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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I hear ya. When we first launched the MK4 and put together the initial bundles modules for SSLStrip and Ettercap didn't exist. We're really pushing the limit on this hardware under 5v. I think it's time to start looking at a successor to the Pineapple Juice 3200.
  2. Matt666, We're not ignoring you, we've been on the phone with UPS yesterday and today trying to figure out why the replacement pineapple we shipped you, which was marked as a gift, required customs. This should not be the case as far as I know gifts do not require duty fees like commercial products. Seeing as we are sending you a free replacement I consider it a gift, no? UPS has assigned the case to a specialist as there seems to be a discrepancy between the gift policy they're claiming (where every line item needs to be marked as gift) and the policy that our local rep. explained to us (where the entire package can be marked as gift). We were happy to pay to have your broken pineapple returned and to ship you out a new unit for free via UPS Expedited, marked as gift. We were under the assumption that gift meant just that and have not experienced this issue with other countries in the EU. We have not received your return back to us - the tracking info reports it hasn't been shipped. We're very sorry for the inconvenience and are doing everything we can to make it right. Had you accepted the $50 USD customs we would have been happy to refund that from your original purchase amount as it is becoming increasingly expensive to ship replacements and have them returned. In the email you sent 8 hours ago you said you would give us 24 hours to resolve the issue before "starting an advertising campaign in the various forums and newsgroups I participate". While I understand your frustration we are working very hard towards making this right and I would appreciate it if you would work with us directly. Darren
  3. The power regulator onboard will accept between 5 and 12 volts. The draw will vary depending on what you're doing with the unit. A high power CDMA USB dongle for example may want more power than a simple mass storage drive. It'll run on as low as 5 watts -- 12 volts neary 0.5 amp -- or more commonly 5 volts 1 amp. Providing 10 watts is preferred, say 5 volts and 2 amps as most "iPad" chargers offer.
  4. I recall an incident a while back similar to this that ended up being the users ISP filtering the wifipineapple.com domain, which is where the packages are downloaded from. Can you access that domain? Are you saying you were able to install modules before you updated to 2.8.1? Seb, might there be a manual install process?
  5. Let us know how it goes. It has been a while since I set one up and I can't exactly remember all the details. Such is life when there's a new show every week. Would love to see a module or script.
  6. Here's a good overview of how the authentication process works: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11i-2004#The_Four-Way_Handshake I also advise watching these: http://www.securitytube.net/video/1905 http://www.securitytube.net/video/2562 Cheers, Darren
  7. We will have them in 2 weeks and I'll put 'em up in the HakShop for cheap. Also seems that ripping off the red LED from the pigtail doesn't break the drive. It's nearly flush with the pineapple now. Film at 11.
  8. I respond to all the texts - just in batches when I make time. Few people call without good reason but when they do it's always fun to talk to a new friend. Hackers are the best people. Uhhh, so ya know how I said I was crazy about how small the SanDisk Cruzer Fit is and how this new drive, the Halo, works great albeit slightly larger. Well, that was before modding. Look: That pigtail is an LED and I don't think it's even necessary. Will test it without. This is actually even lower profile than the Cruzer Fit.
  9. Yeah part of the issue is that I don't have nearly the amount of time I wish I had to regularly be on the forums, IRC, etc. I wish I had a perfect solution for this but there isn't enough of me to go around and the team is rather small -- just Paul, Shannon, Sebastian, Sara and I. Email is best but even then I'm getting nearly 1000/day so filtering is key. shop@hak5.org is really the best for anything customer related or the form on http://hakshop.myshopify.com/pages/contact which gets you right into our customer support database. I prefer the database as it runs on a Podio backend where Sara and Shannon can collaborate and bring me in where needed (this being an obvious case). Worst case if things are on fire CALL ME. My cell is +1 (510) 948 9861
  10. 2 quick things. Technical tid-bit: With the 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit version 1.26 the MK4 (version 2.7.0 - 2.8.1) will report the USB device as available from lsusb and mounted on /usb from df -h, however the drive is not functional. What happens is the drive is initialized on boot when the MK4 has ample power, before the radio comes up. Once the radio comes online it "steals" power from the bus and the USB drive, while reported, is nonfunctional. Upcoming replacement drive: I just spoke with our vendor and we'll have replacements in 2 weeks laser engraved with the Hak5 logo. Here's a sample. If you can't wait we're more than happy to send you the Domain.com printed drive or if you can wait we'll get you one of these. They look fantastic but either way it's the same hardware underneath. R/W performance is comparable to the SanDisk.
