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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. In 1x01 (i think) Harrison and I went down to a local coffee shop to pwn some noobs. I mean, analyze network traffic patterns. Anyway, in the segment you can clearly see that we're using my Inspiron and not Harrison's Thinkpad. Why you may wonder? AFAIK it's broadcom. Harrison, want to verify?
  2. Hmm... Hak5 wallpapers you say. Damn. Could be considered a trademark violation (not the VaKo kind either). However considering the gray area that this sorta stuff lies in, I doubt its worth pursuing. Looks like he's offering the source code so you could always check and see.
  3. yes i too prefer the old old old old forums, it's a shame we lost some really good people in that crash. This looks really nice. Thanks VaKo*
  4. My house has 3. Wrap your head around that for a minute. I'll give the answer later if you haven't figured it out.
  5. hmm its got a pandora.jar... its got the same configuration files it has all the same skins... hmmm .... milky,neon_green,red,violet and the default... hmmm.... the thing that bugs me here is there is no credit given from where all the files and work came from... and its using the HAK.5 wallpapers... 1. Pandora's Jar isn't Hak5's creation, we were just the first (AFAIK) to publicize such a hack. Since then it's gotten a lot of popularity and development. 2. I don't see any Hak5 wallpapers in those screen shots. Am I missing something?
  6. I know it would be way leeter to just build the damn thing but in this particular situation it's not an option. Anyone got any insight on getting a cheap half-rack? I've googled and froogled but in my mind $1000 isn't exactly cheap. D
  7. Grandma's a noob. But it's not her fault. When she grew up a terminal where you boarded a bus and a server brought you food. So, if you could give one piece of advice to your grandmother to make her computing experience more secure, what would it be? (And no, grandma aint setting up IPTABLES) Booya Grandma! Best answer wins unique forums membership upgrade.
  8. 1. start iptv show 2. ? 3. profit PS: If you know what step 2 is, please PM me. Thanks :)
  9. Are you saying we should outline our goals for the show?
  10. Ok, so we're going to forgo the traditional advertising route until Wess's lasers are ready to turn the moon into a billboard. Until then I'm going with what Cooper said. 1. Identify your target audience Geeks2. Determine what this group commonly does to locate the most (cost-)effective form of promotion. Hang out on forums bickering about CPUs, Video Cards, Linux vs BSD vs Windows vs Emacs vs VI, and all the other BS you see around here ;)3. Do the actual promotion. Make linky where it makes sense. (ie. In threads about remote installing vnc, lasers, arp cache, psp hacking, etc etc etc)
  11. I kinda agree here to the point that ads on myspace, stickers and handouts in RL, are a bit much. I think already the best way to spread the word is to just tell your friends, may it be online or IRL. The show is already doing extremely well but I'd love to see it do even better. With our production quality and on screen presence I think we could be even bigger if the content wasnt so niche, but thats not something we're about to sacrafice. It's not Hak5 unless somethings getting hacked, modded, or I'm getting hurt.
  12. Can someone explain to him the difference between a hacker and a cracker
  13. If you saw a remote on Hak5 it was most likely the camera remote to start/stop the tape. And you shouldnt see it anywhere but bloopers. And if you see it at all, it means we were shooting without a camera guy. You don't see it on 2x01 because there are 5 people on set including myself, Wess, and Alli.
  14. Does it need to be a parody for it to be funny? Dude, it's Evil Server, in San Francisco, and Wess being a BAMF. You just can't go wrong with that.
  15. Lucky225 and I were members of the Nationl Phreaks Association back in the mid to late 90's. We hung out a lot in #phreaks in Dalnet and would redbox to call each other frequently. The late night confs were always hillarious. Of course this was before mainstream VOIP.
  16. We don't have Tim Hortons here in the states. I've had it in Tdot and it's good, but I'm actually very proud of the fact that I'm one of the few people I know that hasn't been sucked into the coffee fad thats swept the world in the last few years. Growing up I just remember a few instant coffee commercials on TV, and maybe a coffee shop / book store downtown. Now it seems that you cant throw a rock without breaking the window of a starbucks or similar trendy caffine fueling station. Now carefully read this next statement because it's nothing against you or your choice to drink coffee at home or from a resteraunt. Fuck starbucks and all the other trendy coffee joints. Fuck coffee. ok, I'm done.
  17. yeah but 1. this is everything else so technically speaking stupid crap goes here. 2. it would just encourage stupid posts. 3. enough cats as it is, esp if your on the dev.5 team
  18. Wallpaper: www.hak5.org/images/gda/gda_wallpaper.jpg Full Res Promo: www.hak5.org/images/gda/gda_full.jpg Photoshop Source: www.hak5.org/images/gda/GetDownAgain--PhotoshopFiles.rar
  19. I'm not sure about Vista, I've never tested it there, but from what I've seen of vista (Paul the camera guy runs it), I don't see why it wouldnt work. As for the QWERTY / DVORAK thing, I'm not sure since I've never tried. I did a search around the synergy site and came up with this: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?f...amp;atid=490467 It's worth a try.
  20. Now I'm wondering if we can make a new category called Stupid Stuff that only mods can post to, and when we see stupid stuff we could move it there. ;) Or wait, no, that would just encourage stupid posts.
  21. 1. It's Kevin Mitnick 2. That wasn't Hackers2. It was distributed on P2P networks mislabeled. There was however a Hackers2 soundtrack.
  22. we would need a 300 dpi copy of it. hopefully the person who did the original image is still around.
  23. hakgipc, The board name may be "everything else" but I think you may be reading a bit much into it. Please try to limit your mindless posts. Thanks, mgmt
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