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    Royal Oak, MI
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  1. If his story that he told me is true, its a sad and horrible story. but thats up to him to tell.
  2. v seems to work nice for videopimp.org but other than that ive only experianced the free ipb and phpbb
  3. Hey Darren, have you seen OJ visit your mii land yet? MJ should be roaming around also.
  4. if hes the one asking the questions (the watson) then um.. yeah.. thats what a noob does, ask noobish questions. Now if you want him to add comments it maybe wise to teach him a few things prior or find a topic he knows something about. but if all your topics are advanced topics and hes a noob. good luck. just have him ask some basic questions then script him in a few big ones :P maybe no one but the forum readers will know hes a noob. but as they say, you can train a noob, but hes still a trained noob.
  5. my brothers camped best buy for 12 hours a few weeks ago. they were the first 2 in line. Got 2 of em, sold one on ebay.
  6. I havnt played with the Wii much, being its my brothers but where do you find out your Wii's number :P
  7. Loki thats the point of the Wiki, Finish the story for him, and D and others will continue it in many directions.
  8. Production wise.. heh, hell no. But content wise, yeah it was pretty cool. /me goes and installs this in the living room and sits by the road while everyone watches tv. /me then hacks Darrens and turns the lights off
  9. I vote Switch Ad Steady Cam Evil Server HomeBrew Hak Ep1
  10. Chuck Norris does not know about this website. If he did he would have just deleted the internet.
  11. I host lan parties atleast 2-4 times a year, Thats is Truely FUCKED UP!!! So how the hell can they even tell if the files were legal or not, they wernt at home, so they couldnt have their originals on them to prove anything, along with how are you supposed to prove you purchused an mp3 online. Just cause you have it doesnt mean you illegaly consumed it. I have virtualy all 300+ cds I own on my system. along with a fully legal collection of 5000 music videos. I personaly would laugh in their face and turn back to my monitor and start gaming again. 8) See this fucker BOOM HEADSHOT
  12. Heres a pic of my nice messy desk 8)
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