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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. When I was 16, at a LAN party, I plugged in a floppy molex incorrectly. Not sure how I managed to get it one pin off, but it was in a dark corner of this case and I couldn't exactly see what was going on. I pluggin in the floppy, started to wonder why it wasnt booting off the bios flash disk i inserted. Went to unplug it and it was burning hot to the touch. After a nice little 2nd degree burn I unplugged the fried PSU and realized my mistake. The molex had melted onto the floppy.
  2. There are levels now! Damnit! Just when I thought my grinding days were through after leaving WoW. /me picks up a network enumerator, packet sniffer, set of tables, etc and starts repeatedly pressing TAB and 2.
  3. Given 1000 monkeys and 1000 typewriters, eventually you'll get Shakespeare. Or so goes the Infinite monkey theorem. How that relates to the script below is unknown, however we do know that today the Internet is all about "user generated content"... And rounded corners, obviously. So today we would like to take this opportunity to share with you the rough draft of the script for an uncoming skit on HAK.5. Written in what some may call a drunken stupor, the creative geniuses here at HAK.5 bring you the first ever Red Team Competition. It's quite simple actually. The first step is to read the copy as it's known in the biz, then red team it by using the edit button found on the left hand side of this here web page. By carefully using wiki markup and your brain, located in the cranial cavity of your body, you can manipulate the text until it sufficiently passes the patented HAK.5 "chocolate milk snorts out of nose" comedy filter. Remember to click the save page button, and respect the opinions of others involved in this Massively Multiplayer Online Cluster Fuck, or MMOCF for short. You can even use the talk page to discuss things like pace, beats, continuity, and other biz speak things. Or just make fart jokes. Either way the performance arts and cinematography experts here at HAK.5 will soon turn what comes of this page into a skit for your chocolate milk drinking, watching, and eventual monitor cleaning enjoyment. Thanks, and happy editing. --Management www.hak5.org/wiki/Myspace_Youtube_Skit
  4. I picked up my current IT job while in high school in a cooperative tech education program where I would get credit for working. Through networking (the people type) I was able to interview for an entry level publishing position using things like photoshop and powerpoint. From there I got bumped up to web developer when the opportunity came. Soon after that network administrator until finally systems administrator. I never finished my degree in uni, that's something I'll have to get back to later. I'm way too busy chasing an iptv dream right now. but the lack of certs of degree have never been an issue as i've countless times proven my ability to think quickly on my feet and learn whatever it is i need to do. when your boss asks you if you can integrate the abc with the xyz, tell him you'll learn how.
  5. Congrats man! Where's the rest of your work online?
  6. too late. i guess you werent around for the alpha test
  7. Tell you something you don't know? What is this truth or date? I'll bite. When I was 9 I built a rip cord in my back yard between two trees. I didn't have enough rope to make it all the way across so I tied to pieces together. I climbed the taller tree and hung off the rope with a plastic horse shoe. The beta test was successful so I called my father over to see my new invention. He warned about the knot but I explained that it was sturdy. Half way through the second trip it snapped and I landed on my ass. w00t for beta. Now it's your turn
  8. I don't follow. What are you working on?
  9. What no price a buck higher in Canadian? Come on, it's gotta be $2.95 US / $3.95 CAD. I mean, Andy and Amber are Canadians, you've gotta. Looking good, can't wait to see Wess & I kicking some ass.
  10. IANAL but I play one on slashdot. Title 17, Chapter 12, Section 1201 states: "No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title." The full code can be found here: http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/us...01----000-.html Also read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DMCA Ever wonder how in the 1x02 segment on installing OSX on x86 we never showed the actual commands to acomplish this task, nor did we provide further information in the show notes? That's what we call CYA, as back then Hak.5 was operating as a sole proprietorship, meaning basically had we shown everything you needed to know to circumvent copyright we would be in violation of the DMCA and our asses would be on the line. Thankfully now it's setup as an LLC and still we've yet to break the DMCA (Hacking the CVS Digital Camera anyone?) Hope that helps.