  11. I've posted a full report on this issue and the solution here: http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/29820-bought-2-pineapples-both-have-power-issues-with-usb-sandisk-juice-pack/page-2
  12. Background: One of our goals with the MK4 was to take advantage of the USB expandable storage aspects of the Pineapple with modules and the like -- which I'll say has been a huge success. During initial testing we were looking for a drive that offered good performance, size (both physical and virtual) and cost. The Cruzer Fit seemed good in all areas, however it wasn't without issue. We found in testing that the larger capacity drives came with larger power requirements that the MK4, under typical 1A battery power, could not provide. We did however find that the 4GB version was less demanding of power and cost less to boot. I'll admit I was taken in by the teeny tiny size of the unit and that's why it became part of the bundles. On some occasions the drive experienced faults which would cause it to become read-only -- an issue SanDisk addressed with a new version of the drive. We offered replacements to anyone experiencing the issue and continued ordering the part. What we did not realize at the time was that the new version which fixed the read-only bug introduced a heavier power requirement. Testing: Pictured above: 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit version 1.22 as initially bundled with the MK4 Pictured above: MK4 being powered by Pineapple Juice with 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit version 1.22. See /usb reported. Pictured above: 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit version 1.26 which requires more current to operate. Pictured above: MK4 being powered by Pineapple Juice with 4GB "Halo" drive. See /usb reported. Solution: These drives work great and look good. They aren't as physically small as the Cruzer Fit however they do fit nicely inside the travel case. Pictured above: 4GB "Halo" Drive with Domain.com branding. I happen to have a bunch of these left over from Hack Across America meetups. Props go to our awesome sponsor Domain.com for the hookup - it's weird how that just happened to work out. I tried a few others from Super Talent and the like and these seem the most reliable. I'm having a some done up with Hak5 graphics now. Pictured above: MK4 and Pineapple Juice with 4GB "Halo" Drive in Travel Case. Options: I feel terrible that we shipped units with nonfunctional USB drives. We had no idea the firmware on the SanDisk Cruzer Fit changed and I'm bummed it took me so long to realize there was a problem. We've pulled all of the Cruzer Fits from the shop and are contacting customers who purchased the bundle since our last SanDisk re-order. If you are experiencing this issue I'd like to offer the following solutions: 1. Email shop@hak5.org with your order number and we will send you free of charge a compatible replacement 4GB drive along with a travel case full of stickers and our gratitude TODAY. Note: the drive may be branded with domain.com (thanks guys). 2. Email shop@hak5.org with your order number and we will send you free of charge a HAK5 Branded compatible replacement 4GB drive along with a travel case full of stickers and our gratitude IN A FEW WEEKS when the drives have been printed. 3. Email shop@hak5.org with your order number and we will satisfy a complete return and refund at no cost no matter how long you have owned the unit. 4. Something else? Email us. I want to make sure everyone is happy. We're putting in new QA procedures to ensure this doesn't happen again and we'll be looking into ways to satisfy the need for reliable expandable storage on the WiFi Pineapple going forward. Thanks, Darren
  13. I'll have a full report in the morning but I figured I'd post my findings asap. Bad news: The 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit doesn't work with a MK4 powered by a Pineapple Juice. Good news: The 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit does works with a MK4 powered by a Pineapple Juice. Best news: There's a solution. While I'm still testing this I can say with confidence we'll make things right for anyone experiencing this issue.
  14. Hey there, just getting a handle on the SanDisk / Pineapple Juice issue. A lot of forum catching up having been on the road. Something changed since we first introduced the bundle as we specifically picked both the i3200 and 4GB for compatibility. We're working on a solution now. We absolutely by no means intend to deceive and we stand by our products. We've pulled the bundles for now and are back to the lab testing both new and old batches of the SanDisk and Pineapple Juice packs, firmware versions, etc. Email us at shop@hak5.org if you're having an issue with your bundle and we'll get you sorted just as soon as we have a solution.
  15. Thanks for the heads up guys and again our sincere apologies. When the elite kit was introduced it was done so after thoroughly testing with both the 4GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit and the Pineapple Juice 3200 battery pack. While the 8, 16 and above capacity SanDisk drives are convenient in our testing we found them to draw too much power, hence the smaller capacity in the bundle. Obviously something has changed either with the latest batch of USB drives or the batteries. I'm on a short layover during Hack Across America back at the studio now so I'll do some testing and figure out what went wrong. As you guys know we're a small passionate team here dedicated to customer satisfaction. I ask that you please let us know by email to shop@hak5.org if you're experiencing this problem. We'll come up with a solution be it a refund, replacement battery, usb drive or otherwise. Thanks for your patience and continued support of Hak5.
