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Darren Kitchen

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Everything posted by Darren Kitchen

  1. typing w/ 1 hand sucks info here: http://darrenkitchen.vox.com/library/post/...must-go-on.html
  2. hak5 and more importantly, fostering the best geek community on the web
  3. I made the proper backups and documented my steps so that I could undo any damage. It's cool.
  4. In this new ajaxified web we live in the whole javascript thing is a mute point. and no its not always about cats. refresh a few times, one of the questions is "select all the evil servers"
  5. We shouldn't have much more trouble with spam. The new registration page: http://www.hak5.org/forums/profile.php?mod...amp;agreed=true slightly modified for Hak5 ;)
  6. ok I'm loading up kittenauth http://www.artsoft.org/phpbb_ka/ If the forums break again, it was Sparda's fault.
  7. It was me. My explination is on page 3 of the spam hate thread.
  8. Ok, I hope nobody noticed but the forums went down for about 5 minutes just now. Sorry, that was me. My bad. Lemme explain. I was trying to create a user on our server for VaKo so that he could FTP into /forums/. So I created the user and remapped the /hak5.org/forums/ dir to /home/vako/forums/ and well... permissions... groups... cgi... um, it all got a little sticky and broke. sorry about that. Checked with the dreamhost wiki and it seems that dir-remaps break cgi so... no FTP hookup dude. Sorry. But yes, Kitten Auth FTW. Lets get it on!
  9. snakes on a motherfuckin plane
  10. Yeah I nuked a couple spam threads the other day which was odd considering you guys normally beat me to it. GJ boys. So lets take it to the next level. We've got the latest version of phpbb, we've got mod privs, you guys think some FTP hookup and maybe a few antispam extensions/plugins/widgets would be helpful? D
  11. the image at the top of the forum is 72 dpi, so it won't look good printed. we currently don't have stickers for sale or anything like that, but you can grab a copy of our logo in vector format at www.hak5.org/logo.psd and go at it yourself. you may need our fonts which are available on the goodies page. see the wiki. if you do end up making a sticker go ahead and add it to the goodies page to share with others. Cheers, D
  12. lets not get into the time wasting debate.... on a forum... seriously.
  13. ok here's what I don't get, and this isn't a knock on anyone, but why bookmark things like slashdot, digg, wikipedia, gmail I mean, it's not like one day you'll forget the address to wikipedia and hung through your bookmarks saying to yourself "i knew i had it around here somewhere" hell, half the time if i dont remember the url i just google it anyway.
  14. Isn't that like 80% of youtube?
  15. sorry for the snarkasm, lack of sleep will do that to me. im sure it's a fine app.
  16. http://www.hak5.org/wiki/index.php?title=D...recommendations
  17. might wanna make sure you've got port 80 open on your firewall and forwarding to the computer on your network running the web server before you try to distribute pspbrick.exe... i mean, whatever firmware you're trying to spread ;)
  18. Spiffy. Now if we could get an RS-232 interface to some christmas lights we'd be set.
  19. Thx. /me tosses moonlit another beer. don't worry man, this one's a twist off.
  20. unless I'm missing something in filezilla, drag and drop is only working from remote to local and not the other way around.
  21. Yes, it disturbs me. I really wish spek would change it. But I'm not in BOFH or BAMF mode right now so... Anyway, spek, mind changing your avatar to something a little less offensive? I mean, children frequent these boards.
  22. on a related topic, Hak5 now offers a PSP version of our episodes, starting with 2x01. No we will not be reencoding the back catalog. you can find the download links on the episodes page, or at http://hak5psp.libsyn.com. RSS link on the homepage. Ok, so, PSP pwners, what are the PSP video portal sites that you use? It's time for me to get into marketing mode and get these bad boys to the greater psp community.
  23. ok looks like the upgrade wasn't fully successful. I'll have to take this issue to the kind people at the phpbb forums and hopefully find some answers.
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