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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Thanks for the heads up. Must have been a glitch.
  2. Nah, looks like I'm the only one that noticed. The forums went subsilver for a minute. And ya know what? I don't think it looked all that bad. Maybe with some mods. Oh, and that random quote generator with the "starwars pants" file worked. I guess subsilver really is THE theme for phpbb. VaKo, care to comment?
  3. Yes, every OS can be a person. Just like every OS can be an airport, or car. Good analogies(sp?)
  4. oh, actually I already know. I PM'd VaKo and told him to play with the skins. It has something to do with backups. So don't freak out, it's all under control. And yes, "play with it" is that any good admin does to fix something.
  5. I think I'll have to pick one up as well. I seem to have misplaced my switchblades. Last time I saw them we we're wrapping up shooting on 2x03. And I need them to evaluate the security software we've got in the lab. I hope they didn't fall into the wrong hands.... ...Actually, on that note, the ex-g/f Beth came over with a cruizer micro a while back. I told her about the switchblade and hooked her up. I'm pretty sure she has malicious intent with the current boyfriend. Could get interesting. Hot Noob with firepower.
  6. My first personal experience with Linux? Ok... Well, it was at a party in high school. I think I was 15 at the time. It was one of those, parents gone for the weekend kinda things. Some older kids showed up with beer too. I felt leet with my Coors Light. Somehow I found myself upstairs in a room where all the cool kids were passing around a joint. Thats where I saw her. Linux was sitting across from me, wearing her cute little KDE tank-top. I had always admired her in school but had no idea she was such a fun party-goer. My turn came around and I had to Puff-Puff-Give or look like a noob in front of Linux. That's when the night got really weird. We got high and started playing spin the bottle. OS/2 and Windows were banging on the door like little twirps, trying to get into the cool private party upstairs. What noobs. Well, like you'd guess my bottle landed on Linux, but instead of the make-out closet she took me to the guest bedroom. Was this it? Was I about to become a real nerd? I don't really like to talk about my first time that much. I think it kinda scared me for life. In hindsight I think I was way too young and impressionable. All I remember from that night was screaming "No! No!" as I tried countless times to compile. Mind you this was back in 2.0.0, GCC was a little wonky, and this was way before she got whored out by SCO. After a kernel panic I gave up. I think I spent the rest of the night making out with Windows CE on the couch downstairs. She's really short in person, which kinda worked out for me in the end.
  7. Whoa... It's like... were you there?! That's EXACTLY what happened. (I think somewhere in there I got drunk too.... and something about zombie hookers...)
  8. lol it was already given a spiffy name for googleability but hey, whatever, dropping the C is fun
  9. Yeah I found this website in our referrer logs about a week ago. First off, the information wants to be free. ;) Second, anything on our wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license. That means the contents can be used for noncommercial purposes as long as attribution (credit) is given, and that any derivitives are licensed under an identical license. Seeing as the copy (text) was not ripped word for word it's not a violation of the license. For example: Honestly he's a better wordsmith than me. And the site has only been around for this month, and interestingly is hosted at dreamhost. This doesn't surprise me, nor upset me. You see, the good borrow (modified version of USBDumper anyone?) while the great steal. Remember that application "Pandomax" that was a complete rip of the Pandora's Jar app still in development over in the Projects board? It even came with a Hak5 skin! So really I guess it doesn't matter. The goal of showing these types of hacks on the show is to bring awareness to these attack vectors and if this site helps that cause all the better. And the little links back always help in ye olde google index and hits/viewers, etc. PS: Dudeski, if you're reading, I'm digging the logo.
  10. *puts the marshmallows away* So much for the noob roast :(
  11. yeah i just use the built in windows stuff, extended desktop. works nice. ive played with the nvidia stuff before too. once a long time ago i got really bored and setup a machine with 3 video cards (one agp, two pci) and ran unreal tournament across all 3 in software rendering mode. it ran pretty bad but looked awesome
  12. I run dual monitors off my dev/game pc using a radeon x850xt plat. and it doesnt inpact game performance. games start in the primary monitor and get great frames. i play most of my games in a window with irc in the secondary monitor so that i can quickly switch back and forth. good stuff. oh, and if you're going to go dual you might want to google for the program "ultramon", it's really nice.
  13. Welcome to the community mate
  14. And google is for helping people too. Welcome! New members please read this prior to posting Edit: It's quite alright. Welcome to the forums, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the shows.
  15. I've fixed the upload script to accept RAR, ZIP, GZ, and 7Z files of up to 20MB. And I second pseudobreed's suggestion for MD5 Checksums.
  16. Cool it guys. Yes, you can disable the storage of LM hashes by using the above posted method, but honestly a better solution is to get in the habbit of using secure passwords 15 characters or higher. And don't tell Jester to STFU, that just pisses me off
  17. open services.msc, edit the apache service, and set it to interact with the desktop. easy as pie, we did that for the vlc web admin proggie in 1x09
  18. I've fixed that problem. You should be able to upload up to 20 MB now.
  19. Coming from an AMD fanboy at heart, I'll honestly say if you're looking to build a badass rig, give Intel a look.
  20. Metatron is either an eccentric geek, or a special ops. Your choice.
  21. Throw in the ability to erase the real encrypted partition when logging in with the decoy and you've got yourself some hardcore stuff there.
  22. Spek, would you be interested in helping populate the http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Switchblade_Packages page?
  23. Just wanted to chime in and say that I've setup a basic package system on the wiki, so rather than choose between all the payloads just throw together what you need based on available packages. We'll even host the binaries in most cases with a simple uploader. Official Thread: http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=40179 Switchblade Packages: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Switchblade_Packages I think this will make things a lot easier for everyone. Thoughts?
  24. Why choose between so many great payloads? Pick what you need from the Switchblade Package repository and build your own. It's geeky and fun. www.hak5.org/wiki/Switchblade_Packages Got a cool package? Add it to the repository. We even have a convenient binary hosting page at www.hak5.org/packages/ Thoughts?
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