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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Get it while it's fresh: http://www.hak5.org/archives/167
  2. very cool. using one as my wallpaper now.
  3. Actually it's going to take a lot longer than 3 more days to finish these encodes. These things are taking forever to encode. And when it's all said and done I'll have to upload 14 GB to our webserver, which will probably take two or so days. Then we've got to wait for the content distribution partner to pick them up off the special RSS and cache them on their network. So I'd say we probably won't be making a press release until late March / early April. But man do these files look beautiful. Full res, DVD quality version at just under 700MB each. Mmmm.
  4. http://www.room362.com/pages/usbgoodies.html
  5. Still interested in source files or wallpapers
  6. Thanks, I had seen second copy before and thought it looked ok but after further investigation it seems that it can run as a service without desktop interaction which is perfect for my flock of users. The pricing isnt bad, you get a significant price cut when buying in volume. I'll run the eval on the unslug and see how it goes. Any further recommendations are always appreciated. I'll have to write up an option sheet for the boss so usually I like to include two additional (sometimes sucky) choices along side what I think we should get. :) The joys of IT.
  7. Would probably be a good idea to post this on the Wiki
  8. Wess did a segment on rounded IDE cables in season one... Twice I think. :)
  9. I'm looking for recommendations on network backup software for windows. The main requirement is the ability to schedule an incremental backup to a NAS on the LAN. Normally I'd just throw it together using batch scripts but this is for user's notebooks at work, not servers, so duct-tape and string won't really work. I've looked into using the ntbackup program that comes with windows, and the microsoft sync toy, but neither really are going to work well. I'm wondering what everyone uses in this situation. Cost doesn't matter though you know I'm a fan of FOSS.
  10. Almost forgot to follow up with this. Another guy in the office ended up using an app called Dorgem with an old AIW on a Windows box. Nice little program actually. Recently our webmaster did up a quick page for it in PHP which adds a timestamp and the auto-refresh. Just like on 1x02! :) Love Dorgem too.
  11. lol something similar to that happened to me today. I was at a mall and my phone goes off, and one guy gave me a look that said 'Hak5, Sweet!' I think I would have told them to Trust your Technolust ;) So one day Wess, Paul and I are at a convention shooting some footage with PurePwnage (The poll question about the next-gen consoles where we talk to Jeremy) and this guy comes up to us and says "There's no point in Hak5".
  12. It's all Wess' fault. Go back and watch the episodes, you can clearly see I had nothing to do with it.
  13. AMP, Redbull, beer, mixed nuts. Oh, and the occasional box of hax0rflakes and bottle of pwnJ00z
  14. This is what you need: Windows Media Encoder http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...er/default.mspx I'm using it right now to transcode (re-encode) all of our master AVIs over to 3Mbps WMV9 videos (DVD quality). More on what thats all about later. 1 4 hour transcode down, 20 more to go :)
  15. Yes but then he returned that same episode (with a bandage). The next episode he ran off with Alli, who returned on 2x01. More info on Evil Server: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Evil_Server
  16. Yes but the WRT54G is more cost effective. The nano-itx solution I've spec'd out is about $250-300.
  17. I'm working on a similar project and thus support the thread. I'm putting together a wifi sniffing rogue access point using a nano-itx board, linux, a pci-m 802.11g radio, and an evdo modem. I'm also toying with the possibility of using a WRT54G instead.
  18. Can you export it to any sort of format that I can open with 3d Studio Max ? Awesome job! Can't wait for the wallpapers. Or to see where that story arch is going.
  19. AFAIK you're talking about GSM signals that interfere with FM transmissions, I'm not sure if they're going to do any good to no FM transmitted stereo sound.
  20. We could always sponsor our own .hack TLD like many of these fine organizations have: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sponsored_top-level_domain
  21. Pronobozo is cast and crew: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Cast_and_Crew More about Pronobozo: http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Pronobozo His website: http://www.pronobozo.com/ See the credits of every episode from season two. Prono Pwnz. The Ze1eE album rocks and he has been awesome enough to give us a hookup on the tunage for Hak5. Oh, and he's working with Ashley Witt on a remix of the Hak5 theme! Can't wait to hear that!!! Prono, gotta get you on the show man! /me checks aircanada.ca
  22. Yeah I knew that one was going to come back and haunt me. Thx
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