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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I've posted a message as the owner of the site. Interesting verification process involving a very long filename in our web root. Not that it matters that much since only noobs use McAfee (Yeah McAfee I said it, you're bloatware preying on the computer illiterate). Wait, thats probably not going to help our case. Hang on. ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Stupid VT100. Anyway if you're concerned you can always swing by http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/hak5.org and post a positive user review.
  2. whatever the local drinking age is. if we can make it we'll want to drink
  3. Remember to submit your Web 1.0 Fan Site entries by April 26th. See site for official rules and entries. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Web1.0_Fan_Site_Contest
  4. I'm sure a majority of you have seen it. If not go get a movie ticket, or whatever it is you kids do these days to watch the cinema. I thought the style was awesome. Most of the characters didn't feel hollow and the CG was good. Some things stood out and bugged me, for example the low res texture on the payphone at the turtle's place but the rain made up for it. Though Shredder was missing it was kinda nice to see some original stuff in a turtles movie. Had it been just a CG remake of the original TMNT movie I'd have been really upset. Not just because you can't beat the original but because I'm not sure I could sit through 90 minutes of the story behind Splinter and Shredder again. It also could have used more one-liners from Raf but, meh. What did you guys think?
  5. Hi new peoples! Help yourselves to the juice boxes and chocolate chip cookies on the Everything Else board!
  6. I don't care if you post the URL. This has obviously slipped off my radar. Let me know and I'll make sure an easter egg gets up there right away.
  7. Wetelectric is right too. All valid points. I personally believe in FOSS and will vote with my bits. Thats why we'll be moving to another WRT-54G firmware. Though we were going to do it for a segment anyway. I however don't agree that everyone that enjoys FOSS needs to think this way and there is no use pushing the philosophy on those who just want to use what is easiest and works. In many cases people will continue to use DD-WRT simply because they've already gone through the flash. And we all know flashing is never fun. Most BIOS readme's even say something to the effect of "Don't bother flashing unless you're experiencing a problem listed". In other words, "If it aint broke, don't fix it". And honestly how many people are aware of this issue in the first place (not that spreading awareness is bad, just that many will continue using DD unknowingly). And yes, I did escape my quotes;
  8. Dude who cares? 360/Wii/PS3 is like Win/Mac/Lin. It's all about personal prefs. I could see myself going any which way on the issue and currently I'm a happy Wii'er. Excite Truck pwns. Though Wess will be getting a 360 soon and I'm sure I'll find something exciting about that. Oh, and for the record, Jamie had to stab a punk to get one. Don't be flashing that around. Profit Beyond!
  9. We never claimed to be Canadian. It's just that we hang out with lots of Canadian podcasters (commandN, LabRats, OpenAlpha, PurePwnage, techPhile) and did guest appearances on Call for Help with Leo up there. After a while it became a joke around the house so eventually on a trip I picked up a Canadian flag patch for one of the servers just to mess with people. It's visible as an easter egg in 1x09 I think(?). The one where Evil Server interrupts the signal and Wess and I plot to take him out with bruce force. Anyway, for the record we're in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. Or as I recently claimed "Down with the 23188"... Or 757. Whichever floats your boat.
  10. that said, if this thing becomes solid and we have the funds (come on godaddy) the crew has expressed genuine interest in attending
  11. i guess it comes down to the question of "will you keep using a product based on political views". the bits don't care, but do you? another way to put it is: do you use linux because you support FOSS, or because "it gets the job done"
  12. decision is based on firm details. shoud start with the broader question of "would you be interested in..." and follow up with some way to decide on a location/venue
  13. The corners are so rounded they're actually circles! Web 2.0 eat your heart out. (Haven't actually tried the service or read the blog)
  14. Not really a server but totally geek'd out The ever growing network closet here at the Hak5 House. Flickr page complete with equipment notes
  15. Its the truth. The whole DD-WRT segment on 2x08 was a puff piece. We were paid buku bucks to run the segment. We're also getting 5% off the top on every DD-WRT donation and royalties on the upcoming movie. When we renegotiate our contract with the networks we'll be demanding a higher cut of all open source profits. We've got an upfront meeting next week with G4 and Sourceforge to finalize the rates for sweeps. This is a bold move which will benefit both Technolust Productions Inc. and our parent company GE.
  16. As someone who was at the conference, in the panel, and interviewed Billy Hoffman about Jikto afterwards I can say that old media has blown this out of proportion. It's not a botnet. It's a vuln scanner. When the URL for the code was displayed on the screen he at first attempted to cover it but then realized, "what the hell, moving on with the presentation". But hey it's not about the truth these days, it's about headlines and hits because thats where the ad dollars pour in. Sorry, I'm just sick of old media, i mean bad media, i mean dirty media right now. and this is the same media outlet that made the Hak5 out to be a neferious hacker group after interviewing us about the switchblade. fuck em. anyway if you wanna see an intriguing talk with the author of jikto thats not full of bullshit tune into Hak5 episode 2x09.
  17. Any chance of these hitting www.hak5.org/wiki/Goodies
  18. This is a live performance of the same sketch over at http://www.deadtroll.com/ Wes and his crew are hillarious
  19. I don't care about the visual aspects of my desktop. Anything more than the 2000 GUI is a waste of cycles. That and I'm lazy, as proven by the mess of documents on my desktop.
  20. Dude that would be awesome if the kittens or clydesdales or whatever it is on Fridays would do like some remote correspondent type stuff
  21. There are 30 panels on 3 tracks over two days (not counting Sunday which is impossible to score an interview on), so the best you can really do is 10 panels. Couple that with hangovers and you've down two. Throw in extended lunches (because you're having a blast with other podcasters) and you're down two again. Add in the fact that if you do interview someone you've got to miss the next panel and every other panel is gone. So I guess we're lucky to have the eight segments we got but wish we had more Paul's with cameras.
  22. We were actually very warmly welcomed and had pretty much full access to anything we wanted. All of the staff and presenters were very approachable and keen to the idea of helping out new-media. I only wish we had more man-power at the event because we could have gotten so much more.
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