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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. This is a hack I'm working on. You'll see it soon. It's just rather expensive with all the gear necessary.
  2. email me your question and I'll take it on air and show you
  3. My favorite feature: removing signatures, they are more annoying than spam. And yeah, what is a vcc giftcard to begin with? GOTO 10
  4. I know. Sad isn't it? Even when I try to switch into skiddie mode I can't help but punctuate.
  5. 85 views and no replies and still no answer to my question. Once again, I need a program to hack into my best friends AIM account. He's a real jerk at my high school. I want to deface his myspace website and steal his girlfriend. I hear all the 1337 people talk about nmap. I tried it but all it does when i double click it is flash up a black DOS window and disappear. You guys suck! Oh, and can someone show me how to steal my neighbors credit card number and WEP key with Krain & Able? I need XXX accezz. Reply soon or I'll hack your DSL or your cable modem once my friend from highschool teaches me how (He's a real jerk) [A]bort, [R]etry, [L]ock Thread, [K]eep having fun.
  6. You guys have NO CLUE just how on target you are. You've ALMOST got it. Almost. Stay tuned, you'll see. Quote me on this in 2 weeks.
  7. Bush should nuke the gay jew whales! Anyone who disagrees is a communist! I like peanut butter sandwiches. Who else likes peanutbutter sandwiches? Peanut butter sandwiches are great! Mods, lock this thread. The OP is a weenie. No but seriously I agree.
  8. Actually it's at www.hak5.org/setcam and it's posted to the homepage's sidebar now. And yes, looks like I owe Mubix lunch. I lost the bet. Damn you Mubix, but how was I to know that 160 people would be interested in seeing Kerby licking herself. PS: It's kErby, not kIrby. It's short for Kerberos. She's our watch-cat, protector of the network, friends with the SmoothWall
  9. I think just recently DL.TV beat us in folding! Gah! Gotta get this community project some airtime. If only we had a show dedicated to the wonderful Hak5 community! ;)
  10. I think its cool but with all of the computers I support it would be a pain to have to go back and forth. It's one of those things, like default UI settings, that I just learn to live with. Back in the day when I stayed up 'till 4am playing Doom2 and coding Qbasic I'd spend hours pimping my desktop and trying out all sorts of freeware. These days I just take whats given to me and make it work. The last thing I need is to spend all of that time reconfiguring every machine I touch on a daily basis. But still, I think its a spiffy keyboard layout and I've heard nothing but great stuff from the /. crowd about how well it works, especially for carpal tunnel.
  11. PS: Whenever I try to quote someone or use colors (or colours) I get "The message contains black listed URL(s)" :pirate: :zombie: :ninja: Oh, and is there a quick way to mark all posts as read? I wanna clear my slate so that I can see whats really new.
  12. The avatar stretching is due to the server's diet. You see, back on dreamhost they had a 10 mile a week treadmill program for all servers 2U and above. Over at the new place they just let the racks pig out on tasty cakes, microshaft snackz0rz, and whatever else comes across the ether. Hopefully we'll find the slimfast plugin for SMF soon. Alternate explanation: With the show going 16:9 the forums are experiencing a problem with the 4-3 Pulldown and the pixels have gone from square 640x480 to that craptastic 720x486. It's true, the camera does add 20 pounds.
  13. I was thinking it was WAP. I've only seen hotkeys work with that. I've programmed a WML site before and aside from it being a little wonky to grok at first it really is a nice language. Sure it may have never caught on but I think it's totally useful in specific applications (like this)
  14. I love mobile gmail. if you haven't tried it on your smartphone it's at http://m.gmail.com. But it gets better. there's a gmail J2ME app for your phone too! Wess, Paul, and Harrison all have it on their blackberries. But poor ol' Darren with his work issued Windows Mobile 5 device is out of luck. They don't have a native build of the app, and WM5 doesn't support Java out of the box. Anyone know of a VM for WM5? I'm sure there's one out there but my google fu hasn't returned any good results (using http://m.google.com/ig) Thx, D
  15. dude it just got better. just realized it supports hotkeys. meaning the pressing # activates the message index link, and 0-9 keys activate the top 10 forums/threads links. super spiffy. now i'll never be far from the forums. woohoo! (btw: this is really making my waiting at the DMV experience much better)
  16. Omg if you haven't tried the forums on your smartphone it's totally worth a look. I'm posting this now on a Treo650 and I'm loving the way it works for us road warriors. The navigation is logical and the UI is trimmed down to run really fast. Super mad props VaKo! 3 cheers for the king o' the forums!
  17. Agreed! And I'm buyin' the booze with the last of the ad money! But seriously I think I may mave made a mistake while uploading the index.html for the shoe-on-head page. It was supposed to go in /shoeonhead not /
  18. Ah ha! Under my profile page. Speaking of which, does this avatar make me look fat?
  19. I see the Stats! link at the bottom of this post, but it doesn't do anything for me. Maybe I'm not cool enough to see stats.
  20. podcasting is so 2006. you gotta get with the new style. we're all moving to binary smoke signals. it's teh leetness. werd.
  21. Dude thats seriously awesome and fits perfectly with the graphics scheme for the season3 CG elements. We really need to collaborate here. shoot me an email if you're interested: darren@hak5.org
  22. all the time at work i have users ask me to take a look at their machines because "some error is coming up when i..." (and of course i don't bother asking if they actually READ the error, why would they?) about 50% of the time i stand behind them as they do whatever it is that supposedly causes the machine to barf and it works perfectly. then i give them a good long stare and in the voice you would use with a 6 year old and mock them with a remark about imaginary errors. well, only with the users i'm really cool with.
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