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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. I lived on a farm for 9 months of my life. It was fun, but I'm glad it wasnt perma...brb
  2. well, I'll say that the first few days of the month I just dont sleep. and if I do it's only when the computers are rendering stuff and I get an hour or two. I have a very hard time sleeping. most of the time it's because of all the wild ideas going through my head. i sometimes write them down and sometimes they turn into segments. other times they just sit in the notebook and never get hacked. ive got a huge list here but for some reason i cant "find the time" to do research for a segment while the sun is up. I am starting to think that my hacker mind doesnt work in daylight. If it werent for the fact that I have to go to the office once a week I'd probably sleep owl hours. anyway, the staying up 30 hours to fix your schedule thing does work. I do it once a week.
  3. VaKo. You can quit! Your technolust can help! Trust me, if it worked for me it can work for you!
  4. didnt it say in 2x01 to be nice to his server?
  5. well my wiki experience is just as limited. I really need to sit down with a copy of the mediawiki documentation and burn through it soon.
  6. From Wikipedia: I checked out the official site but couldnt find any clips of the ventrillo song.
  7. we're actually looking for moderators but not for the forums. the wiki is becoming a bigger part of the site and we'll need good people with wikimedia experience to help with moderation there.
  8. Yep, we're in beautiful Williamsburg Virginia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williamsburg%2C_Virginia
  9. thanks guys but lets try to move this thread over to the releases > 2x01 thread, for tidyness.
  10. you may have to ctrl+f5 for some reason our wiki is caching next week I'll spend some time actually learning the wiki software :)
  11. That is awesome. We've kept this in mind with season two and will no longer be drinking on camera (but trust me there's plenty off camera). That way it's more viable as educational videos.
  12. have you checked the dreamhost support wiki?
  13. Roanoke, Virginia... That explains it all.
  14. you forgot that there's one mod that never sleeps :)
  15. I redeye just about every photo I'm ever in that uses flash. Except for Sean Carruthers' camera. But he has a most beautiful camera.
  16. Dont be so quick to dis. I've got two phones, and only one of them runs windows.
  17. NYC (for HOPE#6). AM Fohawk. Strongbad disapproves
  18. *Envy* I'm rocking both the Treo 650 and 700w. Gotta say some thing about the 700w are nice, but the "services.exe has performed an illegal operation, would you like to submit an error report?" messages during a call are a bit annoying. *no joke* :ninja:
  19. I would *SO* dig it if they added a scene somewhere where Alli wakes up, turns to the other side of the bed, gives the Evil Server a kiss, says "You were AMAZING last night" and then goes on with whatever else was supposed to happen. :D If you guys take the viewer survey on the 5th I'm sure you'll be plesantly surprised. Ok, that needs a bit of explination. There will be a viewer survey on the 5th to go along with the episode which will help us steer the show in season two, gather feedback on format, graphics, music, set, content, as well as a tiny weeny bit of demographic info that we might need for advertising purposes (ya know, so we can afford to keep doing the show). Anyway, as incentive to take the survey we'll have a special 5 minute behind the scenes documentary thingy for those that complete the survey that contains a special surprise from Alli.
  20. I loved that show. As well as The Round House, Hey Dude, and Salute Your Shorts.
  21. Ok here we go. The song sounds similar because it either IS just a few riffs of, or is made to sound like, Ghostwriter by RJD2. Their song has been licensed in a few other commercials as well. I remember seeing an NBA promo with "our theme". Well, thing is, it was never our theme. We totally used it without permission from the author, and thats why if this damn Season One DVD ever gets out the door you'll notice we've remastered episodes 1-3 with legit music. So yeah, we were pirates, shame on us. But we also had fewer then 30,000 viewers then so it was still kinda underground. Anyway, once things picked up and we knew that we had two choices, go legit with the tunes or face the legal consequences later on, we hooked up with Ashley Witt and got a theme done in a similar tune. Ash did a wonderful job of capturing the original flavor of that tune, while adding his own musical genius. In the end our theme song has gone through a beautiful transformation that you will all get to hear on August 5th come season two, and hopefully one day the music pirating days of hak5 will be a distant memory.
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