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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. remember to post on the wiki http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Photoshop_Competition
  2. No. I've got 3 letters for ya, F.C.C. Television, isn't that some 1920s technology or something? A step backwards if you ask me. Between the red tape and dinosaur business models I think we're much better off here on the net. And with the lines blurring between television and IPTV, timeshifted content, Tivo, Apple TV, Xbox media center, etc, who the hell cares what the delivery method is. That said, what we're doing is on the bleeding edge, and we're thankful to be in on the ground floor of an exploding medium that has nowhere to go but up. And we're standing on the shoulders of giants and taking a few pages from the play books of those that have pioneered technology television. G4TechTV namely; the divorced spouse of the great ZDTV/TechTV. Doing live to tape episodes of Call for Help in Toronto for Rogers Cable has been a huge inspiration and role model for us. Traditional television has been around for decades, creating a format that works, and one that most of us are subconsciously expecting when watching quality programming. So while we pave the way in this new medium, experimenting with the web video format, we'll hopefully find our way into the homes and hearts of technology lusting individuals like yourselves for years to come. Consider yourself in the front seat of the amusement park ride IPTV. And mind the oxygen masks deployed from the ceiling in the event of a "sudden drop in cabin pressure" (Its like a BSOD but much worse). PS: Thanks for watching. This is only the beginning. Blogged here
  3. I'll get it with my next hardware upgrade (business notebook, not homebrew gaming rig), then I'll strip down all the sparkly glitter and remove all of the "user friendly" crap. Hopefully it'll just look like Windows 2000 and I'll just do the same thing I've always been doing with windows.
  4. thankfully we've still got G4TechTV up in Canada and licensed to Foxtel for the How-To network in Australia. And with Call for Help moving from the Omni studio in Toronto to the Greedy studio in Vancouver I believe this gives them a fighting chance of getting on in the US market again. It's just a shame it'll be so far away from us, we really enjoyed driving up to Toronto to do Call for Help.
  5. Meh, I guess you just had to have been there. I'm like 16 in that shot.
  6. Gotchya. Well, that is and has been the font for the menu since the site started so... Not gonna change any time soon.
  7. Ok sounds good, go ahead and make it happen. I'll pick a winner for the last one when the crew gets home from work and we can vote on em.
  8. Maybe I'm being a noob, but where are the italics you speak of?
  9. You'll need an IR blaster on your digital cable tuner that will allow your computer to change its channel. Depending on the setup this may be either tricky or near impossible. Oh, and just a heads up G4 podcasts just about everything. You can find em on itunes. Mostly clips from X-Play and Attack of the something or another who cares anymore. (PS: For the record I fully support KevinP, it's just a shame he's stuck with a sinking ship)
  10. Because it doesn't give you anything unless you "register" for 30 bucks. Which makes me wonder if this is spam
  11. Forums are getting a facelift. If you're using the nosebleed theme you'll notice them. If you don't like the changes, don't worry I've made a backup and will offer "Hak5 Classic" soon. If you notice anything wonky, hosed, or fubar'd please report them here. And if I screwed it up so much that you cant reply, just email me (darren@hak5.org) And if you can't even read this, I must have really borked teh bits.
  12. Oh, I stumbled across this somewhere. Was thinking about shaving the beard off. Eh? www.hak5.org/temp/darrenspikachu.jpg
  13. Lets take a step back and see if we can't help you with the root of the problem, because getting G4 may not be the solution. What exactly are you looking for because there may be some better alternatives.
  14. Are you crazy?! Ok, just don't say I didn't warn you. View at your own risk.
  15. I just uploaded 12 photos to my flickr page. Nominate one and we'll begin the next photoshop competition. http://www.flickr.com/photos/darrenkitchen/
  16. its really a personal preference question. honestly i'd just use some avery sheets, borrow access to a color laser, and make my own. If my laptop wasnt property of my employer i'd have already put a big hak5 wallpaper on the cover.
  17. normally you'd use a packer program to repackage the executable with a new signature, but depending ont he packer and the antivirus results may vary. if you know your target is protected you might want to think about using alternate tools, or run your payload in a sandbox. I'm sure you can scrounge up a copy of norton for testing purposes.
  18. The software jedi, from 2x03? has a program called screen broadcaster that does this.
  19. Moonlit said Waffles, it's waffles. This is the guy that pwnz TomB, he must be right. If you watched the "woffle" episode you'd know that by now. Anyway take it or leave it. I can guarantee you it's worth your money!
  20. Whoever is heading up the tables by mail project needs to put some more detailed info on there, we're getting flooded with requests on the hak5 mailboxes.
  21. interesting. i like the embedded flash player that works cross platform. wondering how well it would hold up with a couple hundred. might play around with this later.
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