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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Sony Vegas 6. If there is enough interest I may release the source files for the intro and let people play around with them. Could make for some interesting remixes. Let me know if anyone's interested.
  2. We don't really do in-depth segments for the reason that we don't want to spend more than 5-10 minutes going over something. Part of that is that we don't want to belittle the audience by holding their hand too much, part of that is we dont want to bore the audience, and part of that is how we model the show off regular television with multiple segments and blocks, allowing us to cover multiple topics in a 50 minute episode. The synergy documentation is amazing and I'm sure with enough patience you can figure it out. It's hard to do a step by step since it's cross platform and really depends on your environment, however if you have specific questions you're welcome to post them here, this forum is filled with bright hackers. that really makes me happy.
  3. This is very interesting, however it is not really part of the 'switchblade' hack. However I highly encourage you to add it to the wiki at www.hak5.org/wiki/ In fact, seeing how there are multiple versions of this project floating around we might want to move downloads and instructions to the wiki under a 'switchblade' page. However development discussion should stay in this this thread. I'll be trying out the future developments and hopefully we can do a follow segment sometime soon. There are many great ideas floating around here. Mad props to all the interested hackers, and welcome to those that have stumbled upon Hak5 through the blogosphere.
  4. I wish I could honestly say we've actually made a penny off the T-Shirts, but alas we haven't. The DVD's will be sold by us. I know it's crazy, it's an insane investment to be sitting on a stock pile of DVDs that we don't know we're going to sell, but it's the only way we'll make any money with merch. So far we've been unsuccessful at making money with anything other than advertising (very little) and donations (thank you so much). So we're going to experiment with a limited edition retail copy of the best of season one, with some bonus features that were never in the original release. They'll be in plastic DVD cases with high quality printed covers and labels. And they'll be mold injection off a glass master rather than burned copies so they'll look pro and last longer. If those sell the profits from them will pay for the best of season one box set, which is a huge investment that we hopefully won't have to eat. So yes, a Hak5 store is coming and from that we'll be able to do all the things we've always wanted to do. I contractually cant say more.
  5. I love the switchblade. And for the record I can attest that Erealz is a cool cat. I met him at HOPE #6 and he's a pretty leet dude.
  6. We joined on the same day! I joined when I saw a comment on slashdot about it.
  7. Well that's the point of Amish's technique. Without U3 the autorun isn't going to happen*. However with Amish's technique by selecting the "Open Files On Folder" option you've actually chosen "Run Amish's scripts invisibly and then open the folder". And sure it doesn't run pwdump yet but all you have to do is merge Amish's social engineering autorun with MaxDamage's invisible pwdumper and you'll be all set. *nothing is impossible but AFAIK this is the way autorun works and I don't know of a workaround.
  8. I'm going to agree with Garda on this point. Don't deny them.
  9. That's the problem with the current generation. They were told they had a problem at an early age, doped up on meds, and now they've got an excuse. :roll: edit: that was kinda mean. sorry.
  10. I'm gonna blame Hacklings on Jon. But I kinda ran with it. Yeah, mistake.
  11. I had a slashdot problem a few years back. Hence the /. patch. It was really bad. Then I found Digg early on and thought it had potential. It still does but it's nothing like it was back in 1.0. Anyway if you really care, December 6, 2004 http://www.digg.com/users/aardwolf/profile
  12. Welcome to the forums. We all do.
  13. I just thought this was interesting http://pocitace.sme.sk/clanok.asp?rub=poci...&cl=2882838 No clue what it says but from the links you can figure it out.
  14. I'm just going to say that we hardly know him and it's near impossible to get to know someone well over a forum like this. I have a hard enough time expressing myself in text. I'm only slightly less goofy in real life as opposed to the show.
  15. The other thing to keep in mind is that those kinda shy girls in school are often really interesting, intelligent, creative, and may have beauty that lasts as opposed to some of the other cheerleader types. they can also be great in the sa
  16. <grumpy old man> back in my day we had a little file called autoexec.bat, and it spoke with config.sys... and we liked! </grumpy old man>
  17. there are a few theories on this. 1. it's a move to help them in their EU anti-trust judgement. remember, they're still paying a few million a day there. 2. it's for good PR. 3. they really want to make sure firefox runs well in vista, because if it doesnt then the early adopters (geeks) will flood the blogosphere with bad press about it simply because the first thing you install after a fresh copy of windows is firefox.
  18. um, we actually say what hardware we're using for season2 on the wiki. 3 sony dcr-hc85's. they work ok... we really want a trio of GL2's, or better yet, XL2's. Software still vegas.
  19. catnip, or maybe some yarn.
  20. We've got something in the works. All I'll say. But thats another hack entirely. The idea behind this hack is that you can be at a LAN Party, hand it to someone and say "Oh, I've got the latest game patches on here" or "hey think i could get a copy of that album / expense report template / pr0n" and bingo, you got them to hack themselves.
  21. I havent read pages 3 & 4 yet but someone on IRC asked for a link to the tables so lemme get that out there. Rainbow Tables: http://rainbowtables.shmoo.com/ Gotta love the shmoo group!
  22. wait a second, if a bunch of friends digg something it doesnt work as well as if a bunch of strangers digg it? weird. i mean, i guess that makes sense but. bummer. oh, and afaik digg doesnt have any groups, so we couldnt have a digg.com/hak5 group or something. at least we got a myspace group, but to tell ya the truth myspace really feels like the ghetto of the web 0.9. i mean really, it's painfull at times. im not sure what the fuss was about. oh well, at least i got a date tonight out of it. "C", if you're reading, i had a wonderful time, see you at the cocktail party saturday. sorry, my meds are kicking in, damn, now im even typing like a myspacer. oh well. oh, we are on another social network kinda thing called vox. it's pretty cool, i redirected my darrenkitchen.net domain there and i really like the blogging backend. you're all welcome to add me as a friend there but i do believe it's invite only right now. pm me if you need the hookup on an invite. hmm.... i guess now that we're on the topic of social networking and of course that means hak5 promotion, is there any area of the web that we should be exploiting^Wusing to promote ourselves? wow, reviewing this post i realize that it's probably the worst post ive ever made. i miss my shift finger.
  23. Wow guys we're tied with the "community forums" now. One more vote and we'll be #3. I guess next is to like, moderate the vids. I believe you get mod points. Ooh, and feel free to add me as your friend. This site is only in alpha right now (as you can tell by the connection... geeze Divx, invest in an OC3 ;-) So when this thing does really get critical mass we'll be king which will pwn. The true power of the Hak5 Army (someone come up with something better please, and no, not hacklings) is being felt. :twisted: :ninja:
  24. Hak5 is currently being listed on the Divx.com site as #6, under the dreaded G4 (the network that stole TechTV from us). What place do you think Hak5 should be in? Thankfully you can help. It's a simple signup, there's no software to download and install, and all you have to do is subscribe to Hak5. Check it out at: http://stage6.divx.com/list_channels
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