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Everything posted by Garda

  1. No you did the right thing. Armadaender, you needed to join the online craze before we all murdered you. I personally have never played it and have no intention of doing so. I'm just to afraid. I KNOW I'll get addicted
  2. I'm totally embarrassed. That hello world not only doesn't compile. It's extremely n00bish and full of mistakes. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class output1 { public: void message1(); }; void output1::message1() { cout << "hello world" << endl; } int main() { output1 class1; class1.message1(); return 0; } This code actually compiles
  3. not this again /* Copyright (C) 2006 Garda This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; class output1 { public: void message1(); }; void output1::message1 { return "hello world!n"; } int main() { output1.message1(); return 0; }
  4. *ZOMG PONIES!!!!!!!!!!*
  5. http://unpluggedpodcast.com/Spektormax%27s_payload.rar a nicer link so that people don't have to copy and paste
  6. I love the Daily show piece that they did on this. Congressmen are allocated tasks according to how ineffective they will be in that area. Foley, the sexual deviant, given the task of protecting children from sexual exploitation. Ted Stevens, an old guy why knows nothing about computers or the internet, who believes the internet is indeed a series of tubes, given the task of regulating it.
  7. Garda

    USB Switchblade

    Switchblade questions go in the switchblade thread. I'm pretty sure this, and the thread just below are gonna get deleted as soon as one of the mods drops by.
  8. your webserver doesn't like me :( "404 Not Found"
  9. There's nothing wrong with KDE. It has really cool apps. So what if it's heavy, that means that it's feature packed. Konqueror is a really great app. It lets you do cool stuff like this: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6691/snapshot6nd3.png
  10. Desktop busy and empty: http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/5783/snapshot4xz9.png http://img301.imageshack.us/img301/5087/snapshot5li0.png That's my computer that i left at my parent's place. I'm not down here that often. I don't have a computer where I live, I can only get to one at uni. That's why I'm on the boards all the time, but not IRC that much. Everything that doesn't go through the web proxy gets blocked. A geek without a computer; it's like having your balls cut off. :( My desktop is pretty messy. It accurately reflects everything else in my life. My desk, my bag, my room... everything in my life is disorganised. Thanks to testmad, the wallpaper is awesome
  11. Actually I don't think it was the title. My article actually got lots of diggs, it had enough to get to the front page earlier than the Djoek one, since mine was the one put in the IRC topic. I was actually thinking about this after I noticed that mine was taken off upcoming after only a couple of hours. Djoek actually posted first and so when people saw mine it was a dupe and so they dugg it down. When I realised this I told one of the IRC admins to put the Djoek one in the topic for everyone to digg up. I found it interesting because in a small way it reveals something about the mentality of digg users. That they digg articles down to keep the front page clean. It's really great that the show made it to the front page.
  12. nice work, haven't tried it yet though
  13. Garda


    of the windows front ends to wget that i've used wackget is the simplest http://millweed.com/ there are others that i like better because they have more functionality, but this is the simplest to use
  14. Since you have nothing better to do, watch some cnnnn, it's what i was doing just now. the chasers are piss funny. Don't watch the first 3 if you are sensitive to americans being portrayed as idiots http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChBKqcRpmDs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssgYfpJzAR4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CQNDuOBgi0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R6DfwqUSuY
  15. The NSA has probably already done this and is just sitting around laughing at us...as they read these posts being intercepted by their echelon system. Yes they do read our messages, they do NOT have better things to spend their time on. And spektormax. PARAGRAPHS. Dude, just arbitrarily press enter every so often as you're writing your message if you can't manage anything else
  16. SHA512 not really implemented all that widely, and it would take REALLY long and be REALLY big, but why the hell not. There's no use for it, but lets just do it anyway. But seriously, if you have nothing to do with your extra CPU time, why not just leave a folding client on running. At least that way you're helping scientists to fold proteins.
  17. Geez. Turns out it was all a bunch of crap anyway http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2023762,00.asp apparently just a crappy little DoS that some guys thought to make a big deal over. All this talk about a stupid little hoax
  18. I think this is what you need http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1264
  19. I don't think that even writing it in assembly would make that much of a difference. Anyone got a supercomputer lying around. Actually, the NSA is probably reading this, i'll just ask them. Hey, NSA, can we borrow one of your supercomputers just for a little, like, just to crack this little number? /me sits and waits
  20. I read an mostly understood it. problem is, like was mentioned before, people much smarter, better educated and with better equipment than us are probably already working on the problem. Now i'm not one to just quit and be a loser about things, but it makes no sense to fight battles you couldn't win. if however, you still wanna try, for whatever dumb reason, i'll be willing to join you in your pointless endeavor. oh, and get firefox 2, it has built in spell check. Trust me, you'll certainly make good use of it; and think about using paragraphs.
  21. i've tried opera, but would have to say that i like firefox better. In fact, i've been using FF2RC1 and it's really cool. I have set it up exactly how i want it, it is seriously cool. I've used Opera. Obviously it's better than IE6, that goes without saying, but i personally didn't like it that much. The only other browser that i would recommend is Konqueror. At first i thought it was kinda ugly, but it seriously grows on you. it's a shame that it's the meaning of bloat: Web client, ftp client, file manager and heaps more all in one. If you like bloat though it can be REALLY cool. As well as tabs you can split windows, browse the web, ftp, and whatever else. It does so much it's seriously the killer app of KDE (i heard that somewhere and i think it's true). Only problem is that there's obviously no portable Konqueror, so i can't use it at uni the way that i do FF. It's a shame that not even FF is installed on many of the computers here.
  22. can i recommend this link cos the above one doesn't work nice. also, recommend leaving javascript on, otherwise ugly things happen. I actually hope the PS3 does well. It's not like sony is running low on money or anything like that, but if there is a 3 way war it will be more interesting, except for the fact that 2/3 of all platform games will be unavailable to consumers. It seems that the PS3 is the only one of the 3 platforms with some nice specs. The Xbox360 and the wii kinda have some crappy powerpc chips. This has a hot chip, blu ray player and wireless (for the expensive one). If people settle for the cheaper boxes will developers change to bringing out less powerful gaming machines for cheaper prices?
  23. "Spiegelmock and Wbeelsoi claimed the vulnerability was one of 30 security bugs in Firefox they know of" That's really disturbing. The Mozilla developers are gonna be real pissed with this. I wonder if they're going to go nuts now to fix their javascript implementation. Javascript is basically the heart of the browser, alot of the code that goes into it is in fact javascript. It would not be an easy job, but might be something that they would need to do. However, everyone should be using noScript anyway. It's really effective is controlling when Javascript is allowed. I love the fact that i basically get all the cool websites, digg.com, slashdot.org, and basically everything else without any of the shitty adds.
  24. The first of the twit network's podcasts (i'm so not saying netcast) on windows had extensive coverage on the new office. you can't change the menus, :(
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