  16. Thanks for the heads up guys, and thanks for the info on the firmware Seb. Let's see if we can't get to the bottom of this. While it's true that vendors WiFi implementations will change over the years to combat a Karma attack, the WiFi Pineapple is far from useless. I'd say with the growth we've seen in development on the MK4 and the features we've implemented from the brainstorm list, we're only scratching the surface. Windows 7 now requires the user the opt-in to a auto-connect checkbox on open networks, though it's interesting to see the results in action: I was doing tests in the studio yesterday with the latest Win7, iOS and Android and a WiFi Pineapple 2.7.0 - but today I decided to do go on a little field trip to get a sense of real world results. Now mind you the results will be heavily skewed for iOS, which of the mobile OS's is actually the most resilient to our current MK4 version of Karma. As you can see from this photo: Also mind you this test was done while driving around Cupertino, so not exactly ideal. I have a feeling the results would be totally skewed another way had I gone to Mountain View -- ya know? I was really surprised how many OUIs there are, but then again most manufacturers have multiple OUIs - so let's turn to the Wireshark OUI database. Probe Request Manufacturer Identified: 570 (of 854) Based on Wireshark database without variants (ie: Apple, Apple Inc) Apple: 328 58% Samsung: 53 9% Intel: 47 8% Motorola: 26 5% HTC: 15 3% Hon Hai: 13 2% LG: 8 1% Murata: 7 1% Z-COM: 7 1% ASUS: 6 1% HP: 5 <1% SparkLAN: 5 <1% Liteon: 5 <1% Ruckus: 4 <1% Rim: 3 <1% Universal: 3 <1% Private: 3 <1% AzureWave: 3 <1% CANON: 3 <1% LEXMARK: 2 <1% D-Link: 2 <1% Huawei: 2 <1% Palm: 2 <1% Gemtek: 1 <1% GIGA-BYTE: 1 <1% Nokia: 1 <1% Nintendo: 1 <1% Silex: 1 <1% Tenda: 1 <1% BARNES&NOBLE: 1 <1% zte: 1 <1% TP-Link: 1 <1% Phoebe: 1 <1% Unfortunately only 66% of OUIs were identified by manufacturer, but it still paints a general picture. Here are the results from associations: Association Manufacturer Identified: 78 (of 153) Based on Wireshark database without variants (ie: Apple, Apple Inc) Apple: 38 48% Samsung: 8 10% Motorola: 7 9% Intel: 5 6% HTC: 3 4% LG: 3 4% Z-COM: 2 3% Universal: 2 3% CANON: 2 3% D-Link: 1 1% Murata: 1 1% Rim: 1 1% Nokia: 1 1% Nintendo: 1 1% As you can see Cupertino has a heavy Apple bias. Wonder why? ;) With these two data sets we can analyze the connection rate by manufacturer, though keep in mind this Cupertino field trip isn't an accurate real world scenario to come up with any empirical results. But just for fun: Association Rate by Manufacturer: Manufacturer Probes Associations Rate -------------------------------------------- Apple 328 38 12% Samsung 53 8 15% Motorola 26 7 27% Intel 47 5 10% HTC 15 3 20% LG 8 3 38% Z-COM 7 2 29% Universal 3 2 67% CANON 3 2 67% D-Link 2 1 50% Murata 7 1 14% Rim 3 1 33% Nokia 1 1 100% Nintendo 1 1 100% WOOHOO! VIDEO GAMES!!! So what can I gather from this study, this thread, and our continued testing and development? 1. We need better tools for analysis - perhaps a module? This was a serious pain in the ass to compile and the sed, awk, cut, grep and copy/paste wasn't fun. Would be nice to have a baseline for us all to measure. 2. Manufacturers will continue to improve the security of their WiFi implementations, that's just a fact of this cat and mouse game that is hacking. 3. Since inception the WiFi Pineapple has proven a highly capable platform, and really it has only been in the last year of development that this platform has started to mature....and we've only scratched the surface. There are a lot of Karma features that could be implemented to keep up with the ever changing landscape - so this is just an opportunity to innovate. So let's all get more data (seriously need a standardized way to gather, report, analyze) and brainstorm. MK4 Karma is currently extremely passive, though a lot can be done to make it more aggressive. I've been playing with a few modules currently available like Occupineapple (Beacon) and Jammer (DeAuth) that can help encourage clients. Thoughts?
  17. It's not a matter of winning. Remember we didn't originally sell these. It wasn't until being hounded that I started doing Mark 1's on commission, which eventually grew to what we have now (and thank God - it's kept Hak5 afloat and brought us awesome stuff like the Mark4 and beyond). I encourage anyone with the geekery to attempt this feat - you'll learn a lot. Andy has done a great job of documenting a hack that I can only feel flattered by. I just wish the realities of the situation allowed us to offer a truly economical pineapple for hackers and students, but we're no TP-Link and that router is only certified in China for a reason. I spoke to the manufacturer about getting it FCC'd for us here in the states but no dice.
  18. In its current form, no. Could this be added? Maybe. It's something we've kicked around. The driver *can* emulate a *few* SSIDs in addition to the standard pineapple+mac (or whatever you change it to), so in theory.....maybe.
  19. My first thought would be try using a different microSD card - but if you aren't seeing anything from DMESG in Linux probably best to contact us at the HakShop and we'll get a new one out to ya. Another thing you might try is holding the button while inserting it into a linux machine and checking dmesg...
  20. I'm in the UK at the moment but seeing as you're in San Francisco either Shannon, Paul or Sara from the HakShop will get you sorted. Cheers!
  21. FYI there may be a bug in version 3.1. /usb/modules/randomroll needs to be renamed to /usb/modules/RandomRoll Alternatively the symlink in /www/randomroll needs to be changed to /usb/modules/randomroll It could also be that the symlink was not updated when upgrading from the previous version. EDIT: Just read the above post. Oops.
  22. And from a government attempting to slow down Iran's attempts at developing nuclear weapons perspective?
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