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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. actual TV? I'm confused. How do you make the distinction online. I don't differentiate between Television delivered over broadcast, cable, satelite, or Internet. It's all about the content, not the medium.
  2. Just wanted to say thank you to Atari6502, your suggestion fixed my problem and I'm very happy with the new box now. Thanks!
  3. Switchblade hits computerworld.com I'm told it may hit the print edition next week. http://www.computerworld.com/action/articl...ticleId=9003592 WTG Hak5 community!
  4. I'm leaning towards spam, but I'll give it a bit before whipping out the Thread Nuker 2000 ™
  5. I cant remember if this was sasser, code red, nimda, or one of the other high profile worms that took advantage of an RPC vuln. My recommendation, run the MS Malware Removal tool. www.microsoft.com/security/malwareremove/default.mspx
  6. Ran into a little DNS hiccup. All should be working well now. I'll have some info on the wiki soon.
  7. actually they do support resuming, but when you hit the file it actually redirects you to another server on the load balanced libsyn network which gives you the file. If you resume from -that- server it'll work.
  8. just dont call it S02E03 or you'll be bannished from Hak5 forever, eternally doomed, etc, etc..
  9. I just spoke to Dana from anappaday.com and we're trying to get him on the show. I'm really excited because tonight he took my software idea and is coding up a Command Prompt replacement for Windows that acts like the Quake3 (and other FPS) console.
  10. ok, it's been on Wess's mod set for the last 2 months and you guys just now got it!
  11. I second VaKo on RDP (formerly Terminal Services). It's faster than any of the others, but windows only. Has pretty good encryption too (but I'd still run it over a VPN anyway if possible, you never know when a zero day on RDP will come out). And it can do some really powerful stuff on windows servers. But if you're looking for cross platform VNC, just about any flavor, is a good choice (again VPN or SSH).
  12. I'm bringing a new server online in the Hak5 network tonight. This server will be replacing the old noob server. Previously the noob server hosted on and off games of UT:GOTY and Skulltag. We'll be adding Return to Blockland tonight and possibly a set-cam. If you're interested in beta testing I welcome you to join me in #hak5 tonight. Edit: oh, and the address wont change from noob.hak5.org.
  13. I highly recommend xampp. It may seem odd at first but the way it handles all of the services is quite intelligent. I've used it before when demoing code on call for help and its never let me down.
  14. Always room for more! Welcome to the bunch!
  15. this is amazing. ive been watching for an hour and im glued. i dont know for sure if its just pulling the feeds from youtube and google video, but i hope it is. if thats the case then we dont need to worry about them going down in bandwidth bill hell. the content on here is so mind blowing amazing and it, just, works. fullscreen internet television bliss. im so happy.
  16. Very sweet utility. I tried it out on Alli's notebook and got the latest ATI drivers on her system smoothly. Started up the game and had the same problem. I guess it's not a driver issue. Now I'm at a loss. :(
  17. its not going to work that way. maybe you could explain why you wanted to move it from one drive to another and we can think of some alternatives to achive your goal.
  18. I dont understand why there is a poll attached.
  19. w00t thx! edit: I hope I wasn't coming off as lazy. Its on the list of segments we're getting to eventually so when it comes time I'll spend a good week of R&D with it. I was just wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head.
  20. No, she can't get WoW running. See http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2632
  21. Alli's laptop (or one of the 3 she's gone through in the last 2 months) is throwing a fit. It turns out we've finally isolated the problem thats been plaguing the laptops all this time. At first we thought it was the graphics board going bad, or the connection to the LCD panel. Anyway, whats happening is that anytime direct3d or opengl is used the screen freaks out. It looks like static on an LCD, but its not discoloration, just the pixels moving out of place horizontally. It only happens when using direct3d (or possibly direct draw too), as well as opengl. We thought it was an intermittent problem but figured it out yesterday when setting up a game. The screen would freak out but as soon as I hit quit it would go back to normal. So, my best guess is borked bits. Puppy needs some new drivers. Here are the details. I'd much appreciate any input, leads, links, suggestions, etc. Gateway 450ROG notebooks with ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 graphics cards running XP SP2. Currently running driver version from 4/28/2003 which we downloaded from support.gateway.com based on the notebooks serial number. I've checked ATI's site with no luck and even tried the latest catalyst drivers (even though I know desktop drivers dont work on notebooks). Its possible that rage3d might have updated or hacked drivers. Thoughts? Oh, and if you figure it out we'll ship Alli out to ya for a night. ;)
  22. I just about killed Alli one night when she was running a torrent without throttling. She was using 100% of our uplink. Edit: Doesn't open-wrt have an option to do bandwidth throttling or packet shaping? I'd love to set it up to give packet priority on the LAN, or maybe just lower upload throughput on certain IP addresses *snicker*
  23. Thats how the original prop was made. Actually it's just a standard 8.5x11 (A1'ish) sheet of paper printed on a color laser at work taped to a box of, um, frosted mini wheats i think. But no this is something where we don't have the equipment to do it right, and if we're going to do something its going to be right.
  24. In my defense I'm running a 25 GB offsite backup from the HQ to my apartment using MS Synctoy and a VPN (secure yet not efficient). I want a bumper sticker for my computer that says "My other tube is an OC-192"
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