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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I'd have to agree, one domain is enough for handling the current number of users your employer has. The school I used to service, had over 100 students and they only had a single domain controller. I think it would be a waste of money for your company to invest into another server. If they are finding the network performance too slow, you are best off upgrading the server and network gear to new and faster.
  2. To me it does sound like, you are doing something illegal and you are trying to cover up your tracks. As most mentioned, encryption should be enough, just remember to set a complex password.
  3. Not a bad idea, I'd really lock down that vm he will be using for internet banking. 1) Make sure its being patched regularly. 2) Do not install unnecessary software, like Java, Adobe or any other third party apps. 3) Install an AV, like Avast 4) Do not use administrator account to log in, create a limited account instead. 5) Do not use IE, use either Firefox or Chrome I think the above, should be OK for a secure VM.
  4. Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Moreover, if you are using the WPA encryption, you should be entering the exact clear text pass-phrase you originally configured in the router. Edit: Make sure the router and client both have the same encryption type, wpa2-psk
  5. Ideally, you should have a separate hard drive for all your files/documents/pictures. Rather than saving it all, to your main HDD. And if you ever take your computer into a repair shop, the least you could do is remove the hard drive and be safe from those idiots.
  6. It could be two things, the drivers you are using or the AP you are connected to. Do you have another AP you could test as well?
  7. These are two I know of, http://www.r00tshell.com/dns-control/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmin
  8. That's where I was trying to get at. And that proves my point. Nice find Digip.
  9. I don't know what type of generator you have, but you should look into Pure Since Generators, some Generators have a modified sine wave which won't run certain electronics, because of the voltage fluctuation.
  10. Have you tried running AVAST in Boot-time scan mode? Also, try downloading malwarebyte and Search and Destroy. Another thing you could try is not only formatting your HDD but also wiping off the boot sector, some virus/rootkits will lodge itself in there, instead of the disks itself, so even if you format your hard drive, the infection will still re-occur.
  11. And what happens if you don't give up the password/passphrase for the encryption. What right will the course have against you?
  12. If you want to change your IP address, I'd use TOR Project, but remember that it won't 100% hide your IP address. They can still track back to you. Also TOR isn't the fastest when it comes to fast connection, so it will probably frustrate you.
  13. This service seems promising, http://www.pdftoword.com/
  14. If you have a lot of private/confidential information, I'd use a combination of the IronKey with TrueCrypt, don't forget to set a very complex and long password, so it hard for the bad guys to crack it.
  15. I just threw that out there, as a word of caution. I wasn't implying that you were actually going to do it. As for accessing directories and files on your network, this link should help you out, http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2081
  16. Try using the locate command, to locate the location of the file. At the terminal window type: Locate session.fs
  17. You could go with a proper Dell server, rather than a workstation. Here's Pfense Hardware compatibility list, http://www.freebsd.org/releases/8.1R/hardware.html
  18. Hi NegativeSpace, I have found an Amazon link for the book, I was referring to, http://www.amazon.com/BackTrack-Wireless-Penetration-Testing-Beginners/dp/1849515581/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1334374895&sr=1-2 Let's say, you do know how to use Backtrack, one of the dangers associated with using it, would be; For example, gaining unauthorized access to someone's network/system without their authorization, this is something that no one in here in these forums will condone or be in favor of, its illegal and will get you in jail. Another danger, would be if someone catches/sees you while you are using it, that could get into trouble too, as they will think you are trying to hack into something. Whenever using Backtrack use it on own your system/network, never against someone's else system/network. If you want to do it, professionally and legally, do courses, use your own system to practice on and perhaps consider looking for a job as a pen-tester.
  19. You could use the following commands to turn off and on the WLAN0 interface. ifconfig wlan0 down (to turn off) ifconfig wlan0 up (to turn on) Buy the "Backtrack 5 Wireless Penetration Testing Book". It has all the commends you require. And from reading the book, I have learned a lot. You should only attempt to use Backtrack, if you are familiar with the Linux commands, if you are NOT, I would encourage you to install Ubuntu on a VM and learn all the commands from there. There are plenty of wikis and documentations, for Ubuntu that will give you the foundation you need, before you can move onto Backtrack.
  20. What's the problem at hand? Edit: There are two ways, you could go about 1) Downloading and installing Backtrack from scratch 2) Or, follow this guide to upgrade to the latest kernel, http://www.backtrack-linux.org/backtrack/upgrading-to-backtrack-5-r2/
  21. I'd check your power supply and see if that's what is causing the issue. Moreover, if that's not the issue, the CPU could be the likely culprit. I experienced a similar issue, with my old computer where it would restart for no reason. After speeding some time troubleshooting, I discovered the CPU was causing the reboots, as it was old I simply disposed the computer and built a new one.
  22. How about the German black beer "Schwarzbier", I tried that once and kind of liked it.
  23. I've noticed you are still using the MSF3, trying updating to the latest module.
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