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Everything posted by Sparda

  1. Sparda

    Starcraft 2

    Does any one else play SC2? I've been having allot of fun on the ladder, though I am a middle of the middle skilled player (currently 37 in gold). I play Terran mainly. I believe my self to be able to macro and micro decently (abusing the raven's PPD vs stalkers/marauders etc.), but I usually end up getting the wrong unit comp for the big fight.
  2. It's nice to check the basics :D What about memory sticks and external hard disks (and any other devices that store data)?
  3. A rainbow table still takes allot of CPU time (just as much time as a 'normal' brute force attack), you just expend that time long before you actually need to crack some thing. Then you hope what you need to crack was generated and stored in your pre-computational attack.
  4. lol I don't know why I find the sight of a 4 port network adapter so amusing. I've seen duel port fiber adapters, so why is quad port rj45 amusing?
  5. This still looks like spam. If I knew it to be spam... I would have deleted it and banned your account already. Hint: Numbers in your blogs URL makes it look more like spam.
  6. Sparda


    You can either get an internet routable IP address. Alternatively you could figure out how to get the camera to upload it's images to a web server and rent the cheapest web server server possible. Which will be cheaper? Don't know.
  7. The break operator is a way of leaving a loop at any point in the loop. In this instance it will have the same effect as using a variable to control the loop condition.
  8. This is why python is fun (using whitespace as syntax) num1 = 0 num2 = 0 menuOption = "" print "Hello, I'm a number comparison program " while (menuOption != "n"): num1 = input("Enter a number> ") num2 = input("Enter another number> ") if (num1 > num2): print "Your first number is greater" if (num2 > num1): print "Your second number is greater" if (num1 == num2): print "Your numbers are equal" menuOption = raw_input("Enter another number? (y/n)> ") It needs to be in the while loop. Maybe it is in your editor but it failed to copy/paste correctly.
  9. menuOption = raw_input("Enter another number? (y/n)> ") is never executed and thus, menuOption cannot be set to "n" by the user.
  10. I think this trolling has to end...
  11. Function names often use camel casing. But uurmm... coding styles makes use of natural language, so it is difficult for a program to analyze code for natural language errors. You'd basically need to combine a spelling and grammar checker with a syntactic checker adding in additional stuff for white space checking and other stuff. An example where it could mess up, the words old and ling are also another word when put together without changing the spelling (oldling). Thus both runOldling and run runOldLing are valid camel case names. Only way to ensure complete accuracy: read it our self. Similarly, functions name may not merit camel casing for one reason or another (e.g. trainspotter). Basic checks can be done autonomously though but won't be very accurate.
  12. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/python/python_while_loop.htm
  13. while(keep_going) { if (user says no) { keep_going = false; } }
  14. Disable the DCHP server, don't use the WAN port.
  15. you can pretty much do every thing that jasager can do except to pretend to be every AP that is looked for, which is what makes jasager so good.
  16. The point of yaseger is to pretend to be all access points at once. Using a AP with the 'not right' adapter will allow you to easily do the MITM and sniffing and what not, but the victims have to come to you rather than you inviting them in.
  17. I could delete your account if you really want it gone.
  18. You can run minecraft from the jar... java -jar minecraft.jar
  19. You want to steal internet service?
  20. Was probably written in C++ since there was/is a ban on .net code going into Windows.
  21. I founds it: Needs terminal server... wonder if it's possible to get it to working on XP Pro (which does have a retarded version of terminal server). http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...28WS.10%29.aspx
  22. Bare in mind that the operating system and other applications may retain information about the files you are trying to delete. The only way to ensure no information leakage is to completely destroy all data on the hard disk.
  23. Psexe is (essentially) a slightly better version of telnet. There is a version of 'x forwarding' for windows, but it's only available in the server versions I believe (I think it's called remote application hosting or some thing like that). Citrix also offer software like this.
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