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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. Ok I've been using SmartFTP for a while and think it's the best, but it's trial version is far from expired and I've got a little sticker shock after looking at the $30 price tag. The drag and drop feature is what sold initially but there has to be a less expensive (or hopefully free) alternative. I've used filezilla and ws_ftp and neither are to my liking. no offence filezilla, I <3 OSS but unless you've got drag and drop these days it's just not doing it for me. So wonderful Hak5 community, what do you use when it comes to the all important task of wizzing files around der interweb over FTP? Thx, D
  2. The + is for added goodness. But no, it's not a 4.4 GHz chip. Here, this link should help you out a lot: http://www.cpu-world.com/info/AMD/Athlon-model-number.html
  3. Feel free to pimp your podcasts here. Maybe I'll find something interesting to listen to on my way to work. If you're familiar with the group on Hak5 IRC it seems like everyone there either has an IPTV idea or a show in the works. I think it's great.
  4. Difinitive answer: http://www.google.com/search?q=1+kilobyte+in+bytes go flame elsewhere. 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes. just as 1 kilobit = 1024 bits. just as 1 megabyte = 1 024 kilobytes and 1 gigabyte = 1 024 megabytes and 1 terabytes = 1 024 gigabytes and 1 petabytes = 1 024 terabytes and 1 exabytes = 1 024 petabytes and on and on and on. THE END
  5. phpBB has been upgraded. can't you tell? doesn't it feel all spiffy and new? right? thought so.
  6. Ok. So I broke the wiki. But then I fixed it. You probably didn't notice but I'll pwn up to it anyway. No clue why it broke but I was able to successfully upgrade us to the latest version of Wikimedia and even add sysop status to a two people who really deserved it. PHP has been upgraded, now the next step is the forums. Stand back, this could get ugly.
  7. We're doing some upgrades on Hak5.org, if something breaks it was my fault. If you run into bugs please PM an admin.
  8. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=E...dio_Transmitter
  9. Wouldnt the Wiki be a better place? Come to think of it, there are profiles for a bunch of IRC regulars that aren't linked from anywhere. Maybe there should be an IRC Mayhem page or something ;)
  10. http://www.ircwallofshame.com/ #EOF
  11. It's 1024. There, I said it. Nothing to see here, move along.
  12. Yes, yes, and yes. You may have actually heard us *beep* on the show before in bloopers. Those beeps are what we use to sync. It used to be that we'd manually hit record on each camera, beep, then I'd sync in post. But since we're using 3 of the same camera we now use a single IR remote to tell all three to record at once. So far it's been dead on which is saving me a lot of time.
  13. Duelus would have won the award for best desktop, but he seems to have farked his desktop. Duelus, buddy, it's pretty simple. Right click your task bar, click properties. Then open the Start Menu tab, select Classic Start menu, and click OK. Then you'll feel much better.
  14. I don't use bookmarks really. I know the addresses of where I'm going. And if I don't I hit CTRL+K to google it, or ALT+D "wp %s" to wikipedia it, or some other shortcut. This is my toolbar with a few select links to places that I check frequently.
  15. Just incase you ever wondered what it looks like when a segment it put together. The 8 layers in order are: Lower Third text1 (heading) Lower Third text2 (mainly URLs) Lower Third Graphic (rendered on blue screen, chroma keyed) B-Roll (pre/post rec'd fullscreens) Camera 1 (Throw cam for watson) Camera 2 (Main cam, wide) Camera 3 (Guest cam) Master Audio As you can see I simply layer up the sync'd video feeds from each camera, make my cuts, and delete clips to make the camera switch. In this instance camera 3 is the base cam. To save disk space later I may go back and delete redundant video.
  16. bandwidth can be had for as low as $0.20 / GB when you buy it in bulk which we sadly cant do anyway, cheers.
  17. was filmed tonight on set on my camera phone. yes, wess has a total of 5 piercings now i believe, so you'll see em on the show come 2x02
  18. http://www.hak5.org/temp/wessouch.3g2
  19. must have been a bot. did you check with nickserv? i dont remember writing anything like that.
  20. Melodic, your beach seems to be full of rocks. Where's the sand?
  21. I'm part Irish but never been to Ireland. Erin Go Braugh!
  22. Dude seriously I was just watching Ghost in the Shell the other night. Hell yeah, Famicoman's a sentient cyborg!
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