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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. The only ones I know for sure are Twitter and Myspace (I know, I know, but about once a week I login to accept all the friend requests. That's it. Promise). I know there are a bunch of other ones but they just seem to pop up on my journeys across the web. Maybe Firefox is trying to tell me something...
  2. They don't have to know what you're doing every 5 minutes if you don't want. I find that I use is sporadically and make sure never to post anything too personal. It's kinda cool to have the wisdom of the crowd in a feed, I find lots of interesting links through it.
  3. Anyone ever have the problem where certain sites make firefox sit there throbbing forever with every subsequent link? It was driving me crazy so I upgraded to FF 3b5 and sadly the bug has carried over. Disabled all the plugins too. Guess I'll have to do the manual reinstall or *gasp* go to Opera ;)
  4. When twitter first came out I gave it a go but I didn't quite get it so I stopped. Over the last couple weeks I've been playing with it again and once I started following everyone back that follows me it kinda clicked and made sense to me. It's kinda cool. Somewhere between IRC and Email where the conversation flows but there is no urgency to respond right away. So I'm wondering if any other technojunkies are using the service. I'm at http://twitter.com/darrenkitchen
  5. Just wanted to chime in and say that I am reading this stuff. I'll comment later, don't let me disrupt the valuable discussion.
  6. Ethan, That is such a truly badass pic. You my friend are a badass mofo. I aspire to be a quarter as badass as you my friend. badass
  7. I sure as hell hope so. I won't know until Monday or Tuesday if I was successful in getting rid of this stick but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
  8. Jinx is having a $5 off sale. Technolust Tshirts for cheap. What more can I say, I wanna get rid of this inventory and you wanna look k-rad ultra elite. http://www.jinx.com/hak_5/t_shirt.html
  9. QFE http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,8675.0.html
  10. I love the idea, at least to experiment with. So how long before there's a plugin for IRC filtering? (J/K, then IRC would be mute) ;)
  11. Have you guys seen this? What do you think? http://mcgrewsecurity.com/projects/msramdmp/
  12. Bah, as if he deserved my middle name. Oh and I just noticed the topic. Correction, it's double-R. ;)
  13. M3 Simply or M4, same chip basically
  14. As part of the website redesign (see consistency among homepage and wiki) these forums will be moving to the IPB platform. Over the weekend a snapshot of these forums were imported into the IPB database and the new platform is available for your testing at http://www.hak5.org/ipbtest Over the next few days I encourage you to test the new system and report feedback to this thread including bug reports, feature requests, complaints and comments. I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank VaKo, Moonlit, Famicoman, and Cooper for their work moderating the forums. We truly appreciate their dedication to the community. As we make the transition to the new platform please keep their valued efforts in mind. Thanks, Darren
  15. Of course it costs a fortune to run a video operation of their quality. Hell look at Revver, they had just as craptastic quality as youtube and just died (sold for chump change + tons of debt). I'm afraid Veoh is next. Yes, Veoh, if you're reading you're starting to show signs of falling apart. Upgrade your servers or throw in the towel. This is by no means an indication in the slowing down of video on the Internet. For every site that goes under there are likely 10 more new media web jockeys shaking the VC tree. The reward for being #2, hell #5 in this game is too high. Sure youtube owns this game, looks the crappiest, yet has the least incentive to innovate. Then you've got others like break and metacafe that can exist comfortably in the shadows, catering to a niche market while staying small, versatile, and *hopefully* profitable. It's kinda like the iPod vs. the hundreds of other players out there. If creative wasn't making a dime in that space I doubt they'd be still in the race. Yet think of all the other players that have come and gone. Video sharing sites are just as common as MP3 players, and thats not a bad thing. I'll miss Stage6 for their innovative take on streaming media. Hell, I'll be sad when they go under and Hak5 episode 1-6 are no longer available for direct download (thx for the bandwidth;). I'll miss their open communication with content creators, yes that's you Ben Cote. They were always so cool to us, especially in the early development of the site. They even had us playing at their booth at CES one year. You don't get that with youtube. I felt compelled to post the obituary on the homepage. Stage6 was always so good to us. We will miss its creativity and innovation. Stage6 was truly leet. http://www.hak5.org/archives/228
  16. I think you misspelled meh rather a simple o.O could suffice
  17. What the hell are you guys talking about I don't look anything like that guy. My head is a lot rounder, my hair hasn't receded nearly that much, and I've got a full fledged soul patch. This guy's chin hair looks like it came off Hitler's upper lip! Just because his only form of expression is bug eyes and wildly exaggerated eyebrows doesn't mean he looks anything like me. Hell Wess can even make that face and I'm a zillion times prettier than him. Noobs
  18. One more for openVPN though I wish they made setup a bit easier. I'd go with ipsec over pptp too. I've seen some SSL based VPN solutions but afaik their performance is craptacular. I've used Himatchi recently but they were recently acquired by Logmein and I'm not sure what the state of their security is. Not exactly what I'd call an enterprise level solution but it worked when I needed to send a bit file to my g/f.
  19. I haven't looked at whats available in a while but a place like newegg, tiger direct or CDW would allow you to easily narrow down your requirements. I can personally vouch that the Buffalo Terastations are crap. Their performance is horrible, stay far away. Leo Laporte often answers this question so I'd check the Tech Guy show notes wiki. Oh and there's always building a freenas. We just built a new one at the hakhouse and its running great!
  20. If all 10 people listened to a 64kbps stream 24 hours a day for 30 days straight it would cost 197GB in data. Chances are that won't happen. ;) Google calculator FTW. http://www.google.com/search?q=64kbps+*+3600+*+24+*+30+*+10
  21. While I don't really have any useful advice to add other than work with your lawyer to get your equipment back, I felt it necessary to chime in and at least say I feel for you man and will be sending good mojo your way. If you can please keep us informed. I really hope all goes well dude.
  22. If you're set on the macbook pro it doesn't really matter when you buy as prices don't fluctuate on those. Of course check a mac rumor site to see what the buyers guide says, they're usually pretty good at predicting refresh cycles. If you're going to go the PC route I can say that Dell has some pretty good deals on laptops right now. I know because I recently helped a family member configure a Latitude. It looks like the biggest savings is on the AMD models though so that might be something to consider. As far as heat is concerned you might as well get used to it. They don't call 'em LAPtops anymore for a reason ya know ;)
  23. AFAIK the M3 Simply does not play GBA files however it only requires one slot so no need for a PassCard.
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