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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. That's interesting. I've only ever noticed this behavior once before which was with a Windows 7 box in testing. As it turns out if the copy of Windows hasn't been activated (or in this case has expired) it won't allow Windows Update to fetch the WHQL driver. I don't have the Mac experience to know if there's something similar going on here since you're running a copy in a VM - just speculating. If I get a chance I might test on a macbook at the Apple store next time I'm around the shops.
  2. Thanks. This was caught in the first batch after the bootloader had been flashed. It's fixed in the new versions. Consider it an Easter Egg for the early LAN Turtle adopters :)
  3. You say the device shows up. Can you statically assign an IP address in the 172.16.84.x range? Unfortunately I don't have a Mac to test.
  4. Using an Android terminal app run ifconfig and ensure you have an eth0 interface with an IP address from the LAN Turtle.
  5. We'll be redoing the module center to handle modules in tar.gz form in the future but for now a dependency install in config or at first start like the pineapple does would do the trick.
  6. A label on the side of it like this may do the trick :)
  7. Here's an STL of the MK5 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1kHHuoTR841bURBUVRJLVBpU183NVZOOUpURklPUXV1TGRJ/view?usp=sharing
  8. All excellent and much appreciated feedback that will find its way into future builds. Thanks!
  9. LAN Turtle user Shad contributed the module clomac. Clone Clients MAC address into WAN interface https://github.com/ShadGIT https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/user/51465-shad/ It's now available from modulemanager. I've created this thread for module support and discussion. From the help: DDNSC is a service which provides automatic Dynamic Domain Name updates. It is particulary useful when used in conjuction with UPnP_Portfwd to access the LAN Turtle directly from the outside. You would need to register the hostname in any of the supported DDNS providers (see /usr/lib/ddns/services) and update the configuration with your info. Example: Service: no-ip.com Hostname: turtle.ddns.net Username: your@email.com Password: yourpassword
  10. LAN Turtle user Shad contributed the module upnp-portfwd. uPnP Port Forwarding https://github.com/ShadGIT https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/user/51465-shad/ It's now available from modulemanager. I've created this thread for module support and discussion. Very nice module Shad! From the help: uPnP Portfwd is a service which provides automatic port forwarding when connected to some uPnP enabled routers.\nThis service is typically used to provide a convenient and persistent DIRECT shell from the outside into the LAN Turtle so that a remote "proxy" server or host is not needed.\n*IF* the router is uPnP enabled and forwards the port it would be possible to connect directly to the Turtle from any rbitrary/anonymous location, even from TOR. Remote Port - External port on the router to be forwarded to the Turtle. Local Port - The port where a local service is running in the Turtle (Tipically 22 -ssh-) Protocol - TCP or UDP (tcp for ssh) Example: Per the defaults, the router will forward its external port 45000 to the LAN Turtle port 22. In this scenario one may establish a direct connection to the LAN Turtle by ssh'ing into the router's external interface port 45000: ssh -p 45000 root@external.router.ip While this won't work in many cases, it may come handy when it does, which is frequent for some telco provided SOHO routers.
  11. LAN Turtle user Shad contributed the module clomac. Clone Clients MAC address into WAN interface https://github.com/ShadGIT https://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/user/51465-shad/ It's now available from modulemanager. I've created this thread for module support and discussion. Great module Shad!
  12. I do apologize everyone. I made an update to the module_list file on github adding the clomac and upnp-portfwd modules. Immediately after the commit realized I had made the mistake of leaving the (') in (client's) which of course breaks the script. I made a follow-up commit removing the character however it never propagated to the gh-pages branch. After a half hour I figured it was just cached and would resolve itself but I guess not. I'm learning a lot about github's idiosyncrasies and it's a bit of a growing pain / learning curve. Making an additional commit (this time adding the ddnsc module) fixed the issue. Really sorry about that! TL;DR: My mistake. Github is slow. It's fixed now. There are 3 new modules to check out.
  13. Thanks for the feedback. In the next version of module manager I'll have the start function -> configure. That should be more intuitive.
  14. I'm thinking it would be best to install locally rather than over sshfs. That said we'll look into baking it into the upcoming firmware 3.
