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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. http://darrenkitchen.net I used to host it myself using wordpress but then I got lazy and discovered vox.
  2. I'm pretty sure Chris messaged me a few days ago saying they were shooting. I'd email them about it. You're not the only one curious about what happens in the story.
  3. Welcome back ol' buddy. Kinda funny, I was just thinking about you the other day while explaining the story behind www.hak5.org/noob Good to hear from ya. In fact, just last night I got a PM from Ilya. We'll have to to tea and crackers sometime. Or maybe sammiches. Like smoked turkey on a toasted wheat roll with melted provolone, black olives, mayo, and salt & pepper. Mmmmm, sammiches.
  4. Staying on topic I've got to say, PuTTY or WinSCP
  5. There are a couple of wardriving apps for PPC. Mini-stumbler is good. So is Csomething, I forget, been too long. I don't have WiFi on my treo 700w, but I do use the EVDO for terminal services, VNC, SSH, IRC, Google Maps, IM, video playback, and VOX. Check out TCPMP, PocketPutty, Mini-Stumbler, Google Maps Mobile, and PocketIRC
  6. Ya know, I should really be on Wess' left, not the other way around. I know it may sound crazy but it's a big issue with him. Just watch every episode of Hak5. Only on Hak5Live can I enjoy the warm glow of the right side of the screen. Ahhhh.
  7. Dude I've been playing LoRD on the Hak5 BBS with Snubs and it's AWESOME! You guys should totally join! Legend of the Red Dragon is so much fun! Join the party!
  8. Was this an event you'd like to see more of?
  9. bbs.hak5.org DNS A record updated. May take some time after this post. Can't wait for Door games!!!
  10. I did warez once... Ended up with a nasty rash for like a week.
  11. Before we started doing Hak5, our group was doing a little thing we called Guerrilla Theater where we'd meet behind a building at night with inverter, projector, speakers, etc and have a good time watching B horror movies.... until the cops told us to leave. You can see parts of it in the 1x01 intro... Also, cool hack.
  12. If you're serious about this community project I'd say start a wiki page and I'll give you guys the A record for bbs.hak5.org and feature it on the show (once you get the bugs ironed out). Just make sure you get some door games installed, especially Legend Of the Red Dragon!!! I pwnt at that game back in the early 90s.
  13. Wow, that actually is pretty good.
  14. I stopped watching after 10 seconds. Why does everyone who makes these screencasts think they need to mix it with the crappiest "rock" and preface it with the slowest fading text on the planet. It's a frickin screencast, not an epic piece of cinema magic. Sorry, I'm in an anti-noob mood.
  15. Thanks for the inspiration. This project has now made it to the top of my list. Who figured, all we needed was battle armor. And Kerby already has a mortal enemy; Buffy (Alli's cat). Cardboard and tinfoil armor here we come. This should make for entertaining and geeky hak5live material i hopes.
  16. Awesome mod moonlit![me=aardwolf]is alive[/me]
  17. My first computer was an IBM PC-XT with Dos 3.3 and Qbasic. Oh how I loved Qbasic. My first server was evil.
  18. all noobs, stfu. cheating on a cisco test? you serious? get yourself a book, or just hit the cisco website, they've got tons of great documentation. this ranks up there with "how do i hack myspace/my high school/my friends msn account"
  19. All of these fancy methods are great and all but I don't think anything is added by the whole 7zip, hide folder, copy into jpeg, etc etc thing other than obscurity. For happy safe files use truecrypt. for everything else, get your leet on.
  20. I tried it out because, well, why not? If it's better than what I've got I'll use it. However going into the whole thing after watching the keynote at WWDC I've got to say, wtf is Jobs thinking? They showed a pie chart of the market share something like 78% IE, 15% Firefox, %5 Safari, and %2 Other. Then they show how hopefully in the future when they kick ass it'll be 78% IE, the rest for Safari. Uhhh, that's not how you make friends Steve. As a big fan of the Firefox you've made me slightly uncomfortable. But I'll try your browser on windows, like others have said, wouldn't hurt for web development. Productivity So, turns out Safari has no clue what how to use the back button on my mouse. Great, how about Backspace, that works in every other browser? Safari, hello, backspace to go back. What, you want me to *click* back? Gah, talk about killing productivity. Maybe it'll accept ALT+Left but at that point, meh, yuck. Ok, so really long page. Think I'll hold down middle click (scroll wheel) and drag down. Works in _every other browser_. Oh, but poor little short bus Safari must be too good for the most basic mouse gestures built into windows since God knows when. Extensibility *cricket* *cricket* Performance Ooo, antialiased text. Kudos. Not sure if I don't get this is FF because I turned ClearType off in windows but it is kinda nice. And renders pretty fast. Lets see. Maximize IE on monitor one, check. Maximize Firefox on monitor two, check. Maximize Safari on monitor three... wait, where'd it go? Gotta kill the app and restart it. <3 Beta. Ok, great, now it's on monitor three but the menus on the toolbar are appearing on monitor two. I've seen enough. Best part about Safari 3 Beta on Windows? It uninstalls quickly. Someone lemme know when it gets off the short bus. Until then I'll be on FF with all my happy extensions and keyboard shortcuts.
  21. The set has changed dramatically. The broadcast console has been given a much needed upgrade. And we've almost finished replacing the camera fleet. The "round table" set you see hinted at in the Hak5Live teaser and wallpaper is the Hak5Live set. I'll have to take some pics once we finish the other set piece for Hak5.
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