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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. know that I'm a edit: well ain't that a bitch
  2. Hey Moonlit I just wanted you to
  3. winamp 2.8x ftw I will give them this. They totally have an awesome graphic designer on team.
  4. To be honest I'd hate to be the one that has to look at that later.
  5. The only loaders we currently have are for the Sandisk and Memorex drives. However with enough R&D anything is possible. Maybe you are the Store'N'Go messiah, the choosen one who will free it from it's proprietary doom.
  6. First you find the Manual, then you Read The Fucker
  7. Search feature has been re-enabled. Search on!
  8. fold on edit: And what are you saying? :ninja: Ninjas and :pirate: Pirates arent good enough for you?
  9. yes and no. Yes, anything is possible. No, i don't know of any tools out there off the top of my head, however that doesnt mean they dont exist. Oh, and look out for some Hak5 homebrew DS hacking soon :)
  10. I don't think I quite understand the question. You say echo and I think printf, so i dont think we're speaking the same language yet.
  11. Hello people of pandora thread. I'd just like to point out that you've got your own board now. Feel free to stretch out of this cramped little thread. kthx :-)
  12. I'm not saying you have to remove it, i think its creative, im just saying that having it fold for hak5 could be bad. not that the hak5 folding group is like tied in any way to technolust productions inc or anything, but i can see how people could easily get confused and come yelling at wess and i when they got pwnt.
  13. And thats why usb hacks has its own board now. it's too big for just a thread. i forsee eventually a how-to thread for noobs being stickied. not that noobs need this kind of tool in their arsenal, but hey.
  14. again, (damn how many places are you going to post this?) I recommend against the folding@home for hak5 addition to the payload. it has the potential to give hak5 a bad name and im sure the folding@hak5 team wouldnt like that. so yeah, creative, but maybe not so good. damn i sound like a broken record.
  15. As I said in the other thread, I recommend removing the folding@home for hak5 part of the payload. this has the potential to give hak5 a bad name and i'm sure the folding@hak5 group wouldnt be so pleased with it. ...again, not to say it's not a cool hack. i love the creativity of your payload.
  16. I can't stop you, but I'm going to officially advise against this. Not that it's not a cool hack and all, but it could potentially give Hak5 a bad name, and I'm sure teh Folding@Hak5 group wouldnt be so happy with it.
  17. anything is possible, especially at zombocom.. *sorry i know that's not helpful*
  18. That's something I'm constantly afraid of. I don't want this show or community to turn into that. We'll get away from the black hat and focus more on homebrew and white hat security in the next episode.
  19. It really depends on what you're looking to acomplish. If you want to compress your drive to fit more on it, like many of us did in the 80's and 90's with software like doubledisk, stacker, etc, my first bit of advice would be to *stay away from that junk* That said, keep in mind that much of the stuff that fills our hard drives these days (videos, music, images) are already in compressed formats like divx, xvid, quicktime, mp3, aac, jpeg, png, so compressing them again isnt going to yield spectacular results. in some cases it can even make the file larger. To be honest you're best bet is to simply mow some lawns and buy a bigger hard drive. Hope that was helpful. Cheers, Darren
  20. You can find the full competition here: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Photoshop_Competition Feel free to cross post images between forums/wiki. Oh yeah, and image uploading on the wiki had been enabled so no more must we use imageshack, etc.
  21. I really like the discussion thats going on here, especially ideas for legit uses. It's been planned for a while to do a segment on whitehat uses for this technology. Just the other day I was deploying a backup solution to notebook computers in my office via U3 since it didn't interupt the work of the user. Unfortunately those machines arent part of a domain so software deployment is a pain, though this made it way easier. "It's time for your booster shot!" plug in. wait a few seconds. ask about the kids. unplug. make some lame clean computer joke and leave.
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