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Everything posted by phrax

  1. Let's get our hate on. What do you think about DRM? I think DRM is terrible. It is a counter-productive security measure, especially when it comes to the typical end-user of the iTunes music store, for example. They aren't gonna know what's going on when they can't copy their home music onto their work computer. Of course, there's the traditional reason, that music deserves to be open and liberated, but let's face it, if music was free, we wouldn't have musicians. People need to make money. Although at the same time, artists were making money before the DRM regime entered stage left (not stage right... see what I did there?). Also, it brings bad will to the organisation. Just like Sony's retarded restrictions on all their media (including Sony BMG *cough*rootkit*cough*). DRM is a disaster, and I think it's a step in the wrong direction for protection of music.
  2. phrax

    Netowork Proxy

    Because it's not narrow-minded at all for you to assume that all the posters on this forum are from the US. The United States is one country, the internet is global. The rules you speak about have little impact in hundreds of countries (including mine, Australia). Regardless of how an individual school operates, a school by definition is an Educational Facility. It is primarily to educate. So to present such a naive argument as one of profound intelligence, you're merely showing immaturity. I don't think many people take the "if you do this, you can have your PC access removed" speech seriously, but they should. After doing something I shouldn't have in Year 7, I almost had mine removed. Listen to your elders.
  3. I don't understand why you wouldn't use mIRC. It's completely free, easily scriptable, and easy to use.
  4. Probably because of the wording of his title :( I'm guessing djoek was more successful because of "Hacksaw" and "Steal" in his title. Funny how it works.
  5. http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/1880/jakeriuslh3.png Great job guys, and to djoek for submitting :)
  6. Wise words from Arma. Right on. Chill out guys, we're all here for a good time, lets not impeach on others. My 2c is this: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/66795671.html Read, revise, and turn them into pickup lines. Bow chika bow wow.
  7. Darren and Wess, fear not. I've multi-multi-phase plan to get you guys over here to the land of Oz. Phase 1: Legitimately earn money doing various jobs Phase 2: Pyramid scheme, possibly involving the Cayman Islands and Alex Albrecht. Phase 3: Auction children off to the highest bidder Phase 4: Create a secret fighting tournament. I will invite all of the world's greatest fighters to it, and then lure them to my evil lair, steal their powers, and implant them into a pair of cool Sunny's, which I'll also sell to the highest bidder. Phase 5: Resell cheap merch bought from tax-free countries, such as Thailand (I leave for Thailand tomorrow). Final Phase: Using the Switchblade, sell network admin passwords to the rich haxxor kids around my neighbourhood. I may/may not include all phases in the final plan. It's a work in progress, but sit tight buddy!
  8. Yup, happened to me. Went straight through the wash in my jeans. Tried all kinds of things to kick start it again, but it was just dead. Good phone too, now I've got a shocking LG phone on an even worse network.
  9. And we all thought Microsoft was evil, look what Apple has brought onto us. Yeah, I don't think they should've let him out either. Especially after committing an act resulting in a painful, drawn-out death.
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