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Darren Kitchen

Root Admin
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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Congrats on a great ezine. It really brings back good times reading stuff like this. And I found it all intriguing. Cheers!
  2. I'm not ready to truly believe that. We've seen non-u3 memorex drives get hacked into U3 drives. More research is obviously needed on this front
  3. Sounds like you need a flexible wifi intrusion detection system. I remember reading about a great open source one on the netstumbler forums a while back but can't remember the name. Anyway I'm sure those keywords will help in your searches. If I wasn't absolutely exhaused I'd hit up SF.
  4. to be fair, all sony products ive had have been top-notch. Yep. Top-notch rootkits ftw
  5. We had a thread about this internally that got some headway but I'm not sure where it stands at the moment. I've moved the thread to this board in hopes that the community can get more involved in its development. See http://www.hak5.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2814
  6. Actually with NTFS you've got much more control with permissions. I ran into this issue a few years ago doing php development on a windows box with apache. I don't remember the exact settings but the trick was to grant privledges to the IUSR_something account. By default in XP (which I'm assuming you're on) doesnt give you much in the way of permissions in the properties menu, however if you go to tools, folder options, view, and uncheck 'use simple file sharing' you should get more control. just open the properties menu of a folder and you should have a new tab labeled security. click add, advanced, find now, select the correct account, and you should have the ability to grant modify, read&execute, list folder contents, read, write, special permissions, and full control. if you click the advanced button in that window you'll get even more refined control over permissions, auditing, ownership, and effective permissions. i'm sure a quick search of the msdn or technet library will turn up a full explination of each setting. good luck bud.
  7. I find the project fascinating and would love to see the final product so check back with us when you've got this sweet hack all put together.
  8. VLC may be able to do the job. It's the swiss army knife for video.
  9. He's seen it. We're thinking it's perfect for controlling out home media center.
  10. We were on Computer America last night at 11pm eastern
  11. What video encoder and encoding settings are you using? I use the Videora iPod converter for the Hak5 episodes with a bitrate between 384 and 768 depending on length and they've always come out fine.
  12. Honestly it probably wont but if you've got permission from the instructor my best advice is to get it in writing and hope that the admin has a lvl49 human paladin and a horde alt to boot. Good luck with the burning crusades either way.
  13. What we're saying is that if you have permission from the instructor to install WoW at school and play, you'll likely need to talk to the network administrator at your high school and ask if he'll make the necessary changes to the firewall/security software/etc for you. Good luck.
  14. Thats why sometimes to think about the next coolest payload, hack, whatever, you've got to take a few steps back and look at the bigger picture. Command line tools can be glued together all day for the same basic task of private data retrival, but when it comes down to it the next sparkly that's going to peak your interest will be the tool for the problem you didn't even know you had.
  15. Agreed. Get your teachers permission in writing and take it to the admin.
  16. I read it. I auto corrected the spelling errors in my head (Like CRC but better). I thought about it. I read the replies of others. And rather than go on about your spelling I figured I'd post something meaningful. Except for the fact that I have neither the understanding nor the immediate time necessary to grok the finer points of the MD5 algorithm. So in short, your ideas are interesting to me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. If you don't get it, read more slashdot.
  17. Hak5 is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 More information on the license can be found here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ The license is displayed at the end of each episode. Basically you are free to share and remix the work as long as it meets the non-commercial, attribution, and share-alike requirements. As far as the clip is concerned, I'd love to see it. Post away.
  18. Just a quick note: This is for existing thunder kittens. This is not a signup.
  19. Thats an interesting little mod, I'll have to check it out. The only downside is that the 'victim' machine now has the IP of the 'purpetrator'.
  20. I agree. For anyone who hasnt mucked around in the command line using cool utils it can be a fun adventure setting one of these up. And if the switchblade is helping to educate than all the better. Congrats on the payload mate.
  21. We've used http://stockmusic.net/ in the past before for segments that needed some tunes. They offer "watermarked" samples in a flash player on their site. And at $30 per track it's not bad (but adds up quickly) Semi-off-topic but somewhat interesting note: The geekybar sketch cost about $180 when it was all said and done. Crazy!
  22. Thunder Kittens, I'm setting up a distribution group as well as a few other goodies and need the emails of the assault force. If you could send a message to darren@hak5.org with meow in the subject line and you're handle in the body that would be frisky. 'Nip awaits. Thanks for your continued support, --Aardwolf TKAF Den Officer
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