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    Oxford / Sheffield, UK
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    python, wifi, hardware mods, linux

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  1. thanks for that. curiously, ive got nmap v5.00 too, so i assume you were getting errors because of what the gateway was reporting. ive updated my script (located at the same location) with your amendments. hopefully this script will now be a bit more robust.
  2. god damnit, i made one too around the same time but posted it a few weeks after, hehe http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=16158 my ettercap command is rather standard, just ettercap -T -i interface -q -M arp:remote /gateway/ /target/ do you know off the top of your head if that command monitors all ports by default? you've specified a lot in your script so i guess mine only monitors port 80. ill have to look into it
  3. see what it identifies its self as, run lsusb if it's usb. clearwave may not be the guys that do the chipset and finding out what this card truly is may yield better results
  4. thanks for the description of your changes. grabbing nmap output was bound to be a bit funky over different versions. ill look into making it more bullet proof in the coming days. by the sounds of things using -oG might simplify things. im not a regular user of nmap. do you fancy posting your modified script here or on my blog?
  5. you could try another method i suppose. i just install backtrack like any other operating system rather than mess with usb sticks. almost all linux distributions will have aircrack and whatnot in their repos so you could probably just go down that route.. slitaz, crunchbang, slax, and sidux are fairly small distros with decent live functionality. in fact, i think the custom slitaz livecd that aircrack provide on their site will work out of the box with your card. i get the impression since you've yet to master google that you may have problems with a lot of linux distributions and tutorials though
  6. aeiah


    they now use openmesh routers instead of fon, no? i don't think there's a risk of them permanently running out of stock for a while as these are still produced and a number of places stock them.
  7. i think its biggest asset in the opensource community is to give you the ability to use other's code and build upon or contribute to existing projects. its true that small utilities and things you do just by yourself rarely need to be object oriented. i suggested ruby because of metasploit. in truth i think python is far more useful
  8. well it got covered in the recent episode of hak 5 (#0709) so i expect a lot will have heard of it. there was brief discussion prior to the episode airing i think. it seems pretty interesting, but the one sticking point is the lack of network connectivity. i hear there is a mini-sd wifi card you can use? i think i speak for a lot of us when i say it'd be great to have support for a wifi card that can do packet injection, monitor mode, master mode etc
  9. aeiah

    Antenna Advice

    your best bet is to solder a proper socket on. something like this providing your antenna is RP-SMA (the standard now). snip the end off and solder the sheath and inner cable to your circuit the same way as it is on your non-removable antenna.
  10. its a usb-host port, not client. you could hack the nokia tablets to switch from host to client, perhaps this can do the same but i wouldn't hold your breath.
  11. html and related things are markup languages not programming languages. its more relevant to learn programming theory and object oriented programming than just learning the syntax of a new language. if you want to contribute to open source software, ruby and python are probably two useful languages to know
  12. so when the law gets involved because some script-kiddie has done something silly, hak5 will get negative press? just use the tools available if they're up to scratch, or add new features to the best one if its lacking in some area.
  13. just set cron to do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?
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