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Posts posted by theSuperman

  1. ufw

    is a front-end for iptables, but it's not a gui. I find it much easier to use that than iptables directly. But firestarter is a good gui alternative. I have had issues with internet connection sharing in Ubuntu 9.10 though.

  2. I figure with all of the techies someone is bound to know the answer to this question here, best way is via scenario.

    Lets say John Doe, is a relatively famous politician, who has his own T.V. show, various published books that are NY Top Sellers and owns johndoe.com. And, lets say that I really admire this person as of recently and think John is a genius, so much so that I wanted to purchase a domain called heroicjohndoe.com and have a blog directed toward his show, post documents that match up with his T.V. listings, and post some of his videos with comment responses to his feeds and etc.

    Now, this would initially be for fun on my behalf and to satisfy those times of boredom, but lets theoretically say that I begin to receive a generous number of websites visits because people are searching for john doe and my domain naturally matches the results and I want to begin to profit at some point. What are the legalities here? Could I receive a C & D (Cease and Desist) or worse a law suite for profiting from someone else's name?

    Thanks in advance,


    I sure hope you are not talking about Sarah Palin.

  3. So wait, he "hacked" your Facebook account or your computer? If he guessed your password (not hacked, btw), then how could you possibly have gotten spyware from that. Also, how did you get the IP addresses?

  4. The reason I created the original script was to quickly download the latest episode. If you wish to add more complexity to it, be my guest. However, a shell script might not be the best way of doing all this logic. You might be better off with an actual programming language, or more robust scripting language (ruby, perl, python, php)

  5. Guys hahaha that's just the default IPB skin (i know cause i've installed a bunch of forums already..) that's probably why a bunch of the forums are using the same.. I'd recomend the Warrior Skin Set or the other one witch i forgot it's name right now.. but it looks like windows aero as well.. it's sooo much cooler than this solid ...


    If we're making a hak5 forum i think you guys should move on to the phpBB like trip mentioned.. "let's open source" this forum....

    Hak5 forums already has a skin. Read above and you'll see it needs to be updated to work correctly with the upgraded forums.

  6. Hey guys,

    I was wondering if Userland was installed to the Micro Card or if it was flashed to the Z2. Thanks.

    The userland goes onto the SD card. The Z2's firmware is flashed to boot from SD card.

  7. Is there any other port that is not being blocked by your ISP? Because if there is you could change Apaches default port to that.

    Yeah I use port 3000. 80 and 25 seem to be the only blocked ports. FTP and SSH still work fine. I still run my Apache server on port 80, I just have my router forward port 3000 to my server at port 80.

  8. So what your saying is this key would replace the credentials

    Well it is pure speculation on my part. What you can do is attempt to recover a gamertag and after you enter in the email address + password, check to see what packets are sent. I doubt the email address+password would be sent plaintext...but you never know.

  9. [/quote

    So what are you suggesting fills that space?

    My gamertag is only 2mb

    Well, I have my 360 at my apartment. Before the update that allowed USB drives to be used as memory cards, I would have to recover my gamertag when I went over to friends places. When I would get back to my apartment, I couldnt sign into my profile until I recovered my gamertag on my home console.

    I postulate that it is like a private key to sign in. When you recover your gamertag via Xbox Live and download it to a new console, the old key is disabled and you are given a new one.

    Anyway, that is pure speculation.

  10. Yes I am aware of all this.

    But when i sign into my account xbox doesn't do an auto verification of the email?

    I would think that it would have to to get access to my account

    I was thinking that when you download your gamertag in a gt recovery it was for gamerscore, credit card info, and avatars and such not just so it can auto login.

    My Gamer Profile is 11 megabytes, which would be quite large for just gamerscore, CC info, etc.

  11. @theSuperman I do mean username and password and i as well assumed that it would be encrypted.

    My question is ;

    1. Are the credentials in the traffic?

    2. is there anyway to decrypt it?

    There is no username/password for Xbox Live. Your gamertag is tied to your email address and a password (mine is my Live account). Your profile is only allowed on one device at a time. The only time you enter those is to recover(download) your gamertag. I doubt the console stores the email address/password on the device and uses that to login. Plus, if you were to figure out the email address and password for someone elses account, it would be pointless to download that onto your console, since they will know the next time the login to theirs (it wont let them sign onto Xbox Live.

  12. My ISP blocks incoming port 80 connections, so I have to run Apache on port 80. Its probably against your TOS to host a webserver at home, so dont be surprised if you get caught doing it.

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