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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Don't most games have built in VOIP now? ...sorry, I'm the 20-something that has only kept a big toe in the scene. *sniff* *sniff* I miss hardcore gaming. This casual stuff really bites. Damn job, mortgage, show. Ok, not the show. ;)
  2. Be warned clicking that link is a productivity killer!
  3. I played the crap out of the first one on PC and more recently the beat downhill jam on the Wii. Lots of fun but one of those games you pick up and quickly put back on the shelf having satiated your appetite for grip tape and polyurethane. PS: Of course I skated as a teenager. World Industries for the win.
  4. Any chance I can get admin on that group I'd like to add some community events, especially with the show heading towards the off season. It's time to frag some hacklings (yes, I went there)
  5. Am I missing something? I know Xfire is some sort of IM for gamers. Whatever I've got skype and aim and msn and steam and gtalk and irc and twitter and zomg it just goes on and on why would I want Xfire and what are these rankings all about?
  6. Darren Kitchen


    I think the PS3 will really shine in about a year or so. About the time the 360 starts showing its age people will look across the lawn and notice that while they were busy drinking the Microsoft juice the PS3 got shiny. Hell look at the timeline of the PS2 adoption/popularity. I'm expecting the same here.
  7. I know Red Faction wasn't a free roaming game but I've got to say I spent hours just clearing out levels then digging tunnels with the rocket launcher. There was something about the ability to destroy the level that was so satisfying. Another big one for me recently has been Burnout Paradise. If you're a racing fan I highly recommend it. The world is all free roaming and it's not too MTV style blinged out like NFS Carbon or something like that. Missions are at intersections and you only have to complete so many to get to the next rank so if there are events you're not good at or don't particularly like you can just skip 'em. The gameplay is totally fun. The only thing I can think of that would make the game better is multiple radio stations al la GTA to choose from but "DJ Atomica" from "Crash FM" was totally rad.
  8. Darren Kitchen


    This is one of those games that I look forward to beating over the course of many weeks. The longer this game lasts the better. I just hope us guys at the hakhouse (Matt, Paul and I) have the will not go out and beat half the story without the others. We've gotten pretty good at spending weekends hanging out on the couch with our laptops out passing the controller around and I really wanna see all that the story has to offer. Oh yeah and obviously I want a pimpmobile to run bitches over with. Ahh, memories :)
  9. Ok Paul, Matt and I (mainly them two it turns out I kinda sucked at it) just finished this game and I've got to say surprisingly the story was really compelling. The cut scenes between missions were all rendered in real time and I've got to tip my hat to the developers because it was rich and smooth, not the kind of graphics I was expecting from an engine you'd expect to be optimized primarily for large maps and dogfights. The story was moving, at least for a video game. I could have done with more of it honestly.
  10. I had a great time playing CS (not :S) back in the day (which is relative). For me that was 2000, 2001 and CS was the hotness. After you've played those maps for the N-hundredth time it gets boring. I will say however that for all the people that complain about CS gamer fags try playing CS at a small (8-16 players) LAN party and it'll change your mind. Asshattedness is directly proportional to anonymity.
  11. Way too many to list so I'll just list the only games that matter, period. Q3, UT, CS (Not :S)
  12. I like it! I just thinking about an hour ago on my commute to work that I need to retouch the USB stuff with a whitehat angle. I've actually used USB switchblade technology to roll out updates and backup software easily among a small workgroup.
  13. prior to this donations had dropped to zero. honestly donations were never more than a few dollars a month. don't get me wrong every little bit counts. we've just never really mentioned donations aside from once early on in season one. the links are kinda buried on the site too. this is partly due to the fact that i'm a horrible business man. if someone like Jason Calacanis were running this show I'm sure it would do more than just break even hehe.
  14. Yeah I'll ship 'em anywhere. Just sent a dozen or so out to Ireland, Germany, UK, Finland and the Netherlands yesterday. Got a whole bunch of international stamps so I'm turning 'em around really quick. So far the donations have covered about half the cost of a new scan converter so the video from our laptops won't look washed out (3x07) or pink! (3x09). Just picked up this guy from B&H http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/2461..._Converter.html A big thanks to everyone's generosity.
  15. just whats pictured above for the $5 donation, double that for anything more hence the any donation amount link
  16. So you don't finish the segment? I wouldn't say I didnt finish it, just that the version that aired was slightly truncated for time and thus the demonstration of embedding was glossed over. This happens frequently just to keep segments within a certain time else we'd drone on forever about stuff and the show would end up being an hour and a half.
  17. Sorry about that I demonstrated how to embed them in the first cut of that segment but it was reshot for time (the first cut was 13 minutes, we aim for 7-8 minutes. You know how these ADD kids are these days ;)) Basically you want to run your pipe and you'll see a Badge button on the top left of the toolbar. This image should help. http://arch.kimag.es/thumbs/63297241.jpg[/img] Cheers, Darren
  18. If you get some Hak5 stickers be sure to take pics of your newly pimped gear, I'd love to feature them on the site.
  19. The Hak5 set is getting an upgrade for the upcoming fourth season and we could really use some technobucks. If you want to kick us a $5 donation we would be happy to send you a set of Hak5 and Trust Your Technolust stickers. As you’ve probably seen on the show they look great on laptops, eee PCs, Nintendo DSs, or just about k-rad gear. We'll ship 'em anywhere, not just the US. Each set is personally mailed by a cast member. Expect 5-10 days for delivery. http://www.hak5.org/stickers
  20. Just picked it up for 360. http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/acecombat6 Anyone else playing it? Seems pretty solid gameplay wise. The acting is a bit cheesy though.
  21. Darren Kitchen


    I can't wait to pick this up. I recently got used to the xbox360 controls (just beat burnout: paradise city) so I think this will be the first GTA I play on console. I've been enthralled with this series since GTA3 and look forward to returning to Liberty City.
  22. They don't have to know what you're doing every 5 minutes if you don't want. I find that I use is sporadically and make sure never to post anything too personal. It's kinda cool to have the wisdom of the crowd in a feed, I find lots of interesting links through it. like irc, with a little less leetness Its basically IRC for n00bs lolz To a certain extent I agree.
  23. I started out as a generic techno and trance fan and slowly found my own style with electronic-pop stuff like Fischerspooner and The Postal Service. That's not to say I'm not still fond of my original techno roots, mostly all from the UK, in the early/mid-90s. Here are some picks from the evolution of my musical interests over the last decade. 90s: BT, Orbital, Orb, Prodigy, Fluke, Olive, Poe Early 2000: Massive Attack, Dido, Thievery Corporation, Morcheeba, Mono Last few years: Imogen Heap, Jem, Fischerspooner, The Postal Service, The Killers, Royksopp
  24. Awesome pic. Any clue where this is from?
  25. Flames aside I think Firefox 3 beta 5 is quite usable for me ;) Thanks for the heads up on creating a new profile. That seems to have put a band-aid on the problem but I'm still concerned that once I add the addons I need back in the problem will crop up again. My best guess is either Google Browser Sync or StumbleUpon are breaking it but that's just speculation. As for Opera, I switched to it on my eeePC since it runs x2 as fast as Firefox is is much more reliable. I may go ahead and make the switch if I can find comperable plugins. Thx for the advice guys
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