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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. drawn on by leo laporte, amber mac, mike laz, myself, and wess tobler. alli signed two of the eight that were auctioned so it might be one of those as well.
  2. So far we only have a loader for sandisk models. I'm sure sandisk is happy about that. Note: We're not affiliated with U3 or Sandisk
  3. I just find it amazing that someone thinks it's worth $1500. I guess my signature accounts for 1% of that.
  4. How is that any different from the product key dump that's on the current switchblade?
  5. I guess if you missed out the first time around it's not too late to grab one. http://cgi.ebay.com/Adv-of-Superman-648-si...1QQcmdZViewItem Note: I am not affiliated with this auction, I only find it amusing that it's selling for such a high price. This is not encouragement to bid.
  6. ok i got the requirements and it's not the kind of job i thought it was. seeing that this is a mature adult place i'll just go ahead and paste the email. if you're wondering how we came in contact, this guy is a photographer who's shooting one of my friends. This is the dude's myspace: http://www.myspace.com/msvphotography This is my friend's myspace. I'm not sure how I feel about her getting another photographer. If you look at her pics about half were taken by me. http://www.myspace.com/thewayiseeit (To long time IRC regulars: yes, that's bitch beer beth) If you're interested in the gig drop him a line on myspace. I have no time with Hak5 and other projects to take this on.
  7. I tried this back in the day but soon gave up on themes and such for one simple reason. They eat resources like a hog. I'm the guy who runs a solid color background to save memory. That said if anything has changed in that department I may be willing to give it a try, but then again I'd probably be more apt to install a complete shell replacement like lightstep.
  8. I love the whole bit vs byte thing when it comes to marketing people. I was once on a call with Cogent, a big ISP in north america (and elsewhere perhaps) and the pushy sales guy said "Come on, I can sell you a hundred meg line right now". To which I said "one hundred megabits or megabytes" and he said "yeah, that, one hundred megs. it's really fast". A few moments later he said "oh, there's a difference? hang on, I'll get one of our tech guys on the phone and maybe he can answer your question". The sales guy didn't think it was a big deal. To him it was all about what sounded big. Hell, at home I have a 15 mbit cable connection which can download a "60 megabit file in 4 seconds"... Honestly I'd much rather buy a 2 megabyte connection. Same thing (give or take) I know but really who downloads "60 megabit files"?
  9. this hack has potential. I did not know that the utilman program could run before login. the hardest part of this hack is replacing the utilman.exe with your payload. I understand that you must do it outside of windows but I'm thinking there might be another way. Possibly a program that will run on next boot that replaces the file before windows has a chance to lock it. If that's the case it could be implemented in a version of the switchblade. otherwise a way for automation would be necessary. for fat32 it's pretty simple with an autoexec.bat but most people are running ntfs now and unfortunately linux has trouble writing to those partitions. thoughts? (ps: excuse me if this doesnt make sense, its 3am and im blitzed on painmeds)
  10. I've been offered a webdev job but I'm way too busy with Hak5 to take it. I told the guy that I know a few webdevs that might be interested. I'm getting requirements from him soon. If you're an interested webdev that does commercial sites let me know, I figure it would be nice to throw someone in the community a bone. D
  11. September 15th 2006 is VaKo pwns day. All hail our dear and glorious fearless leader, VaKo!
  12. Don't listen to me, I don't claim to be a good rolemodel for would be hackers. Do it. But don't get caught, and don't do anything malicious. Hacking school networks will teach you more than an instructor in a class ever could.
  13. Good idea about encrypting. I'd suggest truecrypt but I dont think there is a way to automate it and you'd have to type the password. What command line encryption options are out there. Of course the script would only have the password to write to the file, the read password would be in your head. Sorry if I'm not making sense... painkillers. And Amish, think you could add your updated payload that grabs VNC passwords to the wiki?
  14. lol this was on page 2 or 3 of this post :X anyways, as you've said there it should be a posibility to mail it although I don't know the extent of PHP scripting. I've used/modified an email php script which doesnt use a smtp server to mail (atleast it doesnt make you specify nor have I seen one in the code...) so emailing pure spoofed email text is possible... but attaching something im not so sure of... but then again if its all text then your set, you just need to find a way to be able to send files via php scripting with that said script above or just find a way to launch a usb ftp program that connects enrypted to a server to upload the LM Hash... Or you could use the command line email utility blat from http://www.blat.net/ But again, as I've said before, I rather like the fact that the switchblade doesn't create network traffic, thus keeping the tool self contained and leaving less evidence.
  15. Hey guys. Don't mind me, I'm just one of the guys on the show. I'll just pop my head in here real quick and make an offer. It might be helpful for you guys to maybe have the latest and greatest pandora info on the hak5 wiki. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=P...amp;action=edit Just throwing that out there. Hope everything is going well in here. Ok, I'm off to do the show. :) --Darren
  16. I havent experienced any problems. I reboot every night and am using the latest version of FF.
  17. Please keep usb switchblade discussion in the stickied thread.
  18. That's awesome, what a great addition to the payload. I'm not sure why it's not executing on autorun. Maybe someone has an idea. I'm seeing a lot of great mods to the payloads, we should consider adding a secion to the wiki switchblade page at: www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=USB_Switchblade
  19. Oops, I think I just overwrote your Wiki entry. That's the problem with wiki's when two people go to create a page at the same time. Feel free to merge your info in, it should be in the history page.
  20. Yes! In fact, we've had em for the last year. It's called the iPod compatible .MP4 file ;). It's encoded in h.264 at 768 Kbps with 128Kbps audio. If you've got the processing power for it, it can often look better than the xvid. http://hak5.libsyn.com/
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