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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Yeah thats really catchy. Not sure if you noticed TWiT's got an army. And Buzz Outloud's got an entire town![me=aardwolf]kicks the dirt[/me]
  2. Ok so first off my deepest apologies for ever using the term "hackling". It was funny and cute but we soon realized how it made some feel and we were in no way trying to insult the audience. That said, we're coming up on a new era for Hak5 and I've been thinking about the community a lot. And while we're the only community in existance to have a sophistocated group of admins and moderators honored with the title "Thunder Kitten Assault Force" there isn't a good name for the everygeek. Maybe it's not important and maybe it's just a little twit army or peoples of buzztown envy here but what do you guys think? What's a kickass name for the uberleet community members here, or is it even important? Technolusters? Eh?
  3. The intent is also to fold Dev5 into the labs and open it up, something we'll be spearheading with Hak5Live this summer. As for the newbies, maybe it could be the first board on the list titled "Hak5 Community Welcome Center - Newbies start here" or something.
  4. Must have missed that one. Just by checking the first picture from the IMDB link I think I'll be filing that under "never let photons from such film touch my retina"
  5. The Labs (Formerly "The Projects"): -USB Hacks - USB Switchblade & Hacksaw discussion and help. -Pandora Timeshifting - Pandora Jar & Timeshifting discussion. -Hacks, Mods & Coding - Discuss your hacks, mods or coding here. The Water Cooler: -Everything Else - Like it says... -Newbies - <merge with everything else> -Questions - Got a problem? Not sure about something? Ask here. -News & Debates - A place to discuss the news. The Show: -Hak5 & Hak5Live - Episode feedback -Suggestions - For your great ideas! -Polls - Weigh in on "important" topics -LAN Party - Monthly LAN Party discussion -Contests - Feeling creative? The Network: -#hak5 - IRC discussion and help.
  6. If it's a design decision you're working on, I'd suggest not going wider than 1024 as it seems to still be the baseline. I remember when the baseline was 800 just a few years ago, and 640 back in the day* Can we get some 256 color gif's up in this mofo? *Internet years
  7. I use the 3gb tables stored on my ipod. Works great on the road. I'm still waiting to get a copy of the hak5 community rainbow tables set... Just gotta free up enough disk space and fire up ye old torrent client. PS: The 3GB rainbow tables won't crack my uber-insecure password. Which is one character; backslash. (Yes, it's so insecure I just give it away)
  8. And so will the Internet, I know. This is the ultimate "blogging the cat" At the same time, I'm uber curious to see what the house might look like from the cats perspective. I'm hopeful yet at the same time the little bit of reality deep in the back of my head keeps saying "Carpet Cam". I'm sure it'll have its moments, but seriously all my cat does is eat, sleep, poop, play and fight. 24x7 coverage of Kerby probably won't be that interesting. Maybe a new podcast will be born to show daily highlights of her escapades around the house. Who knows, maybe it will mark the dawn of a new kitty based, Internet delivered, reality television and meow-social networking craze. One can only imagine.
  9. hehe its kinda funny since the catcam thing had been in the planning phases for a while before the outcry for such a device. great minds think alike. and as for the cam we're talking about the size and weight of 6 pennies stacked up. the most difficult thing will be the 9v battery.
  10. This is one of those things that reminds me of how much the Hak5 community pwns.
  11. I havent tested it but chances are, no.
  12. I use one at work thats really nice. It's a single executable reverse VNC server that connects to my home listening server when executed. I'll try to dig it up. I should be doing a segment on it soon.
  13. Does anyone have the source for deCSS? I heard the source code was available but I don't know where to *trips over code on google*
  14. Well Kerby (With an E not I, short for Kerberos) is 1. a female and 2. an indoor kitty. The Kerby POV might be a lot of fun since he new housemate, Buffy, is constantly picking fights with her. Talk about FPS! If only we could mount a nerf gun to her back... But seriously the weight is an issue and indoors the GPS wouldnt be too useful. The main idea is to get a AV feed from the cat and broadcast it using something Ustream or shoutcast.
  15. not if he's just wants to check his 'friends' history for a specific site.
  16. AFAIK those cables are primarily used to run VGA long distances. By seperating the signals you're able to go greater distances. Unless you've got a professional studio monitor you'll probably not be able to use the raw RGB output. The nice thing about the BNC cable is that you could run several high quality coax lines with one of these bad boys on either end and probably get high quality video from one side of a building to another.
  17. If we get a DMCA takedown notice it will be removed.
  18. Yeah basically right now the proof of concept hack comprises of a 2.4GHz micro wireless camera (that also does audio) and 9v battery mounted to a kitty collar and a server with a video capture card broadcasting to uStream. The cost (not including PC) is about $100. The main problem right now is the "Ok, so duh, you can mount a wireless micro cam on a cat, big deal" factor. It's going to need something else to make it truly segment worth. If I can't figure out what that is I'll have to abandon the project. And no, mounting GPS to the cat isn't an option. Suggestions please as I'd really like to make this a segment and show it off mid-summer.
  19. wiki will be back soon, I've got to fix the 80 MB of raw SQL by hand. send entries to contest@hak5.org
  20. thats even better than strapping electrodes on kerby's skull and allowing you to drive her over the web! Or, at least PETA won't want to nuke me then.
  21. Obviously its Virtual Vista Computers. He wants to sell a VMware botnet image.
  22. hehe, your laptop wants you to take a cold shower else it gets too excited and freaks its cursor out.
  23. From the noob dictionary: IYWTLPGTC = If You Want To Learn Physics, Go To Caltech lol, thats great
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