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  1. Lately I have been learning my way around different methods of anonymity and exploring the darknets. Been hanging around in the Telecomix IRC anonymously through i2p. I've also been planning out something related to RFID. The plan to have a series of scanner "checkpoints" at places I know my friends frequent. Using innocuous-looking items such as a keychain, I'll be monitoring their movements through RFID. It is just for fun, and afterwords I'll reveal my trick to them. I recently followed a tutorial on Instructables to make a hidden data storage that uses an empty phone jack that has a a flash drive connected to it. You have to soldier together an rj-11 and USB cable. Then just plug the new cable straight into the wall to access secret files. http://www.instructables.com/id/Hidden-USB-Storage/ That is about it I suppose.
  2. Greetings all. Favourite game: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Favourite OS: Windows 7 / Ubuntu Favourite console: SNES Nationality: American Accent: Texas Sex: Male Race: White Height: 5, 9 Build: With Legos Favourite band: The Beatles Favourite book: LotR Favourite author: Jules Verne Favourite movie: Metropolis Favourite director: Yoshitoshi ABe Favourite TV Show: Serial Experiments Lain Other hobbies: Entomology, Cooking Occupation: NEET
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