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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Wess and I had a conversation about his laptop today. I think we came to the conclusion that a custom vynl laptop tatoo or 'skin' would be really cool.
  2. Isn't that the complaint from all the oldschools on EVERY forum you run across? Take a look at the netstumbler or brighthand forums. A ton of threads are replied to by a mod with a link to the search page and then locked.
  3. Ok, I figured it out. The trick is U3. picked up a 1 gig sandisk and now I'm very happy. You'll see on the 5th.
  4. I say welcome the new users, I'm sure they'll fit in just fine. When the forums first started it was just releases, everything else, and suggestions. And we all know what category gets the most love here. I really don't think we're anywhere near ready for subcats. I see so many forums that have like 15 categories and 10 users. I tend to just read the first post and if the thread topic interests me I'll drill down. As for IRC, it nearly trippled on release day, then went down to about double, and it's now starting to widdle down to a reasonable 100-120. Anyway, could be worse.
  5. <Off Topic> <Random Distribution> sucks! I hate you! I hate the distribution you like! (modified slightly from the Red vs. Blue explain the Internet video) </Off Topic>
  6. 1. yes 2. let me get back to you on that 3. please shorten your sig or at least add spaces so that it will wrap properly 4. bunnies 5. ? 6. profit
  7. couldnt resist. ps: is that poser?
  8. Sorta. Maybe I've misread something, but I think there is a way to convert any old flash drive into one of these.
  9. No, it's so that the autorun feature works on insertion. The way it works now is that autorun scripts just pop up in the "wtf do you want to do noob" screen when you inset the drive by default. I'm looking to do something sneaky.
  10. I thought that too at first, but then I got over it and said to my self "Self, we should get on myspace. Everyone else seems to be getting a lot of publicity there. If we've made it this far without any real marketing of the show, think of what could be possible if we did get on myspace. Lets totally pwn those myspace noobs" And then I had a dream about being a fire truck.
  11. Thanks Famicom. I cleaned it up a bit. I'm wondering if there are theme for mediawiki like there are for wordpress and phpBB.
  12. On a related topic, can anyone suggest a USB flash drive that does CDROM emulation. Meaning that it tricks the operating system into thinking it's a CDROM. I know I've run across one but I can't seem to track it down again.
  13. If I were a hardcore coder I might read this as flamebait. But again, I'm not a coder.
  14. About page should move to the wiki, and cast should each have their own pages with links to their blogs, emails, myspaces, wikipedia articles, etc. I can provide bios for hak5 alumni Oh, and guests should get some links in there too. Rob Fuller (Mubix, www.mubix.com), Limin Li (LmL, www.dj-liminli.net), Jenn Cutter (www.openalpha.tv), Frank Linhares (www.techphile.ca)
  15. awesome job. I'm relinking the website to go to that goodies page. thanks!
  16. I'm not a coder but I'll go out on a limb here and say it's like asking the difference between borland c++ and any other c++. But I could be wrong (I was once wrong before.... ok twice)
  17. Keep in mind that this rootkit or trojan idea is not ARP Cache Poisoning. It's not even realtime. I'm not sure what you would gain from it that couldn't be achieved from much simpler methods. I get this question in my inbox a lot and it's hard to keep myself from replying with something about AOL 3.0, trumpets, a bucket of grease, the "Internet Police" and S.L.I.P.
  18. Jonathan brought this up at the 2x01 release party, it had me rofling.
  19. The same thing was said when CD burners became popular. Can you imagine losing the equivelent of 500 floppy disks at once?!
  20. MySpace in itself is not evil or stupid. It's just a bunch of html and advertising. Individually I'm sure most of the people on myspace are wholesome good people in RL. But as a whole, the people on myspace are generally idiots. PS: Can you help me hak my friends myspace/hotmail/aim?! i saw your show on youtube and want to be a reet haxor too. :roll: ---:ninja:
  21. One thing that would really help is moving the current goodies page to the wiki. That way everyone can contribute to the goodies :). And moonlit, thanks grammar nazi being a for.
  22. I know exactly what you're talking about
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