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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. That would be the Steganography segment I did on CFH and Hak5Live. http://www.callforhelptv.com/callforhelp/s...6.shtml?regular http://www.stegoarchive.com/ http://steghide.sourceforge.net/ That should get you going.
  2. lesson learned: use a pic of your own cat, not one you pulled off flickr with a "cat" tag.
  3. very cool. its a shame the disc encryption prevents wii homebrew but at least with the second backdoor game copies can be done.
  4. If the DVD player will do mp3 than just copy the mp3 files over to dvdr and let it do the menuing. Trust me you dont want to get into building a menu from scratch, and even then you'll be encoding mp3 files to pcm audio on the disc and wont be able to hold nearly as many tracks.
  5. I'm hitting up some parties and clubs in Richmond with Erin Shahan, w00t
  6. wouldnt it be better to just encourage some decency towards newbies across all forums. The safe haven is a nice idea but doesnt it just say that anything outside these walls are safe for flamage?
  7. My vote is for NTLM tables over MD5 tables, or at least I can see a more practical application for them right away.
  8. Paul and Wess play some Halo2 on xbox, gamertag is hak5pwnz or hak5pwns or hak5pwn, something like that. We havent picked up a 360 yet but I'm sure we will sometime this season in the new house.
  9. I had a site like that... In '95... It wasnt rad then, it isnt rad now.
  10. 120 GB hard drive...$55 FedEX express shipping...$12 Knowing that you can crack just about any LM hash...Priceless Some things money can't buy. For everything else there's the Microshaft Platinum Hax0r card.
  11. It's a nice thought be seriously all we've done is foster an intellectual community, facilitate a wiki, and add some encouragement. Profit was never a goal when starting Hak5 and while humbled by the suggestion it's far from necessary. I'd rather see geeks with rainbowtables than a few dollar bills. Legal mumbo jumbo: The COMMUNITY RAINBOW TABLES project is a HAK5 sponsored program. HAK5 and TECHNOLUST PRODUCTIONS INC., are NOT liable for monetary transactions or any other matter that involves the COMMUNITY RAINBOW TABLES and or RAINBOW TABLES BY MAIL program. Man I hate legal.
  12. or 175 CDs or 25 DVDs or 1553445 8" IBM Floppies
  13. When did these boards become a witch hunt? Who cares what his motive is. Pics, Warez or WMDs, the topic is wordlists and rar cracking. ftp://ftp.cerias.purdue.edu/pub/dict/ ftp://ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/wordlists/
  14. You can find the episode we've been on in the wiki under appearances... Though I need to update that list with the most recent batch of CFH eps.
  15. I wasnt going to say anything at first, but my God it's messing with my sense of order! Had... To... Fix... It.... Ahh... Much better!
  16. I really like this. I just wish the primary navigation (forums, wiki, episodes), were more prominent. The top brown bar is a nice tough though, great place for search and feed. Also like the "Latest Episode 22". My eyes are pulled towards the latest episode, which is great. I like how the brown sidebar keeps the ads less distracting.
  17. VTR means Video Tape Recorder, or as google says "Electronic recording device that records video and audio signals on videotape for playback or editing." The number scheme is a homage to Call for Help. Without the experience of doing CFH episodes and hanging out on set and in the control room, becoming friends with the production crew, getting questions answered by directors, producers, camera operators, sound engineers, lighting engineers, etc none of this would be possible. CFH uses 3 VTR decks for the show. One is to record to, one is for playback of CG elements such as opening title, and the third is used when they have pre-recorded footage such as an interview to play during the show. They are named VTR-71, 72, and 73. So when it came time for us to build the machines for broadcast, capture, and playback it was an obvious choice. You can hear in out-takes of previous episodes Wess or I say "Que 72" jokingly because that's a frequent command that Matt Harris, Associate Producer of Call for Help says in the control room when coming back from break. That and we wish to one day be half as leet as Matt Harris.
  18. George, I can't help you until you let us know what video editing program you're using.
  19. Steps to hacking teh gibson, courtesy of Hak5: 0. Go to "alternative lifestyle" club in search of homoerotic facepainted hackers 1. Post a message on all hacker related forums (including Hak5) requesting that the Hackers of the world unite 2. Break into DOT computers and reroute traffic light control systems through friendster. 3. Send text messages to random people saying "Hack the planet!" 4. Replace the crystal in your Radio Shack Tone Dialer with one at 6.5536mhz 5. Wear lepord print and pretend to bluebox 6. Tripple the ram in your P6, because RISC will change everything 7. Attach acoustic couplers to a bank of phone booths 8. Get your gaffer to rotate said phone booth as you attach early 90's electronic head gear 9. Make references to the founder of 2600, the Mentor, and dead poets 10. Get into the kernel and call the sysop a dickweed If all goes according to plan teh gibson should look something like this: Thank you for playing
  20. Bloopers at work? I work at Hak5. Do I need to say anymore? So this one time Wess was building a box, formatted the drive, installed windows, then went to install office or open office or something and got an error that there wasnt enough free disk space. He was like, "wtf this is an 80gig drive".... ...well, he had formatted it with FAT and was left with only a 2gb partition. We didnt let him live it down for a while.
  21. The godaddy and hitachi sponsor ads need to be "above the fold", i believe on a standard 1024x768 screen. Other than that there really arent many design requirements. I like the fact that this layout concept keeps whats important at the top; the latest episode, the links to episodes, forums, and wiki. the current design feels really cluttered and really blogish. i'd like to get away from that a bit but still keep the blog available for making announcements and the such. anyone who wants to take a crack at it can feel free, I've posted the PSD at www.hak5.org/temp/concept4.rar D
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