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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. From the wiki article it sounds awesome. I bet with a standard xml & zip payload architecture and a GUI a payload management system could be built off this that would allow for more people to add their payloads. I'll mirror the file on hak5.org as soon as I've got it downloaded. Congrats Edit: Mirrored on hak5.org Edit: It looks like you've got absolute paths in the batch file. I've edited comments to the wiki page about environment variables.
  2. I really like that idea. What is needed, and will be needed once the hacksaw* and chainsaw* come out is some sort of package/payload management system. /me thinks xml and framework. *I feel like AMD with product code names like "ClawHammer" and "SledgeHammer"
  3. Isn't this possibly with registry hacks? IIRC if you tell Windows that the device with XXXX manufacturer code and XXXX property 1, XXXX property 2 etc (I forget exactly what info it uses) it'll try to install the driver for the device you redirected it to... Eg: You have a Sandisk U3 drive... you hack the registry so that Windows sees Sandisk as HP and U3 USB mass storage device as a printer... problem solved... USB device codes range from 0x00 to 0xFF, including Audio, HID, still image capture, printer, mass storage, hub, com, video, wireless, and custom
  4. Oh yeah I forgot to mention this on the forums, it's been in the topic of the IRC for hours now. I'm trying out something new with editing. Now you can watch as the show is made in real time... 30 seconds at a time. http://www.hak5.org/editcam/
  5. paul & wess play as hak5pwns, mainly halo2
  6. no problem, just charge it to the Dev5 credit card. And make sure you set a good password for the orbital battlestation... like 12345, but with a blue number. Yes, you heard me. Screw alphanumeric passwords, we're going technicolor rainbow!
  7. Thunder Kitten Assault Force!!
  8. I saw that game about a year ago and didnt understand it then. More power to ya if you enjoy it, but I'm not touching it. I'm already addicted to blockland anyway. :)
  9. Last I knew he had the same car as Jenn Cutter, a VW Jetta.
  10. Try explaining that one to Money Penny.
  11. Thanks guys. It went really well. Dana from anappaday is a hillarious guy. Good stuff.
  12. That's called evolution. Man the set looks better this year. Wow! And as for the 5:55 thing... That's an easteregg. The clock has no batteries. But it also turns out that dorgem runs into an error FTPing the image every now and then and just gives up all together. I'm half tempted to write a batch that'll taskkill.exe /f /im dorgem.exe & start c:progra~1dorgemdorgem.exe and schedule it every 10 minutes, but that's a silly bandage. Anyone have other webcam proggie suggestions?
  13. Thats what we call in the industry, television. ;)
  14. To make it even better, offer to deathmatch them in multiplayer solitare. Ok, I'm done derailing the thread. It's a bummer about the SP0, SP1 bug. No wait, feature. Hmm... Maybe thats a mitigation technique. Calling all systems administrators! Protect yourself from the dreaded switchblade by downgrading all of your machines to SP0!! Oh, for real this time, I'll stop being silly (one of those days). I guess U3 FTW.
  15. I made it to "These aren't the pants your looking for" and then died. Wess and I just couldnt keep reading or else we'll never get the show done today. OMG it's genius. Someone find a phpBB quote rotator. This needs to be integrated into the forums.
  16. Today we're shooting a segment with The Software Jedi as he's known, from www.anappaday.com. If you're not familiar with the project you might want to click the link and find out. Anyway, thought it might be fun to ask the community what you'd like to hear from him. Is there any question in specific you would ask if you were doing the segment? Of course obvious questions like, "Where did the idea come from for An App A Day, and why?" and "What is the biggest challenge doing an application every day?" and "Where can our viewers find out more information about your applications, or get involved in the development process? (since it'll still be going by the time 2x03 airs)" Anyway, if ya want to throw in your $0.02 do so within the next 4 hours from this post.
  17. It'll go on throughout the day. thats the best I can give ya. we've got a guest coming on for a segment at 1:00 PM Eastern. Not sure if you know how we shoot but it's a pretty loose process. Oh, and there's nobody on the cam because my butt hasnt left my desk. Speaking of which, that set looks horrid. I should clean up before the guest arrives.
  18. We're shooting today and thought it might be fun to beta test the hakcam. It's currently pointed at the set and if things go smoothly we'll make it a permanent fixture. Right now it's a laptop and logitech orbital webcam running xp and dorgem, with a refresh of 5 SPF and a page with a meta refresh of 5 secs. If you've got suggestions for better solutions post em here. Anyway, the webcam can be found here: http://www.hak5.org/hakcam/ Or, hehehe, looky looky: Gotta love that trick Feedback would be great.
  19. If we could get a PWdump equiv that doesnt set off anti-virus, and can be run by guest (possibly using the hack posted earlier about reading/writing protected files) that would be awesome. Nice prog Deveant
  20. Should the forums banner image change to match the homepage and wiki?
  21. updated the wiki to better organize all USB hack related articles. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/USB_Hacks
  22. Only posting this to make you jealous: http://hak5darren.textamerica.com/?r=4494898
  23. Aww... What a sucky way to ruin a perfectly good box of hax0rflakes.
  24. Sup joker, welcome to the forums. Hey look *sees flashy avatar* ZoMG! *falls our of chair* MY EYES!!! *tries to dial 911 but since 9 only gets an outside line on asterisk realises just dialed "11"* WTFOMGBBQ! but seriously, welcome. try hitting them over the head with a demo, scare em a little, get em paranoid, then slowly sooth them with your hacker knowledge, ending with mitigation, workarounds, protection, etc... It's a good format. *eyes start to twitch out again*
  25. Wess and I used to have fun with NET SEND * but that was back before Windows XP. Crap did I just age myself? I'm old *cries*
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