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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I was recently in St. Louis and I'd recommend visiting the gateway arch. It's only like $10 to take a trip to the top and the view is great. The little "pods" they lift you up in are freaking weird. They also have helicopter tours starting at around $60 so depending on your budget and sense of adventure that might be fun. I took my g/f on a river boat cruise there too, you can find details on the main gateway arch site. It's not too expensive and a lot of fun if you have someone special to enjoy it with. The "old courthouse" museum is free if thats your budget. Fun if you like history. Anyway you can't go wrong as long as its nice out.
  2. Wow, amazing how the cast has changed over the years. Jenn was just a guest and she's totally hotter than me? Bummrt. Oh wait, this was supposed to be locked right? Sry.
  3. That was epic. Further proof that video games are mainstream and cool.
  4. I guess I could use pownce is I were a social media whore with my #1 agenda being to increase my own personal "brand" but aside from that I think I can do the same thing with what I'm already using (facebook basically). Oh, and whats the deal with "social networking" being a hot new thing? AFAIK IRC has been a social network since 1988! #hak5 is a great social network. You can add friends by simply _being friendly_ or give gifts by using /me (passes moonlit a beer). Hell I've even seen kids emo out on #hak5 like it was myspace. lol.
  5. I like how the forums have been condensed and the crosstalk that comes with it. I'm not sure the titles for each section makes organizational sense but as long as the good stuff is visible it doesn't really matter. In the next few weeks I'll be looking at fixing the homepage layout and one of the things thats most important to me is bringing the community to center stage. As such I'll be trying to work plugins in that will hopefully pull popular content from the forums and wiki to micro-blogs on the homepage. Great work all involved and good to be back (it was really dark and scary in that trunk)
  6. I like Toms colors but wish he had Bens whitespace.
  7. Wow, turns out I'm not cool enough to be on TomB's buddy list but Ilya is. Man I feel lame.
  8. 3x19" 1x22" nVidia Gforce 8600 GT PCIe ATI Radeon 7500 PCI PS: http://kimag.es rules PPS: Yes, that is a Hak5 wallet in the bottom left corner PPPS: This cake is delicious and moist
  9. [tt] .,-:;//;:=, . :H@@@MM@M#H/.,+%;, ,/X+ +M@@M@MM%=,-%HMMM@X/, -+@MM; $M@@MH+-,;XMMMM@MMMM@+- ;@M@@M- XM@X;. -+XXXXXHHH@M@M#@/. ,%MM@@MH ,@%= .---=-=:=,. =@#@@@MX ., -%HX$$%%%+; =-./@M@M$ .;@MMMM@MM: X@/ -$MM/ .+MM@@@M$ ,@M@H: :@: . =X#@@@@- ,@@@MMX, . /H- ;@M@M= .H@@@@M@+, %MM+..%#$. /MMMM@MMH/. XM@MH; =; /%+%$XHH@$= , .H@@@@MX, .=--------. -%H.,@@@@@MX, .%MM@@@HHHXX$$$%+- .:$MMX =M@@MM%. =XMMM@MM@MM#H;,-+HMM@M+ /MMMX= =%@M@M#@$-.=$@MM@@@M; %M%= ,;+$+-,/H#MMMMMMM@= =, =++%%%%+/:-.[/tt]
  10. Sweet, will have to check it out. ./shutdown is pretty frickin sweet! n3rd entertainment FTepicW!1
  11. I don't want it to sound like I hate FPS on console, because I don't. In fact, the console has something over the PC when it comes to the FPS genre. It's the party factor and barrier to entry. If I wanted to have a 4 player fragfest in my dorm doom I'd need 4 beefy computers on a LAN, where as with console it's a simple likely under $500 for the hardware, controllers, and game. Throw that on a TV, grab some beer, and pile on the couch. PC just can't touch that. Then again with a PC you can double jump off a lift with a flack cannon and get 3 kills doing a 360 before you even land on the mega damage.... ...just sayin'
  12. Nice of him to give you a controller and let you play. :-P I can't play FPS on console, but I like to watch all the pretty graphics.
  13. I don't think it matches the first one. In the way of innovation of course. Not to flame but I don't think the first one was all that innovative. Then again I'm a bit bias coming from the PC platform. We've had Halo killers for years before the xbox was even conceived. I will however give it credit for bringing the FPS genre to the unwashed masses. I'll even go as far as to say Halo was the Goldeneye of the myspace generation.
  14. Wess got it and I've spent a few hours watching him play. It looks beautiful and I've got to say the AI's creativity in fighting is some of the best I've seen. There are a ton of little things that will make you laugh. On top of that its absolutely gorgeous in HD. Oh and and flood are nasty little creepy things that remind me of the headcrabs in HL.
  15. Dude, thats in like 3 months! How did you know Wess was planning on modding the iPod touch for 3x06?
  16. Was that photoshopped or actually put up in place of the statue? Either way, pretty cool. Real: http://www-tech.mit.edu/V127/N41/graphics/halo3.html
  17. I stood in line with Wess last night to pick up Halo3. I don't own an xbox but figured I'd be there to support my bro. Glad I brought the camera though, captured a little bite of the ridiculousness.
  18. Dude 6 megapixel display arrays is where its at! But I really want either a 4th 19" on the far left to even it out... ...Then another 21" on top of the current widescreen....and 4 more 19"ers on top of the current ones. I can't get enough desktop space. I've got the bug. Once you go dual screen its an addiction from there.
  19. Also, how long has kimag.es been down?
  20. Use the built in text tool in Vegas on a blue or green background. Set the preview output to a secondary monitor that you then pipe into your video mixer on a chroma-keyable channel. Run your mix on B and fade in the chroma-key on A when its needed. Thats the hacker way to do it. We rarely do this because it's such a pain in the ass. I'd recommend going with a true text generator if you can afford it. Check out http://www.chyron.com/ Cheers, Darren
  21. First lizard kittens, now strange pokemon looking creatures? I can't keep up!
  22. Hak5 is starting a gaming clan. It will serve as a vehicle for more gaming events within the community. We're interested in hearing your opinion about the name. Currently we're thinking "Clan Hak5", which while informative and straight forward, is lacking spice. Please sound off if you have a suggestion.
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