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Faith +1

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    US, Arizona

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  1. There are some with L3 & DHCP its not exactly "cheap" (500 bucks or so). If this is just for LAN gaming - go with the cheapest solution. 24port switch with one computer running a dhcp server free program. If it is for a business - get a 2948 switch with layer 3, run DHCP off of the switch if cost is a factor.
  2. you can check out wifiscanner. It looks as if the signal strenght of the node you are trying to find will change as it gets stronger or weaker. Not exactly sure though. Linux OS. You could try this with a VM session for XP not sure how well it woks that way. Let us know if you get this working, seems like a good idea to be able to find a user on a wireless network for security reasons, e.g. someone wants to deauth or start running arp poisen attacks.
  3. wouldnt this already be implied since each NIC has its own mac. You would then be required to statically assigned the unique IP?
  4. if you guys have a spare router (broadband one) sitting around, just throw it on the network as your dhcp server. Or do the free dhcp server that was suggested to set up IP's then turn it off since you can change the lease to however long you plan on having the party.
  5. I agree. I cant believe how well they have done with a product that is free for general use. Agreed. They just need to make it leaner - I'm not the only one that finds it bloated. Right, I hear you.. but when you can work on document files or powerpoint files from work or school for free.. the problem with the program itself goes away when you walk up to a register for the student version of office proffesional and they say that will be 190 please. Or the regular office for 280 if you arent a student.
  6. I think this is the obligatory - Xbox reply. I love booting my linux on my Xbox just to show people that something microsoft puts out is useful.
  7. I guess if your goal is to crack the wireless network for the challenge you could use some of the timelines above as guidence. But in factuality if you are using the wireless network to do things to other places you shouldnt be doing it to then you would just roll down the block till you find an open one wouldnt you?
  8. I agree. I cant believe how well they have done with a product that is free for general use.
  9. The history function. Sweetness. Go back to the page you want.. not the other crap.
  10. that one is freaking cool.
  11. Gotta love that :-) Ty for the info.
  12. http://images.southparkstudios.com/games/create/ Make your own and let us see :-)
  13. Thats a sweet *nix version of a monitor.
  14. It is :-) Best resource out there and its always done well for tutorials.. if... they had them. If they didnt, then you were kinda screwed and had to go to the manufacturers website to figure it out for your friend over the net :-p
  15. well i've had a lot of headsets , and the ozaki one's have lasted me the longest , also if u play older games don't go for a usb one (they tend to give some problems i used to have a expensive high end one with digital 7.1 sound but when using it with cs 1.6 at a certain moment it was like playing the sounds at double speed verry irritating) the DSP 500 USB version works great for cs1.6 and CS:S from what my experience and what my friends tell me.
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