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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Someone set up us the bomb!
  2. How do you plan on saving this information? ;) ramdisk -> compress -> upload :ninja:
  3. Milan


    Good job fucking yourself over. :roll:
  4. W3C HTML Validator -- http://validator.w3.org/ WDG HTML Validator -- http://htmlhelp.com/tools/validator/ CSS Validators: W3C CSS Validator -- http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ Further Accessibility Validation: Bobby -- http://webxact.watchfire.com/ Cynthia Section 508/WCAG checker -- http://contentquality.com/ XHTML and CSS Tutorials: 1. http://htmldog.com/ 2. http://csszengarden.com/ (Not quite a CSS tutorial, but it works) 3. http://css-discuss.incutio.com/ 4. http://w3schools.com/ (recommended for reference only) 5. http://makubesu.ath.cx/tutorial/ 6. http://tizag.com/ Apache Help: 1. http://httpd.apache.org/ 2. http://autoindex.sourceforge.net/forum/apache.php (justin's guide to installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL) 3. http://apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html 4. http://appservnetwork.com/ 5. http://wampserver.com/ (Windows only. Apache, PHP5, and MYSQL) PHP Tutorials: 1. http://hudzilla.org/phpbook/ 2. http://phpfreaks.com/ 3. http://tizag.com/ 4. http://php.net/ (recommended for reference only) MySQL: 1. http://mysql.org/ 2. http://tizag.com/ Free Webhosting: 1. http://free-webhosts.com/ (large database of free host, categorized and searchable) 2. http://sitesled.com/ Paid Webhosting: 1. http://bihira.com/ 2. http://godaddy.com/ (for Domain Names, if you already have hosting) 3. http://telana.com/ (If you need PHP5 and MySQLi) 4. http://joako.net/ (PHP5) Text Editors, IDEs: 1. http://vim.org/ (VIM) 2. http://jedit.org/ (jEdit) 3. http://gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html (Emacs) 4. http://crimsoneditor.com/ (Crimson Editor) 5. http://chami.com/html-kit/ (HTML-Kit, Win32 only) 6. http://tinyurl.com/admel (Working link for Winsyntax) 7. http://scintilla.sourceforge.net/ (Scintilla/SciTE) Dynamic DNS: 1. http://no-ip.com/ 2. http://dyndns.org/ Website colors: 1. http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html 2. http://colourlovers.com/ 3. http://colormixers.com/ 4. http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html 5. http://lynda.com/hex.html 6. http://december.com/html/spec/color.html Layout Help: 1. http://thenoodleincident.com/tutorials/box_lesson/index.html Taken from: http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessag...;topic=21847755
  5. Milan

    Nat to Nat

  6. Milan

    Nat to Nat

    One thing is certain, it's not a dump truck.
  7. RSS feeds are a standard feature IIRC
  8. If your router can handle it, http://www.hackingdefined.com/index.php/Ge..._Linksys_Router would be sweet to have
  9. Milan

    C2k Hack

    http://www.buzzsurf.com/surfatwork/ Use google next time
  10. he typo'd the url: http://www.usbhacks.com/ It doesn't really claim ownership to the hacks though
  11. You can compile python scripts to run on any windows platform with py2exe without the need of the interpreter.
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