  15. I sympathize with this statement. As soon as I think I have the world figured out, I end up using your girlfriends Windows 8 laptop to recover a borked box. Errr, something. Also for what it's worth, clear the browser cache before attempting recovery.
  16. That's odd - the unbricking process should work no matter what. The bootloader is locked down so there's little chance you've overwritten it. I'd say standard troubleshooting process invokes here - try a different machine and different cable. Failing that email support@hak5.org. As a new product I'd like to review yours in the lab where we can more easily hook up a UART.
  17. If it's not powering your WiFi Pineapple it's likely the DC Barrel to USB cable. Contact Sara at shop@hak5.org and we'll get you a replacement high gauge cable. Thanks for catching this Yummi. We recently switched battery vendors for the Pineapple Juice 15000 and this feature was dropped for the current production run in order to get them here in time for DEF CON. Unfortunately I failed to update the site by mistake. Please accept my apology and feel free to contact Sara and I at shop@hak5.org and darren@hak5.org for either a discount code or partial refund if possible.
  18. Can the LAN Turtle ping the listening host? If you escape from the Turtle Shell and issue "ping" do you get replies?
  19. MrGadget - If it's a simple C file you can use the OpenWRT Toolchain to cross compile for the MIPS architecture. Download the Toolchain from https://downloads.openwrt.org/barrier_breaker/14.07/ar71xx/generic/ In the toolchain bin dir you'll find various compilers. For example mips-openwrt-linux-uclibc-gcc.bin ~/helloworld.c -o helloworld would result in a helloworld file compiled for the LAN Turtle's Atheros architecture. For more complex builds using make files grab the OpenWRT SDK and reference the WiFi Pineapple build guide at http://wiki.wifipineapple.com/#!build_guide.md Additional further reading: http://wiki.openwrt.org/about/toolchain http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/buildroot.exigence http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/build http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/devel/crosscompile http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/obtain.firmware.sdk
  20. If it's possible with the WiFi Pineapple, it's most likely possible with the LAN Turtle. WiFi and storage aside, they share many similarities.
  21. When I get back from DEF CON I'll be updating with wiki with proper developer documentation - but until then I'll just brain dump here: - Any executable in /etc/turtle/modules will be treated as a module and show up in the modules menu - For the current version, the executable should be a bash script (though it can call any language with an interpreter supported on the LAN Turtle like php and python) - In addition to the interpreter also include /usr/lib/turtle/turtle_module (For example: #!/bin/bash /usr/lib/turtle/turtle_module) - Modules should include the variables VERSION and DESCRIPTION (We will also add support for AUTHOR in the future) - When the module menu is loaded, all modules are queried for their status - All modules must support the functions start, stop, status and configure - Status should echo a 1 if running and 0 if not - When modules are enabled, the system will run the start function of the module on LAN Turtle boot - Publishing a module to the LAN Turtle download center (modulemanager) is a matter of submitting a pull request with your module to https://github.com/hak5/lanturtle-wiki/tree/gh-pages/modules - In lieu of an official "style guide", I recommend keeping to the dialog sizes used in the other modules (usually 18 72) - To familiarize yourself with dialog and the module structure, open up any of the existing modules and see how they work Example Stop Function: function stop { /etc/init.d/openvpn stop } Example Status Function: function status { if pgrep openvpn > /dev/null; then echo "1"; else echo "0"; fi }
  22. Is this using version 2? What's the error you're getting? I think a file may need to be touched.
  23. What happened? The update process shouldn't take but 5 minutes - if that. When you check for updates, it'll give you 30 seconds to back out (CTRL+C) before downloading the turtle-2.bin file and issuing the sysupgrade command. It'll also kill SSH connection so PuTTY or OpenSSH will drop. You'll know it has finished flashing and started it reboot cycle when the amber LED starts blinking. If you want to manually update the firmware you can download turtle-2.bin from http://downloads.lanturtle.com/turtle-2.bin then SCP it over to /tmp/ on the Turtle and issue "sysupgrade -v -n /tmp/turtle-2.bin"
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