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Posts posted by mavrck

  1. Your government failed to invest in the education required to produce people who can demand above minimum wage and encouraged outsourcing of jobs which paid more to countries where they could pay far less than the minimum wage. So you have people trying to support a family on minimum wages because there isn't the work for them to do which pays more. Same thing happened in the UK and we have similar problems. Trying to fix this by giving companies general tax breaks will not encourage the growth needed to provide jobs which pay a decent living wage. It will simply encourage them to do the same as they have been doing. People are not poor just because they are lazy (I remember working 50+ hrs a week on minimum wage), they are poor because supply side economics doesn't work. You need to invest in education and invest in providing the infrastructure company's need to create jobs.

    What? Public school is free and college is free for a large segment of the population. Plus there is also loans. We have some of the best educational institutions in the world.

    It is not the responsibility of the government to force people to go to college. People have the individual responsibility to go to college and improve their lives.

    I work and go to school, both full time. I will not believe that others can't do it as well.


  2. You don't know what communism is. Even the Russians and Chinese don't want anything to do with it any more. It failed because the state owned everything, you were just assigned stuff or jobs. I work with a guy who was Lieutenant Colonel in the USSR, and we discuss politics a lot. The idea that Obama is somehow a secret Communist has as much to do with reality as the idea that McCain spent his time in Vietnam as a burlesque dancer. Paying slightly more tax if you are rich (which earning over $250K makes you) is not socialism.

    And lets look at Palins work in Alaska where she increased taxes on oil companies so that she could redistribute that income to the Alaskan people... Is that socialism? Or was it simply saying that companies who rake in millions/billions in profit should maybe pay more taxes than the guy that cleans there offices for minimum wage?

    Plus you fail to mention that the tax increases that Obama would put in place would A: only apply to people who earn over $250K a year and B: would only apply to the money you earn above that $250K threshold. So if you are one of the 5% of Americans who is lucky enough to earn over that threshold, the higher rate of tax will only be applied to the money earned over $250K. Most people would see a reduction.

    You have the face the idea that Reaganomics has not worked, and that larger companies and rich people should start paying more tax. Also, YOU HAVE 2 WARS ON. You need to start funding them now that the global supply of cheap credit (which is responsible for the growth we have seen in the last few years) is starting to falter.

    As for oil prices, *every* American election the Saudi's break with OPEC and start boosting production, then OPEC follows there lead. And today OPEC announced an 11% cut in production, which will start to raise oil prices once more.

    As for the issue of abortion, its not a new issue. Back in Victorian times people used to bathe in bathtubs of gin, or use coat hangers. Mostly the just died of poisoning, blood loss or infections. Those who survived were often sterile. By repealing Roe Vs Wade you would only push abortions out of clinics and back into side streets where far more people would die. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on reducing the amount of people who have unwanted children through better education and more availability of contraception? Having an abortion does not mean you are a cheap skank who got knocked up for fun, it means there has been a failure somewhere down the line. I will admit that it isn't a good thing, but these issues are not black and white. You need to have balance when your dealing with these issues.

    According to Perot Charts, in 2005 the top 5% of America paid for 58% of the income tax revenue. I don't think I'm being radical to say that they're paying their "fair" share. It's no wonder people set up tax shelters.

    As for Palin, let's see the numbers. I'd be interested to break down the real data.

    On Obama and taxes - First, only the income portion of his tax plan would be limited. The capital gains and estate taxes apply to everyone. This fact that he wants to take a very large portion of my parent's money when they die doesn't sit well with me.

    As for Reagan - You can argue against it, but who do you really think will pay more taxes when you increase the cost of running a business? Do you think the business owner eats all of the cost? Don't you think at least part of this will be seen in the form of returned cost via price increases? This argument applied to "large evil corporations" as well. When you make the cost of business go up for P&G, what do you think happens to the price of Tide, toothpaste, toilet paper, etc?


  3. I voted McCain because I want to keep as much of my paycheck as possable...

    Obama Tax Plan

    Current Obama

    Income Tax Rate:......35%..............39%


    Capital Gains:...........15%..............28%


    Estate Tax:.................0%..............55%

    if this is his plan then i might as well not have an IT job...do you really wanna see over half your paycheck disappear into taxes to help support welfare and public housing? I worked in a grocery store for over 2 years while i paid my way through college and it was located in a part of town that was of a certain class of people. I saw way to many people come through using food stamps to buy expensive as meat/seafood (20 dollar stakes and 50+ dollar bags of crab meat mainly).

    Someone made a comment about McCain not being able to check his email...If everyone was IT savy there would be not need for anyone to specialize in the IT field and we all would be out of jobs.


       /ˈsoʊʃəˌlɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Show IPA Pronunciation


    1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.

    2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.

    3. (in Marxist theory)
    the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism
    characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

    Simply put, Obama's tax plans would put us one step closer to communism.

    EDIT: "notice how the oil went down to like 2.50-3$ a gallon all of sudden ?"

    You do realize that the price oil is controlled by OPEC(supply and demand...basic economics)? and the price of OIL is not 2.5-3 a gallon its about 70 dollars a barrel...and thay dropped so low because of the stock market crashing(but the price will go back up in next few months because OPEC is cutting back on production to drive the price back up) which was due to stupid people borrowing more than what they could afford and causing banks to go bankrupt. But im sure you think its the republicans fault for all the stupid people borrowing more than what they could afford.

