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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. My only major concern is that the URL for things like the pandora hack and switchblade development _do not change_. It's ridicilous how much traffic those threads get since they're linked from all over the place.
  2. I don't really wear that necklace on every ep do I?
  3. The official dreamhost blog had an entry on why they can offer so much bandwidth/disk space once, and the guys over there have their heads on right. the account is worth it for the monthly newsletter alone. they guys seem to be hackers in the sense like us. as for torrents, we ran out torrent server on dreamhost for the longest time, but could never figure out how to get download numbers from them so we switched to using several libsyn accounts to power the direct downloads.
  4. I checked his other posts and I dont think he's a spambot. Maybe we could get a better explination.
  5. Great idea. My only concern is using flash or quicktime or whatever video format for the introduction to noobs, welcome to forums video. it needs to be accessible. maybe video just isnt going to do it. How about comic book format?
  6. thats so evil it might just work. on a semi related topic, what do you guys think of moving the discussion board above the show board? discussion seems to be where the action is.
  7. Proff that I've had enough WoW to last a lifetime: http://www.hak5.org/warroom/
  8. http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t...light=southpark http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t...light=southpark
  9. /me cries There are two very similar threads in everything else and... im so confused. I just want sleep!
  10. Remember this bad bunny? Almost delayed 1x05.
  11. Is there an echo in here? *looks around* print.....printf().....ahh, there it is.... Yes, I agree. Hence my flash or other such video suggestion as many will not read a guideline document when signing up.
  12. Memorial services will be held at westvale gardens at 14:00 GMT. Your support and respect is appreciated as we bid farewell to the noob. *sniff* Poor guy, he never really had a chance to troll. *takes nibble out of noob biscuit and tea*
  13. yeah yeah i get that, im just not sure what your saying. wearing out? i know a lot has been locked lately but like others have said it's release week and "i want to be a haxor but i dont have a program can you teach me i like hack5". Anyway, what do we need? better TKAF thread lock images? More mods? Better lock icons? Or just blast the effing locked threads and noob-be-gone. sorry, i'm still very dazed and confused since the accident
  14. Truly sad, I never even got the chance to know him. I guess the casualties are a bit easier to handle when there isn't a face to the number. May he rest in eternal banishment, whatever his name was.
  15. thread locks? what's wrong with the old ones? wait. am i not getting something here? damn you lack of sleep!
  16. Thanks! Yeah I've got to say Divx Stage6 is really amazing. I believe the show notes for those may either already be in the wiki at www.hak5.org/wiki, or could have been the lost episode. Either way I'm sure can can dig them up.
  17. I think phpBB should be modified so that every new member has to see a 20 second flash/quicktime/txt thing welcoming them to the forums, and going over a VERY basic do's and don't. If it were done with those awesome Hak5 SouthPark characters with maybe a little jingle, and was somewhat comical it might just do the trick. Wess and I would be more than happy to provide voicework. That said, I havent touched Macromedia Flash since version 5 so.... Um... What's this newfangled MX stuff? ;) Prime example of tech flash used right: http://gprime.net/flash.php/getperpendicular D
  18. Interesting. Malicious. None the less, interesting. Sadly Hak5 is no longer distributed over torrents, not that we'd want to have any part in zombied machines seeding, but again, interesting. So what's to stop you from doing something similar except with folding@home, or rainbow table generation, or even better, just simply add the machines idle resources to a cluster. Of course bandwidth would be a limitation but imagine having a "Evil Hak5 Cluster for Goodness"....."wait, where does the evil come in?"
  19. not to self: write that page on the wiki you've been meaning to write about payload management and truly turn the switchblade into an open framework... after you sleep.
  20. Hey guys please don't flame the new guy. When it comes to networking there are a million ways to skin a cat. And in my book every solution that works is right. So of course there are easier ways to acomplish the same thing here, but guess what, dudeski here setup a little network and was able to share the LAN with his notebook over wifi. I say mad props, especially if this was your first time dabbling with networking. It's the experience that you've gained by attempting this that's worth more than the actual result. Anyone that gives you hell otherwise should take a step back because while to many this isnt considered a hack I applaud you for setting it up rather than just getting shit faced at the closest kegger. Now, that said, listen to what the bright minds have to say about alternative methods of networking you systems, and by all means find the closest kegger. You're only in college once... or twice... or depending on how academics go maybe a few more times ;)
  21. Shit. I was right all along. It was late. I apologize profusely. Bring on the wet noodles.
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