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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Ahh tree, the best command to run when you're boss walks in. Instant "I'm doing something important go the F* away"
  2. http://www.hak5.org/aardwolf/phreak/
  3. ok so I tried it out thinking it might make an interesting segment, and, pfft. 1.0 my ass, more like 0.1. Seriously I think open source is awesome and all, and kudos to all the programmers who put a lot of effort into this thing, but man is it not ready for prime-time.
  4. Normally I cant stand midi ringtones, but man these sound really good. Way to go Ash!
  5. http://darrenkitchen.vox.com/library/post/...y-ringtone.html
  6. Damn. When I was in school all I toted around were books, binders, and a beige box. My how times change. +++
  7. I'm working on getting these to work on my treo650 but I think I'll need some additional software to make it happen. I checked out the zip and they're totally rockin ringtone material. PS: Once on the set of Call for Help Leo's cell rang it and it was doin' the twit.
  8. http://www.hak5.org/releases/hak5--backstage--002.mov
  9. Well, having used neither I can at least chime in and offer this advice. Don't base your review on the cost of the software. In fact, some of the best software is free. That said I'd hardly call bitlocker free, you're paying for it with the operating system. Encryption algorithms aside I think whats more important in a corporate situation is ease of use, rollout, adoption, training, support, etc. Personally I use a double-ROT-13 encryption system on all of my files and I've never had a problem with Hacke+++ NO CARRIER
  10. Rayman is ok. Jenn claims it's great but I was left unhappy with it. Then again I did get a bugged copy so... Here's what I've got so far and what I think: Elebits...Brilliant! WiiPlay...Meh, worth it if you need another Wiimote. Billiards game is good. NFS Carbon...Boo, lame. Excite Truck...Brilliant! Zelda, Twilight Princess...Awesome, if Zelda's your cup of tea. Rayman...Meh, half the mini games are good. Kinda short. Some parts gross. Redsteel...Meh, story sucks, takes time to get used to, easy to put down. Call of Duty 3...Lame, stay away from. Maybe it's better on the 360. Tony Hawk's downhill jam...Pretty damn good, control scheme works very well. GT Pro Series...Totally fun. Totally not worth $50. Solid "toy" racer.
  11. this would indicate that the message originated from someone else within the domain
  12. In Outlook (2000 and 2003 at least) right click on the message and click Options. You'll see the headers there. Also, do you have access to the Exchange server? The Message Tracking Center in the Exchange console can help too.
  13. editcam has been down since before 2x05. where is it referenced on the site? i need to fix that. with live-to-tape editcam isnt really fesiable anymore.
  14. Oh no not the "it's been done before police", they tried to bring us down when we premiered in '05 saying the broken was here first. good thing i dont give a rats ass. sorry but that chappelle sketch was pretty lame. if we attempt anything like this it'll have that quirky hak5 charm that doesnt rely on lame shock value gags.
  15. My setup has changed dramatically, I'll repost as soon as I finish my room.
  16. sometimes i think about how people will look at me and hak5 in 20 years from now. oh boy. i dont think ill ever be able to work for the NSA at this point (though I do hear they have great calling plans).
  17. I love the idea too. I'm sure we could come up with something. I'll need to get a copy of MTV Cribs to get some thoughts but we've go some very talented writing help with us this week and I'm sure this segment could see some light. This weekend we'll be installing network drops in every room and hopefully a closed circuit television system as well. Aside from that and all the network bling, what specifically do you guys think would be segment worthy for this? Open brainstorming sessions are fun, feel free to chime in.
  18. The link is to a website that calculated the timezones based on an event at 3:00 PM EST, set to Washington DC time which is in the same timezone as us. On most world clocks Eastern Standard Time is represented by New York. The website could be wrong for all I know. If anyone has some insight on a better system for announcing event times I'd be more than happy (yes slightly less than insane) to hear them.
  19. Back on topic, I've been thinking recently about U3 and Linux. Basically the beauty of a U3 USB drive is that it presents part of itself as a CDROM drive. The BIOS even sees the drive. Therefore even if an older system that does not have a boot from USB option can use this to boot from a small linux distro. The partition is quite small, 6MB if I remember correctly. I tried to use one of the switchblade tools to write a MS DOS boot image to the CDFS partition but was unsuccess in my first tests. I've since put the project on the backburner but would love to follow up on this if anyone has some input. Maybe its been done before but my googling at the time didnt turn up any relevent results. Thoughts?
  20. No seriously unless I'm totally blind I didnt catch a mistake. If I made an honest mistake I take full responsability and will do whats necessary to make it up to the community. Please help me to figure this out so that I can make sure it doesn't happen again. Ahh screw it, next time we'll just rent a stadium and fly all hundred odd thousand of you guys down. man that would kick ass. As for the download, it'll be ready tonight. Ash is working on scrubbing the audio now. Please forgive us in advance for not getting the audio right this time.
  21. The timezone calculator was correct. So was the time we posted. So was the GMT/UTC difference for EST. If you can figure out what time it is in NYC and what that means to you then you've got Hak5 time. It's only as complicated as you make it. Maybe next time we should post a map that shows where we are on the globe along with the timezones. :shock: PS: Sorry aussies, 6am is totally not hacker friendly.
  22. I use three 19" benq lcds and I love em. I've been seriously thinking about adding another three to the mix and going 2x3. maybe thats a bit much. anyway its all personal preference. once i went dual i could never go back. now that i'm going trip i cant possibly see using only one screen.
  23. yes. thankfully there are free virtual machine hosts available, for example the MS Virtual PC as linked above. we talk about using these for what's considered "sandboxing" in episode 5.5 i believe.
  24. just to clarify, you can use telnet to access more than just telnet services. i use it to diagnose smtp servers (port 25) all the time. hell you could even surf the web by telnetting to port 80 on a web server and issuing the right commands, though it's not going to be a lot of fun. try a bit earlier, say 1969. and though its unsecure doesnt mean its not a useful tool for diagnostics
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