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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Unfortunately there just isn't enough space on the device to install python and all the dependencies in order to get sslstrip going locally. You can still run it from the machine hosting the internet connection.
  2. Glad you got it fixed. I didn't notice the ^M's in that file before. Will go back and check the other pineapples. Thankfully it shouldn't come back once the 1.0.2 patch is applied. As for the rebooting it has to do with memory on the device. Depending on the complexity of the ngrep expression the device will hang. This is a known issue. I've reliably gotten it to work for hours with short expressions, but the more data the quicker things will up. I'm hoping that a cleanup process can be written but as is that feature is somewhat experimental. =/
  3. Implementing sslstrip wouldn't be any different with the pineapple than any other setup. Unfortunately the libraries requires to install sslstrip are too large to fit on the device. =/
  4. Seb, might you share the disable SSID broadcast configuration line?
  5. OpenWrt is running under the hood so any of the configuration scripts on the openwrt wiki for setting up WEP or WPA-PSK will work. Basically you just update your /etc/config/wireless config file. With WPA you may need an additional library to be installed.
  6. So sorry that you ran into that issue. Seems there was a small batch of pineapples that went out with borked bits. If you're confident flashing, Seb's 1.9 firmware is solid. Otherwise contact shop@hak5.org and we'll make things right. I'll be writing up a guide shortly to spell out the simple flashing process step by step.
  7. Your pineapple lives at The is the recommended address for your computer. Set a static IP as with a netmask of and you should be able to ping no problem. Then SSH to with the username root and password pineapplesareyummy. You should also see something at Let us know what you find.
  8. Interesting that you're getting a 192 address. What does your network config look like under the advanced menu? It should be dolling out addresses in What happens if you DHCP from eth0?
  9. You could have a PHP script load on the first request that changes the mk2's configuration, however that would only work for the very first client, not once for each client.
  10. Atheros end of lifed the AR2315 SoC. Its sad i know.
  11. Do you see the SSID Pineapple, pineapple3c, internet or openwrt when you scan for wireless networks?
  12. Have you tested by connecting a machine of your own and creating web traffic? Otherwise is anything showing up when you cat /tmp/ngrep.log ?
  13. There was one other who reported this however he implied that the web interface was working. Is yours? I advise flashing Seb's latest MK3 build, for which I will post a guide to wifipineapple.com later today. Otherwise contact the hakshop for an Exchange. Very sorry about this.
  14. I remember hearing that the fons would reboot under max CPU load. Might be the issue. Will investigate with the 2100 later today.
  15. So it sods the symlinks and sets the password to pineapplesareyummy? Nifty!
  16. With the commented out macaddr it keeps adding another interface (radio1). Bummer it seems to want it and is willing to add it if not found as it prevents automatically enabling the wireless interface in the firmware. Still just not touching that file it'll create its own and there isn't anything custom in it aside from SSID. Running sed -i 's/option disabled 1/#option disabled 1/' /etc/config/wireless after telnetting in will do the trick. Edit: That did the trick :) Working on my Fon 2100, albeit a bit slow.
  17. Nice build. Even includes the 1.0.2 patch. One error though, the /etc/config/wireless file contains the mac address of my dev unit. The SSID Pineapple3c which is again my third dev unit (a and b got borked). Upon boot the device adds radio1 to the config. I removed the radio0 entries and renamed radio1 to radio0, commenting out the mac address option. Will know if that does the trick here in a minute.
  18. Congrats Seb. Great job working this all into one firmware package. I'm eager to try this on the Mk2 hardware. Cheers!
  19. Sounds like you have special fruit. What commands are available to you on loving?
  20. You know I just realized after running into a similar issue porting the mk3 interface to the mk2. It seems the default /etc/config/wireless contains: option macaddr 00:c0:ca:32:90:94 Which is the mac address of my first dev mk3. This will need to be changed to *your pineapple's mac*. Find the sticker on the bottom of your AP51 and increment the last octet of the shown hardware address by 1 (the listed mac is ethernet, wifi is +1). This is what should be listed in your /etc/config/wireless file - which is why your wireless network isn't working also try ifconfig and see what's going on with wlan0. If you don't see it listed, this is why. Fix the config file and reboot. Hope that helps!
  21. Hu, that'd odd. New behavior indeed. What had you done between first login and reboot? Has any other functionality changed or just the banner?
  22. The build I worked off was Bleeding Edge 27575 and the packages were sourced from rc3 and rc4. I haven't played with rc6 yet.
  23. If you're DNS spoofing a domain to the pineapple IP then Internet Connection Sharing isn't necessary. See the DNS Spoof guide at wifipineapple.com
  24. That's probably because the Fon was based on the Atheros AP51 reference design for the AR2315 SiX, hence the ALFA model number. I would figure they're the same.
  25. IIRC SSL strip requires python. Perhaps it could b compiled for the pineapple architecture somehow but I haven't tried.
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