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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it here too. This wasn't our greatest ep. Not every ep is going to beat the last one. Our primary focus this month was working on the ep20 special and 2x06. 2x04 isn't going to win any awards but it's better than a poke in the eye.
  2. Are you serious? Low quality mindless blather by pre-teens on the Internets? Shocking! It'll raise the noise to signal ratio through the roof! It can't be true!
  3. ROFL. I agree. Hillarious. Seriously, just what the Internets needs, another "tech news podcast". Oh, by the way, check out the new podcast, Top5Tech. It's Andy Walker, Frank Linhares, Ben Freedman, and myself talking about the top 5 weekly tech stories. It's so hawesome I might just explode.
  4. This video on Google explains it all: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4989933629762859961
  5. Welcome to the club. The first rule about Hak5 is... Talk about Hak5. Tell your friends, get them involved, and together we'll crush the... oh.. wait.. Sorry, had an EvilServer moment there.
  6. Yes, you can watch the EditCam No, the episode will not be released on the 5th of November. (It will come out sooner than that. Within hours-days actually) Yes, the chainsaw exploits most operating systems running on x86 within certain conditions. No, there isn't any proof of concept code yet. Anyway, think outside the box. Who needs linux/windows/mac exploits when you have physical access to the drive. Oh, and the name is simply a code name, likely for googleability.
  7. Got a system that's been "whiped clean". User probably just deleted the files then emptied the recycle bin. Back in the good ol' days we had undelete. Anyone got some recommendations for windows? the cheaper the better.
  8. You know, with Firefox 2 out and including a spell checker, I kind of figured the intelligence of posts would raise by a point or two. Guess not.
  9. We’re looking for a volunteer to help with the wiki CSS. It looks great in Firefox, but not so well in Safari or IE. If you’ve got ninja code monkey CSS skills and would like to help out please drop me a line. Darren@hak5.org.
  10. I digg it, as long as Wess & I are kick ass hacker/mcguyver types and not terminators ;) Alli has a lot of talent when it comes to coloring in photoshop, I'll put her in contact with you. Cant wait to see cells of Hak5 :)
  11. so i'm sick as a dog and figure a little hak5 forum reading might get my mind off this cold. well... thanks... uuuugh
  12. If you rewatch the episode you'll see that he mysteriously came back, with a bandage no less, with alli for the godaddy sponsor. then again in the following episode when he ran off with her... bandage and all... If you ask me that bucket of rust is probably cracked out on warez looking for a sip of bandwidth on some ghetto street corner in Washington DC or something.
  13. You kids are crazy. We all know that Evil Server is running the show, and it's actually all done in CG. The cast are just subroutines modeled in Blender. If you pay close attention you can see the flaws in 1x01 before hardware texture and lighting was implemented. Not to mention the bad acting that only a computer could provide.
  14. Very clever, a link inside a smiley. And his blogger profile "vicodin" (which is some really good shit when you're in pain I might add) contains the following gems: "Adult Dating Services Online", "Swinger Personals", Free Lesbian Porn Clips". I don't know about you guys but that's one badass smiley face. I mean, if you had a bunch of hardcore perscription drugs and free lesbian porn clips you'd probably be smiling too! I think I hear a horizontally challenged bus on its way!
  15. What video mixer was it? I've heard to stay away from the MX1. The Edirol V1 looks like it would do just what we want without a bunch of fancy expensive features we'd never use. Though we'd need a seperate piece of hardware to do live CG like lower thirds, overlays, etc. But that can be done in post easily, and later brought into the mix with an additional piece of hardware. I think the V1 can do keying on the 4th channel.
  16. I just got this emailed to me and thought it was interesting: http://www.infogreg.com/security/misc/wind...r-overflow.html
  17. Nah I think if you've watched Hak5 enough you know that we're not all about the "swirlies". Hard cuts, good info, packaged with some good tunes and graphics. Anything more is just glitter. If we can't get this done easily in software, our backup choice is this: http://www.edirol.com/products/v1/index.html Add svideo cables for all 3 cameras, capture card for PC, and a few monitors and it could get a little expensive but it's what we would need to upgrade from set to studio.
  18. For a turnkey solution you might want to look into Matrox cards
  19. Sounds perfect for the packages page: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Switchblade_Packages
  20. Our savior comes with the name of Wirecast http://www.varasoft.com/products/wirecast/
  21. Calling all geeks! We're in need of a software based video mixer, sometimes called a live switcher. We're looking for it to use Firewire as input from 3 DV camera sources. The basic overview is to plug 3 cameras into a PC's 1394/Firewire ports and switch between each camera live and save the output to file for later editing. Compositing, keying, graphics, lower thirds, etc are all optional. So far this is what we have found: http://www.tekgia.com/product_info.php/cPa...products_id/202 However, it doesn't work. But basically something like that, that works, and doesnt cost $5,000 like the TriCaster or Video Toaster is what we need. We've been on a google marathon with limited success, so I'm putting out this all points bulletin in hopes of finding the proper video mixing software solution.
  22. I've just updated the top_image for AdInfinitum and it looks pretty spiffy.
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