
  24. Apple isnt the only game in town when it comes to super pimp user interfaces.my HTC phones are a good example. the htc touch diamond runs windows mobile 6.1, has a superior touch interface (touchFLO 3d) accelerometers, 528mhz processor, opera and IE for browsers, both of which play flash vids without a problem, 3.2 megapixel cam, and a vga front cam for video calling, wifi, bluetooth (and tons of bluetooth services like ftp, DUN, media remote, etc etc) a 640x480 resolution compared to the ipods 320x240, gps, 3g,hsdpa (up to 7.2mbps data rate) gsm and cdma capabilities, completely programable voice commands for calling or launching apps, etc etc etc, the list goes on. alsotheres a few benefits to using windows media player to sync your media, number one you can have your media files automatically transcoded to your devices specifications. so if i have a movie that i want to sync to my phone that is 1500kbps bitrate and 1920x1080 resolution for example it will automatically convert it to play on my phone, this way i dont need to have double copies of my media (one for the computer and one for the phone) taking up space. this is something that itunes just dosnt do. i can basically do anything in WMP that someone can do in itunes, but one benefit i have over itunes is that i can also drag and drop files to and from my phone or just send them over bluetooth. one drawback i suppose is that it only has 4 gigs of internal memory, but thats not really a big deal beacuse i can stream any files i want straight from my home server over a data connection, so actually i have unlimited space if you think about it. and if you think theres not a shit load of windows mobile apps you better take a closer look. WM has been around for quite some time and theres more apps than you can use or even install on a WM phone, not to mention the java apps that you can also run. the windows office mobile suite apps are nice also, never know when you might need to throw a powerpoint preso together with your phone. basically its far more customizeable and versatile than an ipod touch could ever be. shit like gps tagging your pictures so that you can upload them to google earth, and being able to use it as an IP phone, or a wireless ip camera, are some of the reasons why i say a nice smartphone is a far better choice. see the thing about fanboys is that they usually jump on the bandwagon and get what everyone else has. just because everyone has one dosnt mean its the best device bang for your buck. i just recently got the HTC touch HD also and that just completely pwns every mobile device out right now, but of course it did cost alot more than an ipod touch. so i guess what im trying to say is that, if youre going to carry a cell phone anyways, then why not pass on the ipod and get a super pimp cell phone that does it all and then some.
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