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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. quit messing with him, he seems to have good intentions. personally i blame the media for this poor explination of how the internet works. use a port scanner such as nmap to identify open ports on your target from there you need to research what services are running on those ports if you can identify the version of the service running on the open port you will have an easier time finding an exploit from there it all depends on your objectives. if you have more specific questions this is a good place to ask may i also recommend some wikipedia reading on keywords such as internet port, telnet, port scanner, and any following links within those articles. cheers
  2. I once punched a wall. Good thing you guys never saw that. It was pretty stupid.
  3. Just got my account. Checked it out today. Seems pretty innovative. Will do a full review on the next live show.
  4. We’re excited to be announcing that episode 2×07 will be broadcasted LIVE over the Internets this February 3rd at 3:00 PM EST (-5 GMT). We welcome you to sign up at http://www.hak5.org/live if you have a question for the cast and would like to be a guest on the show. There you can also find information on the stream and connecting. If you have any questions about the live show please post them here. See you on the 3rd! http://www.hak5.org/archives/160 for more details
  5. <Hak5Darren> your invading my turf, punk <Hak5Wess> step-off mofo! <Hak5Wess> I can /kick you! <Hak5Darren> pah-lease you 8bit NT backup operator <Hak5Wess> you BASH script kiddie! <Hak5Darren> batch file maker <Hak5Wess> you 4bit Windows 3.11 network monkey <Hak5Darren> Trumpet Winsock AOL User! <Hak5Wess> ooooooo <Hak5Wess> don't get mad at me because you're part of the tuesday that never ended! <Hak5Darren> Candyass script kiddie on a 10-T hub <Hak5Wess> you bull shit, token ring, lan poser! <Hak5Darren> You mean september that never ended, get your usenet mythology right you wikipedia illiterate lamer <Hak5Wess> at least I don't think that WP is the knowledge bible <Hak5Wess> I've got more google-fu in me left nut hair than you do total <Hak5Darren> you second generation vidcasting wannabe jimbo loving scene whore <Deaigo> :/ <Hak5Wess> just because you look up to broken floppy as being 1337, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me <Hak5Darren> I got more skills than your whole crew, don't step to me you'll think i'm in god mode <Hak5Wess> step to me and get your punk ass pwn'd! * Tatootian has joined #hak5 <Hak5Darren> StarWars Episode 1-3 lover! <Hak5Wess> You think it's right that Guido shot first! <Hak5Darren> No, I think Han was the ONLY to shoot <Hak5Wess> what's that? you like to shoot your load to han? <Deaigo> you guys live together right? <Hak5Darren> Hang on, work calling, gotta put this nerdfight on hold <Hak5Darren> yeah
  6. Moonlit, Sometimes ya just gotta let em play. Not gonna hurt the board. I remember when I was 10 I would write Qbasic programs on my PC-XT. My friend had a PC-AT and he wrote Qbasic too, so in 5th grade we would trade programs on 5.25" One day I wrote what looked like a pac-man esque game, but what it really did was replace his autoexec.bat file with a bunch of @echo "Eric is a LAMER" In hindsight it was pretty lame. I thought I was so clever making a "virus". Not really, maybe a trojan horse as he had to run it. And he had the .bas source so it was trivial to scroll down and see what it did. But the point is that it took me all day to go down to the library and get a new book on Qbasic to learn how to write to the file system, and the whole project was worth it just for that experience.
  7. good luck finding an open proxy in this day and age. try localhost, if that fails contact your isp. if you're running this on a home webserver you might have your work cut out for you.,.
  8. They did well with morpheus and skype, lets see if they can get the bases loaded. I'm signed up. If anyone's got some spare invites drop me a PM.
  9. I'm saying regardless of whether you go with IIS / MS SQL or Apache / MySQL, you'll be learning similar principals.
  10. Hold WIN and Press E, then press ALT, then V, then D Then ALT, then T, then O, then CTRL and TAB, then Enter, then Y, then ESC Then ALT and Space, then C Commit this key combo to muscle memory and perform it on every windows machine you touch. The world will be a better place. And if you can do it in less than 5 seconds you'll have geek chicks drooling all over you. Be a man, not a mouse.
  11. Your web host should offer a SMTP server, I'd check there first.
  12. I don't have any inside info but I read in a business week article around the time that revision3 was relaunched that they're making a quarter million a month, which based on my calculations is totally fesible with their numbers, frequency, and advertising. Edit: I reran those and it only came out to 100K. Maybe they were talking about the whole network. Or maybe they have higher CPA & CPM rates. Either way congrats to them for making a living off something they love.
  13. I say go for it. Read up on copyright laws. Hell, your gut should tell you what not to host. And Server2003 isnt that bad. For a beginner I find it easier to get going that a LAMP configuration (though I'll get flamed for that comment). The best thing that will come from this experience is the knowledge you'll gain from setting up the server, installing the torrent packages, configuring everything, securing it (on windows thats like half the work). And when it's all said and done a lot of that will transfer to any OS. So go for it, and be mindful of your good friend google.
  14. We've got a 7 foot aluminum bogen with a really stiff head. for reals.
  15. From what I read the current owner is asking $1 billion USD. TPB's "Plan B" is to purchase an island. The current candidate seems to be Ile De Caille, a 400 acre island 3 miles off the northern tip of Grenada with a list price of $18 million. Islands are sweet and all but seriously the price of the property will be pennies compared to what it'll cost to make it server-friendly.
  16. if you guys need any high res graphics from our elements archive just let me know, i've got PSDs of everything you see on the show
  17. I use leet from time to time as a joke. I don't know anyone who takes it seriously.
  18. We found a new host. only problem is we need an IRC admin with experience. I'm not talking about ops, I'm talking about actual ircd administration. Thankfully it's one of those things that usually just works once it's up and running. And we've been lucky to have Owine running the network but he's very busy these days and I don't know of anyone else capable of setting it up. Anyway the good news is we found two hosts that'll offer redundancy to the network. Just need someone thats good with ircd's to set it up.
  19. this happens every time there's an interesting number on the forums. i'm expecting the next one to be 1337 posts on the hacks forum
  20. Yeah it looks fine. Now if you don't mind lets remove the URLs in the original post. Wouldn't want google crawling this and increasing their pagerank. Or worst case, delisting us.
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