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Everything posted by zyrax

  1. Does anyone know if the Huawei E173s-2 is compatible with the MKIV? I have tried a lot without success.
  2. zyrax

    Usb Mac

    Well, some people drive a BMW and some will settle with a Skoda from 1980. :)
  3. Well... Since you are on a Mac scp is available from the beginning. If you would lie to use something more GUI-like then try Transmit. Then you can mount the pineapple as a mountpoint via sftp. My advice is still to learn to use she command line.
  4. Without swedish keylayout it wont work well for me anyway... And since I work 99% with Mac it still is a brick according to my needs. Unfortunately....
  5. I have used Wash to see how many APs are vulnerable. Most of my nearby APs at home and at work is Apple Airport Extreme and they seem to be safe... But there is a lot of vulnerable wifi out there. Tried reaver at two of my friends houses and both of them took about 7-8 hours to retrieve the key. They will now disable WPS. ;) Version 1.4 via svn is to prefer thou. Had a bunch of strange errors before i went to the beta-version...
  6. Its not much of a script but here it goes... Main script: #!/bin/bash net= known=knownmac.txt IFS=" " for l in `fing -n $net -r 1 -o table,csv --silent` do IFS=";" array=($l) cat knownmac.txt|grep ${array[5]} if [ `cat $known|grep ${array[5]}|wc -l` -eq "0" ] then echo "${array[5]} is not known!" ./prowl.sh 0 "Mac Alert!" "New Mac ${array[5]}" > /dev/null fi IFS=" " done Not a finished script but it works. You have to have fing installed (http://www.over-look.com/site/index.php/download) and modify the paths so they are correct for you. Also get the PROWL-app for your phone and get an apikey from prowlapp.com. the textfile knownmac.txt is just a plain textfile with all my devices known mac-adresses in. One per line. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF My first device AB:BC:CD:DE:EF:FA My second device and so on... Prowl.sh script #! /bin/sh # Script by FLX: http://flx.me # Requirements: curl # Usage: ./prowl.sh priority(-2 to 2) appname description # Example: ./prowl.sh 0 "linux" "this is a test" app="Prowl 4 Linux" priority=$1 eventname=$2 description=$3 apikey=prowlapikeyhere if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then echo "Prowl 4 Linux" echo "Usage: ./prowl.sh priority(-2 to 2) appname description" echo 'Example: ./prowl.sh 0 "linux" "this is a test"' else curl https://prowl.weks.net/publicapi/add -F apikey=$apikey -F priority=$priority -F application="$app" -F event="$eventname" -F description="$description"
  7. I made a little script that uses fing to detect new devices on my network. It compares them with a predefined list of mac-adresses and gives an alert any time a new device is discovered. Then it sends out a push-message to my iPhone via Prowl. Works like a charm. /F
  8. Just listen on the port that is attached to the Pineapple(eth0) since all traffic is going trough that interface. I use a USB to Ethernet adaptor myself connected to the Pineapple since I like to still be able to connect to the host computer.
  9. Who gave you a warning? ;) Well, you can only sniff packets going through your computer unless sniffing wireless packets from unencrypted clients. Via ethernet you have to do a mitm-attack or arp-poisoning or something like that. If you use Bridged newtork in vmware it should work as a dedicated computer.
  10. Agree, but he said that he was Using VMWare and Backtrack5 under Windows 7... So I can't see any problem with that setup either. I am using BT5 via VMWare on my MacBook Pro without problems. It is still the drivers from Backtrack that are used.
  11. Passwords, Usernames, URLs etc ARE pure IP-packets... Doesn't matter which setup you use to sniff. It is just a matter of using the right tools for the job.
  12. Since you don't know if your cousin have set an "unhackable" password maybe you should try another way. Installing a keylogger on his computer maybe?
  13. Nono... It is my network. I am accessing an unsecure website or an unencrypted ftpserver from my own computer. Using dsniff directly on my laptop and the name/password shows up, but via the tap on my internet connection nothing at all shows up.
  14. I have my setup as follows: internet --- Airport Extreme --- lan (2 wired servers , 5 wifi-devices) My Throwing Star Lan Tap arrived and it looks like it is working as it should. My question is why a program like dsniff isn't collecting the passwords when having the tap between internet and Airport. I have bridged both incoming and outgoing packets to a separate interface and running "dsniff -i br0". If I do the same thing on the local host it displays the credentials. Same thing if I use dsniff while WPA is inactivated and just sniff the packets in the air. Everything else looks like I think it should. I can se incoming packets on one interface, and outgoing on another. And URLsnarf can dump the URLs... But dsniff isn't outputting anything at all. Have I missed something obvious...? Or is it because I am using NAT? Just curious why it doesn't work. Doesn't my tap collect all packets?
  15. Haven't found what the actual problem was, but I "upgraded" to BackTrack 5r1 and it looks stable now. As I said, don't ask me why. ;)
  16. Well, Yes, I usually run the pineapple without jasagerPwn. That was just a test I was doing yesterday. The unit itself seems to run as it should. When I log in to WebIf or via SSH it all looks ok. Have to correct my initial post. The ESSID is not broadcasted and can not be seen on the clients when not running Karma.
  17. Just wanted to ask here if anyone else have the same problem... I have got everything working with the PineappleV2 with my netbook, as well as via a virtual BT5 on my MacBookPro. Just tried the jasagerPwn script and it works like a charm as well. But I have noticed some problems with the Wifi-connection after a while. The wifi-connection is broken and I can't get a new connection at all. I can still access the Pineapple through ethernet and bringing the interface down and up again doesnt do anything. Everything looks allright. With Karma off I can see the ESSID on my clients, but not possible to connect. Only thing that seems to fix it is to reboot the unit. Then it will work for a while again. An hour maybe. Then having to reboot again. I am running it on a 5V/2A poweradaptor. No batteries. Any thoughts about that?
  18. zyrax

    Google Plus

    For those in need of an invite... Use this link. I have plenty of invites left. https://plus.google.com/i/5VW8zaHWofQ:RkEw5yWYszs
  19. Sounds like you have given up. I must say that this nifty little device isn't easy to get to work as you want, but when you get there its pretty reliable. I had a bunch of strange errors, packet loss and other problems before I got it to work... I would fist check your ICS using another computer connected to the ethernet tå see that you have a reliable connection. I would also try to use static ip-addresses everywhere... Good to know the exact address at all time. ;) Experiment is the key. ;)
  20. Not really... I suspect that your pineapple isnt configured correctly... If you have activated internet sharing on the MB then it should work. Have you set DNS/Gateway on the fruit? ;)
  21. Well.. I could have posted a pic of my plain black bag that everything fits into. ;) But I figured that everyone understood that it will be in a bag. ;)
  22. I have used the Pineapple with my MBP and it works quite well. Both with internal ethernet and an external Apple USB-ethernet. Had to use static IP-adresses thou for some strange reason.
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