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Darren Kitchen

Root Admin
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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. ya learn something new every day* thats really spiffy. *Internet days are equivalent to 3.42 hours of "real world" time.
  2. Mubix turned me onto locknote and between that and truecrypt I'm feeling pretty secure with my little text files of doom.
  3. [me=aardwolf]throws a peanutbutter sandwich at VaKo[/me]
  4. Yeah dude, welcome to the community. We'd love to check out your creativity. Soon its technological and cultural distinctiveness will be added to the collective. Lower your firewall. Resistance is futile. But seriously whatever that random 12 year old from the xbox live forum said about your mom, a jawa, and a wookie aren't worth the revenge. Don't get worked up about what you read on the Internet, especially on a forum. On that note, make sure to call your congressional representatives today urging for the support of HR2060. Let them know we don't want the copyright royalty board to squash Internet Radio. Oh, and give money to the EFF. And boycott AT&T. And throw rootkit'd ubuntu CDs at Sony. And why haven't there been any movies with ewoks flying tie-fighters?
  5. Can anyone else confirm this? My iPod is elsewhere at the moment.
  6. aardwolf = muds darren = not me kitchen = guess what darren kitchen, hak5, however turns up decent results also googling the phreak group i was associated with in the 90's and my handle turns up some stuff. I tried googling TomB but it took me to the microshaft noob page
  7. In my experience most of those little network printer dongles completely suck. I've tried the small inexpensive ones from netgear and linksys and both are horrid. Unless you like manually installing IP print services on client computers I'd stay away. Unless of course you're only concerned about a small home network and are willing to deal with the pain. I'm just saying I've tried them in a corporate environment where the faster you can install a network printer the better. Darren's Installing Network Printers really really quickly tip: Win+R, ComputerNameOrIP, Key down to printer or press the first letter of it's name until it's selected, ALT+F, N, Y, ALT+Space, C Get that sequence down to under 30 seconds and you'll be blowing user's minds left and right. "Don't ask, it's fixed"
  8. You see, your post had content. It should have been a new thread, duh. Obviously the topic was bunk to begin with but seeing as how we've ratified the "no thread locking" act we have no choice but to play the peanutbutter card on this one. PS: Peanutbutter makes a good, yet rather sticky, endpoint security solution for USB devices in corporate networks.
  9. Does anyone else hear the school bus? :ninja:
  10. I like peanutbutter sandwiches. Peanutbutter sandwiches rock. Do you like peanutbutter sandwiches too?
  11. Oh, uh, yeah the 2 week ban is totally lifted I mean if you havent seen the finale yet you're kind of a noob
  12. Um if it's really as wide open as you say then you could have easily posted from that computer, thus making the IP addresses the same. duh.
  13. I'm still on the fence about it. Part of me thinks its stupid, but part of me whats a cool name to use to start off Hak5Live, "Welcome <name> to Hak5Live, the show where we..." At this point I'm thinking Hackers just works because, well, who in the community isn't a hacker? You can't really take offense to being called one, especially the way we read the term. No, we're not talking about the same hackers you see in the media or Hollywood, I'm talking about the oldschool sense of the word. And the term doesn't tie one to Hak5 alone.
  14. [me=aardwolf]gets into editing frenzy while yelling at housemates to clean![/me]
  15. 9 times out of 10? What machines have you been hakin? Seriously it's all about the bootdisc.
  16. i was thinking of going with something like one of those usb missile launchers you've seen on thinkgeek. the interface is already there so half the work is done. and yeah we like never mention donations but probably should seeing how the ad money's going dry. anyway ill start a separate thread on that subject when its time to build.
  17. Look it's half the flock userbase!
  18. actually thats part of another project we're working on. basically a web controlled nerf rocket launcher that viewers can use to shoot us during live shows (and drop some coin in a tip jar).. might augment the withering donations. i mean honestly who wouldn't donate a buck to nail wess in the noggin on live iptv?
  19. at the same time its going to look pretty bad when the wiki is down on opening night and the grayhats (tryin' it out here) flock to wiki for shownotes. anyway this is really a matter for the root team. the best i can say is be patient and all will be restored with a +7 css mana buff
  20. grayhats. predefined and just about encompases the entire audience as far as i've seen throughout the audience. and there's nothing wrong with the classification thing. i myself am a browncoat but only other browncoats would know what i mean. shiny?
  21. Gets my vote but I still like the "Meet & Greet" thread. Greap place for welcoming Bob the new viewer.
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