  11. Yeah that's just straight wrong. Might as well have said "Nuke the gay jew whales"
  12. November's Hak5 Photoshop Competition is out. Bonus points go to creativity and thinking outside the box. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Photoshop_Competition
  13. In an alternate universe this may have happened http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenkitchen...57594373013058/
  14. you must have paul and i mistaken for someone else, that couldnt be us.
  15. I love how at the end when Jeremy shows up after kicking the 3 bad dudes asses he doesn't waste a minute to start microing bad dudes ass. Of course, bad dude is uber pro and deflected, but meh. that last scene was teh best. i love the reaction shows from tagi, especially the part about his left testicle. everyone sold it amazingly well. oh, and the tetris music from the begining.. ahh. i love it. grabbed the mp3 from pronobozo a while back. i hope he does an extended cut of it. good stuff all around.
  16. This is one of those "I'm leaning towards it's fake, but either way it was a funny story" kinda deals. Got a laugh out of me.
  17. oi. well if thats the case then use just about any linux live cd. way to spoil the fun new guy.
  18. But why touch the local file system, and by touch I mean write to, when you don't have to? Why use the Internet connection (if there even is one) if you don't have to? All you're doing is leaving traces. 1. Boot off the USB key. 2. Copy the data to the USB key. 3. Underpands 4. ? 5. Profit!
  19. You're barking up the wrong tree. Think about it. A U3 Sandisk Cruzer Micro contains a CDFS partition and R/W FAT32 partition... The BIOS sees the CDFS part of the USB key as an actual CDROM... If you were to boot from that partition it would be trivial to mount the FAT32 partition... ...And write to it ...And call it a chainsaw ...That pwnz boxen platform independently...since it brings it's own platform... :shock: Oh wait... it's that already in development?
  20. I ran into the same problem at work. I was cleaning spyware off an employees pwned boxen :roll: using MS Anti-Spyware Beta, now renamed Windows Defender. It caught Tight VNC as a backdoor or something silly like that. Thing is, VNC and SSH is part of our default configuration. It's a lifesaver in a helpdesk scenario.
  21. I don't know, but tens of thousands like yourself tune in each month to hear what we have to say, and we're just geeks like everyone else on these forums. I started blogging a few years ago when I realized that it was easier to maintain a website powered by wordpress than rolling my own with php/mysql. I primarily used it as a place to post pictures that my family and friends would be interested in, as well as what's happening in my world, and even a little mp3 swapping area where close friends could borrow/lend music using some custom php code. Now I've moved into even more mainstream blogging areas like Vox and Flickr as honestly it's a lot easier than what I was doing before, and supposedly people are interested. I talk about major things that happen in my life, like wrecking my motorcycle, getting a new car, buying a house. And show stuff like what's going on behind the scenes, video clips that didn't make it into the episode, etc. Who are these people that blog about their poo you speak of? I mean, maybe they do exist but I've never read them. Why would you read a random persons blog? I only read blogs by people I know, like Leo, Amber, Mikey, Andy, and the Pure Pwnage crew. If a blogger writes about poop and nobody reads it, did it really happen?
  22. This was the greatest episode. I'm so glad we could be there to cover the premier in Toronto. Got so much great footage. We'll be going back in 2 weeks to shoot some more. Look out for a mini documentary in the not too distant future. I'll post some pics from the event/after party once I know it's safe to. I'm pretty sure everyone knows the real names of the cast and Kyle's face now.
  23. We're game. Once the script is done Wess and I will record it. The video should also be available in alternate formats like xvid, quicktime, and wmv.
  24. I used to play LORD for hours back in the day. I can remember dialing into my fav BBS at 11:00, play for an hour (my daily time limit), then disconnect and reconect at midnight for another hour of play time. This game is awesome, and if we ever get the bloody hak5 bbs up and going i totally want LORD running in the doorgames section.
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