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Everything posted by MatthewD

  1. The Droid2 does not have a slot for a sim card. But there might be a way to put the sim card info onto the droid2's internal memory?
  2. Bump, Any one know Lua who is willing to give me a little helping hand or a push in the right direction please? -Matthew.
  3. Hi! I have just bought a droid2 and thought I should give you a helping hand... Sorry to say, but the droid2 has only one core and its a 1Ghz. You can buy the droid2 without a contract, but its $600 (USD) Its around $200-$300 (USD) with a contract. As to the locking/unlocking of the phone, you can root your droid2 very easily (Takes about 10 mins) And sorry to say but the droid2 does not have a slot for a sim card. Version does not use sim cards in there phone, but you might be able to activate it in your home country.
  4. Hi, and thanks for looking at my post! I am a long time viewer and first time poster so please forgive any errors. I am trying to learn Lua and a little MySQL at the same time. I am attempting to setup a local perp2 server for myself. (perp2 is a game mode for Garrys Mod) Also I would like to state that i rather not just be given the answer but more of a push in the right direction as to what the issue is so I can fix it myself (Sounds strange but I am trying to learn :) ) So here is the problem: When I disconnect from the server, the player data does not get saved into the MySQL database. I know the database is working correctly and that the server can add new entries. When I first join the server and register the console spams me with this message until I disconnect: Loading TriConIck's SMF ID... //When I first join the server the server spits this out Loading TriConIck's SMF ID... //Right after i register my account for the server, this is what happens.... Loading TriConIck... Starting var transfer to TriConIck... Loading TriConIck... Loading TriConIck... Loading TriConIck... Loading TriConIck... // I get spamed this message until I disconnect Than once I disconnect the server gives me this error: Refused to save TriConIck. Dropped TriConIck from server (Disconnect by user.) [@garrysmod\gamemodes\perp2\gamemode\sv_networking.lua:72] Tried to use a NULL entity! This is the code block that seems to be spamming my console: function GM.LoadPlayerProfile ( Player ) if (Player.AlreadyLoaded) then return false; end Msg("Loading " .. Player:Nick() .. "...\n"); if (!Player.StartedSendingVars) then Player.StartedSendingVars = true; Msg("Starting var transfer to " .. Player:Nick() .. "...\n"); local curNum = 5; for _, p in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if (p != Player && p.StringRedun) then for k, v in pairs(p.StringRedun) do curNum = curNum + .2; timer.Simple(curNum, function ( ) if (Player && IsValid(Player)) then if (!p || !IsValid(p) || !p.StringRedun[k]) then umsg.Start("perp_umsg_f", Player); umsg.End(); else Player:SendUMsgVar("perp_ums", Player, p, k, v.value, true); end end end); end end end umsg.Start("perp_expect", Player); umsg.Short((curNum - 5) * 5); umsg.End(); end This is the code block responsible for the saving of the player data: tmysql.query("SELECT `id`, `rp_name_first`, `rp_name_last`, `time_played`, `cash`, `model`, `items`, `skills`, `genes`, `formulas`, `organization`, `bank`, `vehicles`, `blacklists`, `ringtone`, `ammo_pistol`, `ammo_rifle`, `ammo_shotgun` FROM `perp_users` WHERE `id`='" .. Player.SMFID .. "'", function ( ) if (!PlayerInfo || !PlayerInfo[1]) then tmysql.query("INSERT INTO `perp_users` (`id`, `uid`, `steamid`, `rp_name_first`, `rp_name_last`, `genes`, `cash`) VALUES ('" .. Player.SMFID .. "', '" .. Player:UniqueID() .. "', '" .. Player:SteamID() .. "', 'John', 'Doe', '5', '500')", function ( ) Player.CanSetupPlayer = true; GAMEMODE.LoadPlayerProfile(Player); end); return; end if (PlayerInfo[1][2] == "John" && PlayerInfo[1][3] == "Doe") then Player.CanSetupPlayer = true; end if (Player.CanSetupPlayer) then Msg("Allowing " .. Player:Nick() .. " to setup new player...\n"); umsg.Start("perp_newchar", Player); umsg.End(); else Thank you for reading my long post, I appreciate any help that can be given, but if you could, please just give me a helping hand and not just the answer. -Matthew
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