    As a libertarian, I want less taxes, and a smaller government that stays out of my way.

    While I agree with your premise, the assertion that Obama is equal to socialism is simple not true. He is obviously not in agreement with libertarian view though, and as such someone I couldn't vote for.

  4. So to the people above voting McCain , are you seriously going for a president that needs help checking his own email?

    com'n now.. todays the day, I will be celebrating Barracks win tonight also. Esp as IT people we need to get together and vote for the right person that will help our industry and IT fields which is Obama. Its all crap I dont know any plumber that makes over 250k a year, isnt the president salary 250k a year (not counting the extras, just what he is "suppose" to get paid")? 250k a year and over is RICH imo.. Most plumbers i've met in Florida are making 10 to 20$ an hour depending on experience, so the whole joe the plumber thing is BS, maybe the BIG BIZ that hires Joe the plumber is making over 250k but what if Joe whats to start his own business.. what if his company is chargeing him 500$ a month for health insurance for him and his family, this is real stuff.. a whole weeks pay just to get a cheap HMO health plan for himself and family, one weeks pay is suppose to cover 1 months rent for a home, people can not afford to live with prices going up and the same pay amount, I gaurentee if McCain gets elected Americans will revolt and riot

    First, the ability to check an email account is not on the top of my or the majority of American's list of priorities. It's a non issue.

    Secondly, many small businesses that are sole proprietorships make 250,000 a year. This is commonplace and all of that revenue ends up in the owner or partners pockets. I'm from a rural Ohio area and the average salary is just under 40,000. Given the fact that the majority of households are now two wage earning ones, this gives a total income of 80,000. I concede that not all households are at this level, though this is the average for homes with two wage earners. Frankly the assertion that 250,000 is rich is ridiculous. Sure, it's a few times higher than average, but rich? Wouldn't that level be 500,000 or 1,000,000?

    Third, health insurance costs more for a number of reasons, upon which is increased care, technology, drugs and research. Hell, insurance for the doctors themselves makes up a large chunk of what gets passed to the consumer. Offering anything above basic care on a socialized system will fail.

    Lastly, I continue to be frustrated by people who state they can't pay the bills working their general labor/minimum wage/no skills jobs. Minimum wage was never meant to support a family. Do you really want $7.00 cheeseburgers from McDonalds? Were do you really think they're going to make up their increased labor cost? The level of inflation and cost of living would increase to remove any advantage of raising the pay for these jobs. If you really want to make a difference, improve your value by learning new and valuable skills, which raises you marketable pay rate.


  5. If you have not voted yet, i did early. i promise it will take alot less time..Nov, 4 will be crazy, just like McCain, just a reminder to get your votes in and vote for the best

    Barrack Obama = For the IT industry '08

    fuck the oil industry, there many other resources for energy which will need good pc programmers / network techs and such to build, notice how the oil went down to like 2.50-3$ a gallon all of sudden ? republicans have been f*cking us middle class and poor for long enough , time to rise up and take action.. VOTE OBAMA.. enough with the rich flaunting and f*cking over normal people

    ooops; sorry wrong section , can it plz be moved to "everything else"

    eaither way hack the elections to favor Obama =) i dont trust these electronic voting machines

    So you have the talking points down well. Do you even realize how ignorant it looks? I'm completely for freedom of choice and given that freedom, Obama may cover your personal issues better than any other candidate. It would just look more intelligent having a well thought out reason or two.

    First, gas is at $2.00 now (at least in the midwest). This bastardization of a talking point is thrown around, but is full of fallacies from beginning to end. Other than releasing oil from our reserve, the president (any president) can not influence oil or gas prices directly. If you must maintain this position, back it up with logical proof. Looking into a "supply and demand" curve might not hurt either and the industrialization of China and India isn't helping matters.

    Second, no candidate will personally create jobs. Perhaps his policies may lead to jobs being created down the road, but they're is no magic wand that will create thousands of jobs in January for any candidate. The market and business will need to see an upturn in confidence and consumer spending for many consecutive quarters before restoring or creating new jobs. Some sectors won't be likely to come back as strong at all. Do you think Ford and GM will bring back jobs when they've lost massive market share and their dealerships have been closing at high rates?

    Lastly, it's my personal opinion that a large hurdle for this country is that the majority of this country is uneducated regarding politics and many other topics that are at the heart of America and the world. People don't understand how lending actually works. People don't understand basic math when you relate it to taxes, spending or health care (which is a whole topic in itself). How do you fix the education problem? I really don't know. I only hope that smarter people than me figure it out.

    I'm a libertarian, I don't like any of the presidential candidates..... and I approve this message.

    P.S. - Both Biden's and McCain's history and current policies on the DMCA, privacy and telecommunications scare the shit out of me.


  6. www.google.com/ig



    phonescoop.com (i sold phones for waaaay too long)



    digg.com/technology (sadly, no root visits anymore)


  7. Sony Vegas 6. If there is enough interest I may release the source files for the intro and let people play around with them. Could make for some interesting remixes. Let me know if anyone's interested.

    I'm very interested if you don't mind releasing it. I'm sure it'd help me learn. I'm toying with the idea of a few small video posts, but I'd want to clean them up with titles and such.

    P.S. - Hope your hand feels better!

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