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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. 1. It sounds like crap because of my evil sompression 2. The music and 3D graphics were done by Pronobozo 3. ??? 4. Profit!!
  2. Wiki it up man... And when can we book you as a guest on Hak5Live?
  3. While those mockups look great one of the key things to keep in mind while doing logo design is to keep it simple. Gradients and small detail are cool, but later down the road they'll come back to bite you in the ass. Vector is key, small color pallets help, and aspect ratios like 16:9 or 4:3 are good rules to follow. It becomes apparent why these rules are worth following when looking at your newly resized logo on the iTunes podcast page, all teenty tiny in a little box. Or when printing t-shirt designs and seeing the cost of full color printing, if you even have it in a vector format. The one I'm working on right now looks like this: www.hak5live.org/temp/hak5live_logo.rar It's not great, but it doesn't make me want to puke either. Still, could be much better.
  4. http://www.hak5.org/temp/hak5livewallpaper.rar of course you'll need the standard hak5 fonts, found at http://wiki.hak5.org/wiki/Goodies#HAK.5_Fonts
  5. I hate to break it to ya but they all get eaten by the polar bear then Jacob and the black smoke go for a picnic.
  6. It's Lorem. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
  7. The site is now over at http://hak5live.org I'm still working on the site. Currently I'm battling with a javascript snippet that supposedly counts down time until event while adhering to timezones. Most other javascript timers use the clients local time, which isn't worth jack in this case. So far no dice. Oh well, I'll keep on truckin along.
  8. True, not dreamhost's problem. Probably something we should address on the show. We can't afford to throw money at bigger pipes so we're going with the only alternative. I don't wish to speak anymore on the matter.
  9. Yeah, this goes way above and beyond any such award that Microshaft could offer you. I'm not even sure if the new forum software supports that old gem but me thinks someone should photoshop the CNet Best icon badge for you. Maybe I'll email Tom Merrit.
  10. If you have a better logo idea drop me a line. I'm not feeling uber creative on this one.
  11. Hak5 Live RC1 will go live on June 16th at 7:00 PM EDT You can watch live via our spiffy web player at www.hak5.org/live Use the form on that page to get in the queue to be on the show. We'll be having guests on live via Skype with tech questions, spiffy hacks, cool new websites, or anything that tickles your technolust. So if you've always wanted to talk to the crew about whatever it is that interests you get in the queue early and help make RC1 a success! The complete Hak5Live site will be coming soon. Cheers, Hak5
  12. I find it hilarious to think that someone would get it confused, see the_broken for the first time, and think it was a rip off hak5. LOL++
  13. Requires getting a mac for the show, which is slightly expensive. I tried a macbook but had to return it. It was poorly designed and the edges were so sharp they cut my wrists like an emo kid. You'd think Apple would figure out Web 2.0 means rounded corners. Anyway we thought about a mac mini but we need composite, s-video out AND VGA/DVI out. They have a DVI dongle that'll do svideo and composite but that doesn't leave us anything for our LCD on set. A Mac Pro might do it, but now we're talking big bucks. So sadly while the mac has the best zooming support, it just isn't an option for us.
  14. Looking for a full screen zooming app for Windows. Basically like macs do when you hold some function keys and hit + or -. The reason is while we run the set box at 800x600, the text is often unreadable on the show after compression. If we could easily zoom in on what we're trying to show in software it would look a lot better. 640x480 looks great on the video mixer but is completely unusable in todays world. The magnifier that comes with Windows is utter crap. I've tried DesktopZoom, iZoom, and ZoomIt and none of them will work. Any recommendations?
  15. whatever, throw her in CS with a knife and some hosties and let the pwnage begin. I mean, be a good parent. Play frogger with her.
  16. [Text Layer] ----- <--- Lower Third Goes Here [Graphic Layer] /----- <-------Use transitions for simple animation [Video Layer]---------------------------------- // [Audio Layer]---------------------------------- (o.o)_/ <---Strange bunny type creature /_/_
  17. The television on the left is an extended desktop running task manager, fullscreened to CPU usage. The monitor on the far left is running a TREE loop The screen in the middle is running a QBASIC program "Hello DarkSenay" The screen on the right is running wireshark The sketch was shot within the course of a night so everything was thrown together. As seen by the intro I didn't have time to clean my desk. Kinda added to the atmosphere.
  18. [me=aardwolf]bows before the allmighty VaKo[/me]
  19. I was being sarcastic too, hope you know it's all in good fun and we uber appreciate the comments. Hak5 + Peanutbutter Sandwichers = bliss
  20. The wiki is back thanks to Bigbro69 (Raktor) and is awesome .htaccess fu There are still a few little borked bits but they'll be taken care of. Many of the direct links are being transfered (like the switchblade files) so we can all relax and start reading the untruth. Cheers!
  21. Ok, the only difference between 2x09 and 2x10 in encoding was 384kbps -- 768kbps (notice filesize). We're streamlining the production pipeline and should be changing encoders here pretty soon. I'll do some testing and make sure vids sync at all bitrates.
  22. reinstalling for a hak5 episode is kinda extreme. 2x06 was really short too, you should be able to find it on youtube but more to the point, what version of the episode did you get? quicktime, xvid, wmv?
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